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im calling bs

I don’t believe medical bills can stop you from getting a home loan.

if those bills get turned over to collections & you still don't pay it will go on your credit

& it can/will affect anything you try to buy where they check your credit 1st
History Channel has a documentary series covering the each year of the 70s-2000s and when the focused on the 80s they did frequently discuss how American consumerism became out of control beginning in the 80s. Talked about how movies like Wallstreet literally had people trying to become Gordon Gekko and take on similar cutthroat career aspirations

Yup. And even though I came up through the 80's, I got a lot of my life lessons in the 70's which is why I have the outlook I do on a lot of this shit. If you were born in the 80's or later, you know nothing but rampant consumerism which ultimately brings us to this discussion and the sides each of us are on.
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did you even read that before you posted it?

"medical collections could still hurt your ability to get credit in the future... credit bureaus now wait 180 days before listing medical debt on your credit report"

try again


Did you see the 'lower weight' sentence? Lots of people have medical bills. I have yet to hear of someone being denied a major loan because of an unpaid medical bill. You try again.
Did you see the 'lower weight' sentence? Lots of people have medical bills. I have yet to hear of someone being denied a major loan because of an unpaid medical bill. You try again.

you've yet to hear but, guess what?

I've seen it 1st hand, I worked at a collection agency

I've seen plenty folks come in to pay off their bill cuz they got denied tryna get a house, car, etc.

I'm speakin from experience not a screenshot on the internet
Yea I just checked with my stepmother who does it for a living and said it rarely stops you from getting a home loan
Stop it.

There is nobody in the world lazier than the rich. Who do you think poor people work for?

Who do you think have to get their company up and running, hire folks, pay folks, make sure things go the way that they expect things to go. I am leaving out a ton of things that these lazy rich folks have to do.

People who work for others say that others are lazy because their minds can't stretch that far out to do the actual work to build anything

How does a lazy person build them a 500 fortune company.

Don't quote me either, because you're gonna respond with another stupid ass post
Who do you think have to get their company up and running, hire folks, pay folks, make sure things go the way that they expect things to go. I am leaving out a ton of things that these lazy rich folks have to do.

People who work for others say that others are lazy because their minds can't stretch that far out to do the actual work to build anything

How does a lazy person build them a 500 fortune company.

Don't quote me either, because you're gonna respond with another stupid ass post

LOL @ the underlined being your definition of "work". But since we're here... the answer is poor people you stupid shit.
Man, a lot of dudes want to stick to the narrative and blame people being poor on some boogyman or anything else other than individual, personal accountability. Personal choices determine a person's path in life (outliers don't count). It's that simple.
While I understand the jobs and shit like that......

how many people are open to learning to get above poor with minimal investing?
Just hard work like you are already doing.
So let's say I'm poor and I saved 400 dollars to buy a playstation 4 for my kid 5 years ago and instead of providin' my child a normal and rather benign comfort I save the money.

I've got 400 dollars (that I have because I spent the year savin' which, because I'm poor, means I've gone the whole year without. Maybe I stopped gettin' lunch at work. Maybe I didn't get my kid anything for his bday coz I knew he'd be gettin' a big Xmas present.)
how is the 400 dollars gonna stop me from bein' poor?

Should I have invested it instead? Started a business? How does not buyin' the PS help me in the long term?

Please no specious responses someone give me some real world or at least feasible examples