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im calling bs

Talking about "choices keep people poor" without looking at why some of those choices are being made is intellectually dishonest...and a prominent talking point by those on the right that live by the "pull yourself up by the bootstraps" bullshit too many people in this country buy into.

Really? Give me a real-world example of a poor person not having choices to improve their condition.
Many poor people are lazy, physically but more so mentally. The process of getting shit done (on their own) is a challenge for many of them in many cases. Black and white. Many want shit handed to them, many of the times or want to do less to gain more.

Many poor people hate to work, work hard to get something that THEY want. It's not a crime to have 2 jobs. A full-time, part-time. Many of them are not doing that, they barely want to go to the one job that they have, now that they are getting these PPP loans and stimulus checks, the laziness has increased.

Get your money,, but don't fuss and bitch when that well runs dry.

Stop it.

There is nobody in the world lazier than the rich. Who do you think poor people work for?
Talking about "choices keep people poor" without looking at why some of those choices are being made is intellectually dishonest...and a prominent talking point by those on the right that live by the "pull yourself up by the bootstraps" bullshit too many people in this country buy into.

Yes and no. You’re right it’s not that simple.

But I grew up around poor folks. Growing up I stayed in like 8 different apartments/houses/family in my first 14 years and I was a part and seen it. Didn’t know growing up but as I got older folks back hole in NOLA was spending money on shit that was fucking ridiculous and kept us with less. Nigga living in the St. Bernard projects always had a fresh pair Reebok or some nice rims with system in that bitch. I knew 3 dudes plus me that all had go karts but rarely had full refrigerators.

I even talked to my momma and pops bout that shit and they wanna act like the shit wasnt bad when I was young. I stayed fresh as a kid but got older and notice the shit was all a front.

We gotta do better and be smarter.
Talking about "choices keep people poor" without looking at why some of those choices are being made is intellectually dishonest...and a prominent talking point by those on the right that live by the "pull yourself up by the bootstraps" bullshit too many people in this country buy into.

You got more excuses for people's shitty behavior than you have solutions to uplift them. People like you that swear you're for the poor are the very reason why they stay poor.

Can't tell me shit about choices tho; I grew up piss poor. I know how it is to grow up like that. I also know what it takes to overcome it.
Well you didn’t say the good stuff like our families being taken care of and not stressing over bills. You said we want to be them. You know how they got there do you wanna do it that way?
Not every one is a scumbag .... most black wealth was earned correctly
if everyone was rich than there would no such thing as rich..

some folks going tobe poor no matter what just set up that way..even if all things were fair they still wouldn't be able to compete..

not throwing blame or making excuses just the way it is...you get the chance to compete with everyone else and no everyone cannot win. has to be losers
it’s always going to be have and have not. We just need to make sure folks have the minimum like housing, food, medical, and equal opportunity.

But if we really and truly want everybody to have everything we will have to change the entire way of life and give up damn near all luxuries.
I'm not gonna answer a question based on some shit I never said. I never said poor people have no choices. Try again
BAM! Now you don't want to answer the question after running your mouth.

Try this one: give me an example of a person being forced to make a decision that keeps them poor.
You got more excuses for people's shitty behavior than you have solutions to uplift them. People like you that swear you're for the poor are the very reason why they stay poor.

Can't tell me shit about choices tho; I grew up piss poor. I know how it is to grow up like that. I also know what it takes to overcome it.

You think you're the only person who grew up poor and had to struggle? You think you're the only person who didn't have a stable home situation? I went literally a decade without a consistently stable home because of evictions...and yes that's plural for a reason. So trust and believe I know exactly what it is to struggle and have to come out of multiple dire situations and make decisions that I shouldn't have had to be making at a very young age. That's why I can speak on the choices people in those situations make. Because I've had to make them.

I haven't given one excuse for people's shitty behavior. I just know that decisions people make aren't as black and white as you're trying to make it seem. It's not as simple as "stop buying Jordan's and you'll be rich" because if it were that simple then niggas would've been reversed their economic situations. There's social factors that are completely out of the control of the people you got so much vitriol towards. I never said it even accounts for all people who are poor but to pretend as if poor folks are just 2 pairs of Jordan releases away from turning their lives around is some bullshit
BAM! Now you don't want to answer the question after running your mouth.

Try this one: give me an example of a person being forced to make a decision that keeps them poor.

I said why I wouldn't answer your question that had nothing to do with what I said. That's your fault for not being able to ask a question based on what I actually stated and not some bait tactic you're failing at using.

As for the simple shit you just tried to reword it to there's multiple answers but I can give you a simple one. Paying for a medical emergency which is something that not even most middle class families can afford to do without taking a serious hit let alone someone who is poor and most likely has no health insurance or at best a shitty plan that covers little to nothing
You think you're the only person who grew up poor and had to struggle? You think you're the only person who didn't have a stable home situation? I went literally a decade without a consistently stable home because of evictions...and yes that's plural for a reason. So trust and believe I know exactly what it is to struggle and have to come out of multiple dire situations and make decisions that I shouldn't have had to be making at a very young age. That's why I can speak on the choices people in those situations make. Because I've had to make them.

I haven't given one excuse for people's shitty behavior. I just know that decisions people make aren't as black and white as you're trying to make it seem. It's not as simple as "stop buying Jordan's and you'll be rich" because if it were that simple then niggas would've been reversed their economic situations. There's social factors that are completely out of the control of the people you got so much vitriol towards. I never said it even accounts for all people who are poor but to pretend as if poor folks are just 2 pairs of Jordan releases away from turning their lives around is some bullshit

Two pairs of Jordan shoes could be a $400 monthly rent for someone somewhere. That $400 could help them get on their feet and start to build a ladder out of poverty. So yes, it can make a difference. And if they start to scale back on excess spending, in a year they could be in a great place financially and on the up-and-up. The problem is too many people don't want to put the work in, which is what many have said already.
Yes and no. You’re right it’s not that simple.

But I grew up around poor folks. Growing up I stayed in like 8 different apartments/houses/family in my first 14 years and I was a part and seen it. Didn’t know growing up but as I got older folks back hole in NOLA was spending money on shit that was fucking ridiculous and kept us with less. Nigga living in the St. Bernard projects always had a fresh pair Reebok or some nice rims with system in that bitch. I knew 3 dudes plus me that all had go karts but rarely had full refrigerators.

I even talked to my momma and pops bout that shit and they wanna act like the shit wasnt bad when I was young. I stayed fresh as a kid but got older and notice the shit was all a front.

We gotta do better and be smarter.

I've actually had several conversations with my dad as I've gotten older about the "why" behind the situations that happened when I was growing up...and that's why I said that when you gotta make decisions for a household on your own the perspective changes about just what you will and won't do with money at certain times. I'm not saying all the decisions are perfect or that better ones can't be made...but what I am saying is that to ignore the reasons behind it and trot out the decades old racist ass tropes of "niggas buying cars and shoes" does nothing to actually help the people niggas in here trying to place themselves above
I said why I wouldn't answer your question that had nothing to do with what I said. That's your fault for not being able to ask a question based on what I actually stated and not some bait tactic you're failing at using.

As for the simple shit you just tried to reword it to there's multiple answers but I can give you a simple one. Paying for a medical emergency which is something that not even most middle class families can afford to do without taking a serious hit let alone someone who is poor and most likely has no health insurance or at best a shitty plan that covers little to nothing

Okay punk. For one, a hospital cannot turn away a person with a medical emergency. You will get the bill but you may not be able to pay it. The hospital won't garnish your paycheck if you don't. Do you have the stats on how many poor people stay poor because of drowning in medical bills? Oh, you don't? Welp, that argument is killed. Try again.
I've actually had several conversations with my dad as I've gotten older about the "why" behind the situations that happened when I was growing up...and that's why I said that when you gotta make decisions for a household on your own the perspective changes about just what you will and won't do with money at certain times. I'm not saying all the decisions are perfect or that better ones can't be made...but what I am saying is that to ignore the reasons behind it and trot out the decades old racist ass tropes of "niggas buying cars and shoes" does nothing to actually help the people niggas in here trying to place themselves above

So you are blaming your dad for you currently being poor, or being poor when you were young? Now that you are presumably an adult, who are you blaming? Do you need a calculator for the number of excuses you keep throwing out?
Two pairs of Jordan shoes could be a $400 monthly rent for someone somewhere. That $400 could help them get on their feet and start to build a ladder out of poverty. So yes, it can make a difference. And if they start to scale back on excess spending, in a year they could be in a great place financially and on the up-and-up. The problem is too many people don't want to put the work in, which is what many have said already.

That's your problem. You're assuming poor people have tons of excess funds to be able to save when literal numbers show that they don't...and for the times they do the fact that they're able to manage to get something nice for themselves or their family shows that they do have the ability to do what you and others are claiming they don't. Which is budget and understand just how to make money to get not only what they need but occasionally something they or their family may want as well.

But based on what you're saying if you're poor then you don't deserve to have anything nice at all and if you don't give off the physical appearance of being downtrodden then you're not really poor which is stupid
Okay punk. For one, a hospital cannot turn away a person with a medical emergency. You will get the bill but you may not be able to pay it. The hospital won't garnish your paycheck if you don't. Do you have the stats on how many poor people stay poor because of drowning in medical bills? Oh, you don't? Welp, that argument is killed. Try again.

First off the name calling shit ain't going down.. you can dead that now....They can't turn you away but after making you stable they can damn sure cut you loose. And guess what lack of good medical care leads to? Health problems that can affect a person's ability to work and earn a living. You think it's random that poor folks often lack good health care or often have poor health in general? You think that's just the result of massive unpaid free medical care?
That's your problem. You're assuming poor people have tons of excess funds to be able to save when literal numbers show that they don't...and for the times they do the fact that they're able to manage to get something nice for themselves or their family shows that they do have the ability to do what you and others are claiming they don't. Which is budget and understand just how to make money to get not only what they need but occasionally something they or their family may want as well.

But based on what you're saying if you're poor then you don't deserve to have anything nice at all and if you don't give off the physical appearance of being downtrodden then you're not really poor which is stupid
I keep checking you to give me an example of a person being poor and being FORCED to make choices that keep them poor. You refuse. Guess what that makes you?

They can't turn you away but after making you stable they can damn sure cut you loose. And guess what lack of good medical care leads to? Health problems that can affect a person's ability to work and earn a living. You think it's random that poor folks often lack good health care or often have poor health in general? You think that's just the result of massive unpaid free medical care?

So, health care makes a person poor or keeps a person poor? What are the stats on that?