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im calling bs

The problem is accountability. Some of you refuse to hold these so called poor people accountable for their life choices. Not one of you have given a solid example or provided data to support your claims that poor people stay poor because of external forces.
How do y’all fell about popular culture telling everybody even folks that don’t have much that they need to buy this and that?

Between movies, music and commercials they are influencing folks to live beyond their status low key and that’s all by design.

I think that shit is trash. But it's also the foundation of this country. Not everybody falls for the mousetrap.
How do y’all fell about popular culture telling everybody even folks that don’t have much that they need to buy this and that?

Between movies, music and commercials they are influencing folks to live beyond their status low key and that’s all by design.

Yeah, that's the continuation of the 80's consumer culture. Everybody looking to Hollywood and the music industry to find out what they "needed". You had movies like Sixteen Candles that showed a high school student driving a flippin Porsche to school and his father drove a Rolls. Sammy Hagar and his red Ferrari in "I Can't Drive 55" and Ice T's white Ferrari in "I'm Your Pusher"... For that matter, a lot of hip hop's video were geared towards flossin something whether it was a gold chain, car, or clothes.

Everything was geared towards spending heavy and instant gratification as opposed to saving and delayed gratification which I had been taught and had been largely how folks operated prior to the 80's.
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Half the people on here been through the troll gauntlet many years ago and you're still on some osh kosh b'gosh shit.

If you're gonna do something do it right.
this guy's troll game is so friggin' sad.

@Fightbackmode2005 - just so you know... it's not that we don't see what you're doing - it's just... you gotta step it up. for real.

And you and these other fools are blowing hot air. Making posts pulling garbage out your anus. Quoting inaccurate Twitter posts. So on and so forth. Put up real data to back your claims up..
Half the people on here been through the troll gauntlet many years ago and you're still on some osh kosh b'gosh shit.

If you're gonna do something do it right.

Your worst enemy is a troll who knows his stuff. Anyway, none of you have given any examples of external forces keeping people poor. Half these fools didn't even know the difference between wealthy and rich.
Yeah, and I come from the era before it, where you were taught to save money and put off unnecessary expensive purchases. All of that changed beginning in the early 80's and really hasn't stopped.

History Channel has a documentary series covering the each year of the 70s-2000s and when the focused on the 80s they did frequently discuss how American consumerism became out of control beginning in the 80s. Talked about how movies like Wallstreet literally had people trying to become Gordon Gekko and take on similar cutthroat career aspirations
You want data? Show us some shit saying poor people deserve to be poor?

Who said that? Ya'll keep saying poor people stay poor because of something other than their own bad decisions. I am saying it's their own fault. It's on you to identify this mysterious force that holds poor people back. The fact that none of you clowns have provided any examples tells me you are clueless.
How do y’all fell about popular culture telling everybody even folks that don’t have much that they need to buy this and that?

Between movies, music and commercials they are influencing folks to live beyond their status low key and that’s all by design.

There's definitely a push from American culture that tells people they deserve some form of luxury even if their lives are even the most bottom of the barrel state. But I think it's about what we consider luxury items. Truthfully most shit we consider luxuries are basic necessities
Who said that? Ya'll keep saying poor people stay poor because of something other than their own bad decisions. I am saying it's their own fault. It's on you to identify this mysterious force that holds poor people back. The fact that none of you clowns have provided any examples tells me you are clueless.

Ok show us data proving it’s their own fault?
Okay punk. For one, a hospital cannot turn away a person with a medical emergency. You will get the bill but you may not be able to pay it. The hospital won't garnish your paycheck if you don't. Do you have the stats on how many poor people stay poor because of drowning in medical bills? Oh, you don't? Welp, that argument is killed. Try again.

the hospital won't garnish your check but, they can turn it over to collections

& if you don't pay it'll go on your credit

so when you try to get a loan, car, house/apartment, etc. & they check your credit to see you got bills in collections... denied
the hospital won't garnish your check but, they can turn it over to collections

& if you don't pay it'll go on your credit

so when you try to get a loan, car, house/apartment, etc. & they check your credit to see you got bills in collections... denied

I don’t believe medical bills can stop you from getting a home loan.
the hospital won't garnish your check but, they can turn it over to collections

& if you don't pay it'll go on your credit

so when you try to get a loan, car, house/apartment, etc. & they check your credit to see you got bills in collections... denied

You just stated what I said. But does that keep a poor person, well, poor?