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im calling bs

I legit just watched a video on Rockefeller and the Rothschild families yesterday evening otw home from work. There should be no reason for any 1 or 2 families to have that much power over the damn planet
But if you keep people thinking they can’t do and then create a poor white is better than any black situation...... all the focus is off them and their accumulation.

the game is obvious to some of us.
I legit just watched a video on Rockefeller and the Rothschild families yesterday evening otw home from work. There should be no reason for any 1 or 2 families to have that much power over the damn planet
It a video on the Infographics YouTube channel about the world's most powerful families.
Just watched a couple

what’s interesting about them is how they shared Then spread out.
And what irritates me is who the fuck they think they are and what’s stopping us from becoming a force to compete with such shit.
It's funny because i wrote a tweet earlier in the day that was a pretty much a reply to the post that I said nah to... the pitfalls of assimiliation and the dogged commitment to rugged individualism at the peril of our communities at large
I actually addressed this in a reply to Cain. Poor people already tend to be pretty good at budgeting, finding coupons and sales. Knowing how to make money stretch and picking between what's needed and what's wanted. And this knowledge is typically gained during the actual lived experience of being poor and having to manage a household on a limited income. So the problem isn't a lack of knowledge on how to do those things. It's a lack of resources
Why do you have to learn through experience when you can learn before it comes to that. You don't have to make a mistake to learn from a mistake.

And knowledge is a resource
stop reading after this statement

you sir r a fucking idiot
I’m about building lil girl.

try expanding how you see things.
You are waaaaay too invested in trying to show me up.

and that post has been proven on here more than once.

but I get it......you hate dos
Why do you have to learn through experience when you can learn before it comes to that. You don't have to make a mistake to learn from a mistake.

And knowledge is a resource

You're right that you can learn before that through observation but when it comes to money management the best experience is usually first hand. Like you can watch somebody handle some money but until that money and what needs to be done with it is a decision that lies on your shoulders you gain a whole different perspective.

I also didn't say that someone would be learning from a mistake. I specifically said that poor people tend to already know alot of the things people say they need to be taught about finances because they've lived their lives having to budget and make money stretch to cover more than some would be able to. They may not know all the technical terms that are specific to the finance industry or investors but they damn sure can tell you how to shop for a weeks worth of meals on a limited budget. Yes knowledge is a resource but as DMX told us in Belly "shorty can't eat no books." So that knowledge to do better, while important, without the actual financial means to do better means little to nothing at a certain point.
Oh wow.....

She can’t nosign alone

need a co-signer to nosign


just can’t have a civil conversation with these two.
nah i use to shame Black people who were seemingly "poor" but blew cash on clothes and shoes

but i get it now. theyre just afraid of appearing poor. america is not a place to be poor. to be poor in america is a frightening thing. its violence, some type of character flaw, or low morality and ethics. you are something to be tolerated. someones learning moment of what NOT to be, when in actuality poverty is just simply a lack of money and the desire for riches in "poor" Black people is perhaps the equivalent of buying one’s freedom—tht is to say, in an attempt to buy one’s humanness. not to mention some of us just like nice things which im learning is perfectly ok

poor Black people can have standards, have taste especially considering the amount of aggressive advertisement we all r surronded by (billboards, commercials, cultural norms/expectations)

but how terrible is it to live in a society where your worth is hinged on your wealth and or productivity ? one of the largest problems we face as a culture is how poorly we determine someone's value.

i just hope youre never so broke that all you have is money.