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im calling bs

You have a true comprehension problem. Stick to the mega threads and porn discussions cuz anything else seems to be out of your lane. I'm done with you

No fool. Your arguments hold no weight. You keep asserting that people are poor because they have no choices but to stay poor. Then you say they make choices that keep them poor. Then you say other people force the poor people to make choices that keep them poor. So, in essence, you are saying poor people are destined to stay in poverty. Did you take reading comprehension in high school?
It’s a mixture of both reckless spending on things not needed and obstacles put in poor folks way. And @BlackRain stop making this a black vs white issue.

All I know every time I go back home and see certain cousins with all this news superficial bs and their car ain’t working or they barley have food in their crib but takeout is all over I just shake my head and try try them we can do better. You can cut this bill out for 3 months and put the money towards this or that.

I personally know a few folks that blew right through that PPP loan and back at square one
It’s a mixture of both reckless spending on things not needed and obstacles put in poor folks way. And @BlackRain stop making this a black vs white issue.

All I know every time I go back home and see certain cousins with all this news superficial bs and their car ain’t working or they barley have food in their crib but takeout is all over I just shake my head and try try them we can do better. You can cut this bill out for 3 months and put the money towards this or that.

I personally know a few folks that blew right through that PPP loan and back at square one

I'm not making it a black and white issue. Your very 1st statement has been my point the entire time. Are there people who make bad financial decisions? Yes. Is every bad decision a poor person makes with money the result of them simply wanting to buy something people would deem as useless? No. There's nuance to the choices people make and taking into account why somebody does something is important because if you talking about changing peoples mentality then unless you understand why they're doing what they do then you're never gonna reach them.
It’s a mixture of both reckless spending on things not needed and obstacles put in poor folks way. And @BlackRain stop making this a black vs white issue.

All I know every time I go back home and see certain cousins with all this news superficial bs and their car ain’t working or they barley have food in their crib but takeout is all over I just shake my head and try try them we can do better. You can cut this bill out for 3 months and put the money towards this or that.

I personally know a few folks that blew right through that PPP loan and back at square one

What obstacles are put in poor folks' way?
You think you're the only person who grew up poor and had to struggle? You think you're the only person who didn't have a stable home situation? I went literally a decade without a consistently stable home because of evictions...and yes that's plural for a reason. So trust and believe I know exactly what it is to struggle and have to come out of multiple dire situations and make decisions that I shouldn't have had to be making at a very young age. That's why I can speak on the choices people in those situations make. Because I've had to make them.

I haven't given one excuse for people's shitty behavior. I just know that decisions people make aren't as black and white as you're trying to make it seem. It's not as simple as "stop buying Jordan's and you'll be rich" because if it were that simple then niggas would've been reversed their economic situations. There's social factors that are completely out of the control of the people you got so much vitriol towards. I never said it even accounts for all people who are poor but to pretend as if poor folks are just 2 pairs of Jordan releases away from turning their lives around is some bullshit

What you're turning a blind eye to is that your mentality does hold people back by not holding them accountable for the decisions they make with their money or with their actions. Frivolous spending, especially when you're constantly buying high dollar shit, keeps you in the hole. Jordan's today, Gucci tomorrow, Coach the next, it all adds up over time and not one of those purchases will help you in the long run. Nobody is saying these folks are two pairs of Jordan's from turning their lives around, but the constant stream of money being thrown away on needless shit is hurting them in the short and long-term.
What you're turning a blind eye to is that your mentality does hold people back by not holding them accountable for the decisions they make with their money or with their actions. Frivolous spending, especially when you're constantly buying high dollar shit, keeps you in the hole. Jordan's today, Gucci tomorrow, Coach the next, it all adds up over time and not one of those purchases will help you in the long run. Nobody is saying these folks are two pairs of Jordan's from turning their lives around, but the constant stream of money being thrown away on needless shit is hurting them in the short and long-term.

I'm not ignoring that at all. What I'm saying again is that many times those choices don't just happen in a vacuum. There's reasons and a mentality behind those choices. And you not about to shame or down talk people into changing that mindset. Especially if you're adamant on not understanding why it exists to begin with.

You can hold people accountable for the choices they make while also leaving room to see why or what led to that decision. I've already said that's not a catch all or an excuse of bad decision making. But just because I'm not about to jump out the window and call every poor person who decides to get themselves or their family something nice every now and again doesn't mean I'm excusing bad decision making
That's your problem. You're assuming poor people have tons of excess funds to be able to save when literal numbers show that they don't...and for the times they do the fact that they're able to manage to get something nice for themselves or their family shows that they do have the ability to do what you and others are claiming they don't. Which is budget and understand just how to make money to get not only what they need but occasionally something they or their family may want as well.

But based on what you're saying if you're poor then you don't deserve to have anything nice at all and if you don't give off the physical appearance of being downtrodden then you're not really poor which is stupid

Clearly they do 'cause they're spending it on high dollar shoes and assorted other dumb shit.

I posted it up few years ago, but the two largest groups of consumers that own iPhones are those that make six figures+, and those that make less than $15k a fucking year.
I'm not ignoring that at all. What I'm saying again is that many times those choices don't just happen in a vacuum. There's reasons and a mentality behind those choices. And you not about to shame or down talk people into changing that mindset. Especially if you're adamant on not understanding why it exists to begin with.

You can hold people accountable for the choices they make while also leaving room to see why or what led to that decision. I've already said that's not a catch all or an excuse of bad decision making. But just because I'm not about to jump out the window and call every poor person who decides to get themselves or their family something nice every now and again doesn't mean I'm excusing bad decision making

You keep running your mouth but have yet to give any support to your posts. Let me lay it out for you to stop tap dancing around.

1. Provide an example of a decision someone made that keeps them poor.

2. Provide a reason why that person couldn't make a different decision that would have increased their financial status.

3. Identify the mentality behind these choices.

4. Explain why that mentality exists.

5. Explain why that mentality can't be changed.
How do y’all fell about popular culture telling everybody even folks that don’t have much that they need to buy this and that?

Between movies, music and commercials they are influencing folks to live beyond their status low key and that’s all by design.