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OPINION Is 'All Black Lives Matter' A Distraction From The BLM Movement?

PIs it a distraction

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And ppl still protesting in the streets, donating, signing petitions and doing whatever they can to help the cause. Division is code for I dont wana have the conversation lol the focus is still being kept on the movement.

thank you Gabi thank you. Haven’t seen one legit example of a distraction
@ChicagoFigure "Therein lies another issue. It's argued that whatever a person identifies as is what their gender is."

Forgot to address this

If you got a dick at birth you a man and if you got a pussy at birth you a woman period

I can think Imma billionaire but I can't buy a yacht with what I think

I could think I'm a little tea pot but that don't make me short and stout.
Umm...a high rate of trans ppl are sex workers. Niggas pull up to the gay side of town, find a prostitute and then claim trans panic when they kill em. The fact ppl still buy a mf getting tricked by a trans person is wild to me. I'm sure it happens super rarely, but I'd bet my salary for the next decade that the vast majority of the time, mfs know exactly who they dealing with.

It's not even just the sex workers...a good number of Black homeless are gay teens and trans people whose families have literally thrown them out on the streets.
Gay men have more of a problem with straight black men than the other way around.

You can find so many articles with them basking us than us bashing them.

I’m just saying. They want to be label cis gender and shit. No, we are way nature intended us to be.

And I black folks fall under the LBGT community flag right along with white folks because they see themselves as gay first and black second.

Black lives includes gays too. I really don’t understand why anything g else needs to be said. I really don’t
Gay men have more of a problem with straight black men than the other way around.

You can find so many articles with them basking us than us bashing them.

I’m just saying. They want to be label cis gender and shit. No we are anything but the way nature intended us to be.

And I black folks fall under the LBGT community flag right along with white folks because they see themselves as gay first and black second.

Niggas don't even want their kids to see 2 gay people showing affection like a normal couple and gay people are still being abandoned by their families solely for being gay. I'd venture to say straight people got a bigger issues with gay folks than the other way around
Gay men have more of a problem with straight black men than the other way around.

You can find so many articles with them basking us than us bashing them.

I’m just saying. They want to be label cis gender and shit. No, we are way nature intended us to be.

And I black folks fall under the LBGT community flag right along with white folks because they see themselves as gay first and black second.

Black lives includes gays too. I really don’t understand why anything g else needs to be said. I really don’t

we don’t write articles about it but you acting like gay dudes were accepted growing up is wild. All types of names and disrespect
that right there is the problem nobody has said black women or black lbgqt struggle is more important than black straight people. Never even implied it. If that’s all of y’alls opinion it’s completely wrong and causing even more miscommunication. Don’t make up narratives to make a point. We have been addressing anti black racism since we got here and we always will. They supposed to wait for us to beat racism?

You all easily understand COINTELPRO but don’t feel that not addressing these things would make it easier to be a victim of it? If we ended racism today it would still be a black woman somewhere getting slapped in public and niggas laughing or getting thrown in a dumpster. Or some black lesbians getting raped and murdered. You can’t tell people wait hold on now not the time. And then get mad when they do their own thing lol

Nah, nothing I've said is made up, and nothing I say ever is.
People that think as I've described are saying it themselves,.
BLM at this very moment implies the struggles of black gays and women most of all, it's on their website.
Before they changed their website this week, their language towards black straight men was very antagonistic btw.
Like-minded people all over social media have expressed similar, and sometimes more extreme, sentiments.
Click the hashtag, pick any number of people with gay flags, or women, or men, and you'll see this trend with their post.

But addressing those issues ain't the problem.
The concern is those issues only being brought up to steer the energy away from anti-black racism.
Nobody, no group, has successfully eliminated all crime.
Crimes will happen, there will always be victims in life.
If we succeeded in addressing anti-black racism, the idea is there could be no "waiting".
Those black victims you mentioned, and ANY other black victim would receive the justice they deserve.
Gay men have more of a problem with straight black men than the other way around.

You can find so many articles with them basking us than us bashing them.

I’m just saying. They want to be label cis gender and shit. No, we are way nature intended us to be.

And I black folks fall under the LBGT community flag right along with white folks because they see themselves as gay first and black second.

Black lives includes gays too. I really don’t understand why anything g else needs to be said. I really don’t

the lies here. Cis gender is a science term it ain’t come out of nowhere
Niggas don't even want their kids to see 2 gay people showing affection like a normal couple and gay people are still being abandoned by their families solely for being gay. I'd venture to say straight people got a bigger issues with gay folks than the other way around

Sounds like a black women thing to then.

I was talking about the news story @ChicagoFigure posted cuz that's how a lot of them get killed. Trans ppl are like 2% of the population. Nobody is gon convince me that niggas gettin tricked is of high concern. Theres not that many of em to go around and for them to go completely unnoticed takes a lot of money which majority of them dont have...and the reason why so many of them have to resort to sex work cuz they cant just move freely about the world and get a regular job and have a regular life the way the rest of us can. So nah I'm not buying niggas seeing a pic and finding out the person is actually trans is some assault on their manhood and some shit that can happen everyday.

So yea when it comes to these personal interactions, I believe the majority of the time these dudes know or have an idea of who they dealing with. Pics is one thing but I'm not buying they can be dating somebody and have no clue.

Well believe what you want. Like you said, trans people are only 2% of the population, so the number of any kind of interaction with them is relatively low. By your argument, nothing that happens to them is of high concern. Unless, you got some proof that the ones that get killed are overwhelmingly by tricks that can't handle what they like, let's leave that line of argument alone. None of us disagree that the trick is 100% wrong in that case.

In the other case, it's irrelevant whether you consider being lied to in that way to be an assault on a guy's manhood. The point is it's wrong and shouldn't be done. It doesn't justify murder, but again, no one can say how someone will react when they feel violated, so you probably shouldn't go around violating people.
Gay men have more of a problem with straight black men than the other way around.
You can find so many articles with them basking us than us bashing them.

I’m just saying. They want to be label cis gender and shit. No, we are way nature intended us to be.
And I black folks fall under the LBGT community flag right along with white folks because they see themselves as gay first and black second.

Black lives includes gays too. I really don’t understand why anything g else needs to be said. I really don’t

This type of talk, while it may be your viewpoint..

like Billy Porters comments... that type of shit is divisive as well it aint helpful to anyone
This type of talk, while it may be your viewpoint..

like Billy Porters comments... that type of shit is divisive as well it aint helpful to anyone

It ain’t helping, But fuck bruh. BLM. They are Black lives. It’s like folks wanna be more for no reason.