OPINION Is 'All Black Lives Matter' A Distraction From The BLM Movement?

PIs it a distraction

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You're acting like all we need to do is ask the powers to be one time for police reform and it will happen. That's not really how it works, and you know that. We basically have to keep the pressure on nonstop until something happens. Again, what is the problem with us saying that all this has popped off because of police brutality, so how about we actually get some results in that area before we drown out that message with a bunch of other messages?

And while I don't know if any of these people are trying to attack black men, I'd ask them a couple questions. If they believe that heir concerns aren't being addressed, who do they feel is responsible for that? And whose concerns do they believe are actually being addressed? If both black women and black LBGTQ have basically teamed up to levy these charges, who does that leave?

You’re acting like politicians are being bombarded with bills to protect black women and trans people tho. Police reform is on everybody mind and it won’t lose momentum because of the nationwide protests.
Most the instances I hear usually similar to this (which is a new article)

View attachment 300128

The argument turns into "they should've told the guy he/she was trans"

To "it doesn't warrant death", "he/she shouldn't have to disclose that info" etc

I honestly don't know how you resolve this problem because people are at an impasse. Killing someone over something like this wrong. However, purposely hiding something that you know is important information that should be disclosed solely because it might be inconvenient for you is also wrong. We can all say that men shouldn't be killing under these circumstances, but you never know how someone is going to react when they feel like they've been violated. We tell the transgendered people that they need to be upfront about it and some of them are afraid to do it and others just feel like they don't have to. So what do you do? How do you solve that?
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It's funny how @Duwop made that thread just yesterday about how we need to shift our focus to protecting the vulnerable in our community and everyone was agreeing..... then this thread is made and that same discussion is now seen as division lol. Black women and LGBT ppl are at high risk specifically because of the lack protection and dehumanization they face in society.
This ain’t a gay issue though. It’s a black issue.

last time I checked gay blacks are black too


Gay...trans...whateva. The FIRST thing anybody gonna see, including racists...is YOUR SKIN COLOR.
I honestly don't know how you resolve this problem because people are at an impasse. Killing someone over something like this wrong. However, purposely hiding something that you know is important information that should be disclosed solely because it might be inconvenient for you is also wrong. We can all say that men shouldn't be killing under these circumstances, but you never know how someone is going to react when they feel like they've been violated. We tell the transgendered people that they need to be upfront about it and some of them are afraid to do it and others just feel like they don't have to. So what do you do? How do you solve that?
Umm...a high rate of trans ppl are sex workers. Niggas pull up to the gay side of town, find a prostitute and then claim trans panic when they kill em. The fact ppl still buy a mf getting tricked by a trans person is wild to me. I'm sure it happens super rarely, but I'd bet my salary for the next decade that the vast majority of the time, mfs know exactly who they dealing with.
You’re acting like politicians are being bombarded with bills to protect black women and trans people tho. Police reform is on everybody mind and it won’t lose momentum because of the nationwide protests.

Politicians aren't bombarded with bill to protect black men, old blacks, black children, disabled blacks, etc... The point is we don't really have power to bombard the government with anything related to black special interest groups. It's hard enough for us to tackle issues that affect all of us.

And stop being naïve. You're acting like there haven't been mass protests and riots over this issue before. It's happened several times in the past decade. Yes, this is on a larger scale, but politicians are still dragging their feet. So yes, it is absolutely possible for this movement to lose momentum, and yes I absolutely do believe that a lack of unity on the issue can lead to a loss of momentum. Look I personally don't have a problem with them voicing their issues. I just think it gets to be problematic when fingers start being pointed and people start acting like focus on one issue is the reason they aren't getting the attention they want for the other issues.
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It's funny how @Duwop made that thread just yesterday about how we need to shift our focus to protecting the vulnerable in our community and everyone was agreeing..... then this thread is made and that same discussion is now seen as division lol. Black women and LGBT ppl are at high risk specifically because of the lack protection and dehumanization they face in society.

If a social movement is having divisions and distractions don’t they do their best to address it before it becomes a bigger issue? How do black women and lbgqt somehow hold up police reform? Who is the opposition to police reform? Nobody black. We know it’s all those Republican Trump supports etc. Every social movement has multi layered objectives it’s literally an entire social movement. What are they doing that’s taking away from the conversation of police reform and defunding? All they said was we matter too as lbgqt black people. Everybody knows by now they face unique challenges while being black. The fact y’all look at this as divisive when you can acknowledge it respect and keep everything moving is crazy.

Instead it’s this big pushback and black men feeling attacked.

where is this insinuation that their lives don't matter? How can you see all these beautiful black people marching and in the streets together for the betterment of us all and not feel included?

and again a huge voice in the black LGBTQ+ community likening black cis gender men to white supremacy?

what legislation have black cis men passed, what systems have we put in place to hold back that community?
Im not understanding how they can feel as if they are not included when police brutality and systemic racism and white supremacy is a BLACK issue regardless of gender or sexuality bro.

and those comments by Billy Porter are really off base...to equate black cis genders to white supremacy is extreme and meant to be divisive in my opinion

Ok billy porter made some harsh comments just like that post on the root a few years ago saying black men are the white supremacists of black people. I get it it hurts our feelings makes us not feel appreciated by our women and we all feel that we ain’t no worse on lbgqt community than anybody else. I also get that BLM the organization is mainly about police brutality. But BLM the concept is supposed to be for everybody. Maybe they feel drowned out. We keep acting like this division is completely one sided and that we played no parts on this. And I get it because it comes off like black straight men are just white men in blackface. But we haven’t really sat down and asked what the issue is have we? It ain’t like we got gay friends and our women friends ain’t always gonna tell us everything. I just can’t understand the harm in addressing these things.
where is this insinuation that their lives don't matter? How can you see all these beautiful black people marching and in the streets together for the betterment of us all and not feel included?

and again a huge voice in the black LGBTQ+ community likening black cis gender men to white supremacy?

what legislation have black cis men passed, what systems have we put in place to hold back that community?

Is our influence in the community purely political my brother? We haven’t passed any laws. We built plenty schools plenty churches plenty mosques. Black man is one of the most influential people on the planet while being hated. So let’s not act like we just need political power to influence our culture. How are women were treated is a direct result of racism and sexism? From slavery to pimpin hos in Atlantic City. Their experiences are intertwined. You’re asking black women to take the woman part out. Asking a lesbian or gay man to take their orientation out and just the black. Take the man out and be black first. It sounds crazy fam and you know it.
I don’t really trust most of these white folks out here. Trump said grab em by the pussy and they ain’t give a fuck. I think a lot or just saying they with it so they don’t get fired.

well the ppl I'm talking about fly those signs at home where their job would come in to play.
Umm...a high rate of trans ppl are sex workers. Niggas pull up to the gay side of town, find a prostitute and then claim trans panic when they kill em. The fact ppl still buy a mf getting tricked by a trans person is wild to me. I'm sure it happens super rarely, but I'd bet my salary for the next decade that the vast majority of the time, mfs know exactly who they dealing with.

Yeah, those circumstances aren't what I'm talking about. I don't disagree that there are plenty of dudes out there looking for a trans person but not wanting others to know about it.

I think you're underestimating how much the deception happens though. There are trans people who proudly declare that they don't tell the truth up front and don't feel they should. You don't think that could be problematic? I mean there was a thread on the IC where mad dudes were in there lusting over what they thought was a chick all because he/she was bent over. Then it was pandemonium when it was revealed that it was a dude. You don't think that can happen just as easily in a club when the lights are low, alcohol is in effect, and niggas are generally more lenient when it comes to looks? Come on. lol
Most the instances I hear usually similar to this (which is a new article)

View attachment 300128

The argument turns into "they should've told the guy he/she was trans"

To "it doesn't warrant death", "he/she shouldn't have to disclose that info" etc

so either dude got fooled or was downlow gay and flipped out,but also I think a trans who can fool men should get rape charges for fooling men

he probably was touching and kissing on the trans before they got home or vice versa

That ain't what they signed up for

Ppl act like they're really women

A man killing a trans is just a man killing another man.

it does warrant something .......
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Politicians aren't bombarded with bill to protect black men, old blacks, black children, disabled blacks, etc... The point is we don't really have power to bombard the government with anything related to black special interest groups. It's hard enough for us to tackle issues that affect all of us.

And stop being naïve. You're acting like there haven't been mass protests and riots over this issue before. It's happened several times in the past decade. Yes, this is on a larger scale, but politicians are still dragging their feet. So yes, it is absolutely possible for this movement to lose momentum, and yes I absolutely do believe that a lack of unity on the issue can lead to a loss of momentum. Look I personally don't have a problem with them voicing their issues. I just think it gets to be problematic when fingers start being pointed and people start acting like focus on one issue is the reason they aren't getting the attention they want for the other issues.

But the lack of unity isn’t on the need of police reform. We all know this. Y’all are saying it’s a lack of unity because those groups said black men don’t do enough by them. But then also saying we can’t have the discussion because we can only do one at a time. Social activism period has gone up a lot in the past 4 or 5 years. Telling people to wait longer and longer is not helping. Nobody is expecting change in 90 days tho. Maybe they feel they need to say something now before they hear it later
It's funny how @Duwop made that thread just yesterday about how we need to shift our focus to protecting the vulnerable in our community and everyone was agreeing..... then this thread is made and that same discussion is now seen as division lol. Black women and LGBT ppl are at high risk specifically because of the lack protection and dehumanization they face in society.

I don't know if wires are being crossed here or what, but statements like this make it seem like ya'll aren't trying to hear what people are saying to you. No one is saying that black women or black trans shouldn't be protected. If some act of violence happens to a black trans person and it's put out there for everyone to see, then there should be protests and outcry for justice just like with Floyd. As far as I've seen, no one disagrees with that. What some are calling divisive is the pointing of fingers from some people in the greater black community and this idea that some of us don't believe that those groups are part of BLM. Again, I don't think anyone has a problem with the signs. I think the bigger issue that is kinda being conflated here is the perspective of people like Billy Porter and some feminists who think that BLM is somehow just about straight black men and everyone else is being ignored.
I honestly don't know how you resolve this problem because people are at an impasse. Killing someone over something like this wrong. However, purposely hiding something that you know is important information that should be disclosed solely because it might be inconvenient for you is also wrong. We can all say that men shouldn't be killing under these circumstances, but you never know how someone is going to react when they feel like they've been violated. We tell the transgendered people that they need to be upfront about it and some of them are afraid to do it and others just feel like they don't have to. So what do you do? How do you solve that?

If he had found out earlier still a high chance of death. When people rationalize the death part of it you can easily see why anybody would hide it. I mean you don’t think somebody will murder you
But the lack of unity isn’t on the need of police reform. We all know this. Y’all are saying it’s a lack of unity because those groups said black men don’t do enough by them. But then also saying we can’t have the discussion because we can only do one at a time. Social activism period has gone up a lot in the past 4 or 5 years. Telling people to wait longer and longer is not helping. Nobody is expecting change in 90 days tho. Maybe they feel they need to say something now before they hear it later

Look I can't speak for anyone else. I never said we can't have the discussion. My problem is more with the black men don't do enough by them accusations that are being thrown around at a time like this. That's not helpful and that is divisive. Again, I'm not one of the people who has a problem with the signs or with a woman coming out and quoting stats about how bad black women have it. I just don't like it when people boil the police issue down to a black man problem, and then try to act like since this issue gets so much attention that the community cares more about black men than anyone else. That's just not true.

If he had found out earlier still a high chance of death. When people rationalize the death part of it you can easily see why anybody would hide it. I mean you don’t think somebody will murder you

Like I said, I don't know how you handle that problem. I do believe there are people who don't tell because they are genuinely scared of the consequence. However, if you're that scared maybe you shouldn't be messing with that person at all. At the end of the day, no one has the right to take another life for anything other than self defense or defense of others. Additionally, no one has the right to deceive another person in a sexual encounter when they know the information they are hiding could lead to the other feeling violated. Yes, the murder is worse than the lie, but there is not arguing that the lie is what typically leads to the murder.
It's funny how @Duwop made that thread just yesterday about how we need to shift our focus to protecting the vulnerable in our community and everyone was agreeing..... then this thread is made and that same discussion is now seen as division lol. Black women and LGBT ppl are at high risk specifically because of the lack protection and dehumanization they face in society.
evidently men are vulnerable too though.
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I am definitely not saying that the issues black women and the black LGBTQ+ arent valid or less important. I dont want to come off like I am.

I love all my people
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