You're acting like all we need to do is ask the powers to be one time for police reform and it will happen. That's not really how it works, and you know that. We basically have to keep the pressure on nonstop until something happens. Again, what is the problem with us saying that all this has popped off because of police brutality, so how about we actually get some results in that area before we drown out that message with a bunch of other messages?
And while I don't know if any of these people are trying to attack black men, I'd ask them a couple questions. If they believe that heir concerns aren't being addressed, who do they feel is responsible for that? And whose concerns do they believe are actually being addressed? If both black women and black LBGTQ have basically teamed up to levy these charges, who does that leave?
You’re acting like politicians are being bombarded with bills to protect black women and trans people tho. Police reform is on everybody mind and it won’t lose momentum because of the nationwide protests.