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im calling bs

Why do we need to invest?
The main goal of investing is to make your money work for you. If you get lucky you can catch something small and double/triple what you put into it. The wealthy stay wealthy thru investments and real estate.

Their money works for them meanwhile the poor/middle class barely scrape by. They//we get our paychecks pay al our bills and save our money in a savings account that might get you 1-3% on your savings. Invested money can get you way more money.

That's like saying we should eat more veggies is bullshit. Do we need to only eat veggies to survive no but do need to eat some. Same goes for investing do we need it nope should you do it yup

We live in the information age. If anyone has fingers and a smartphone they can google "how to invest" or "how to get started investing"

Also it's not the answer for all things but it's a step in the right way.

But not everyone has the means to invest. If somebody gotta choose between rent and groceries or putting money into an investment opportunity or a stock which do you think they gonna choose? Given that literally more than half this country is 1 or 2 lost paydays away from being homeless it's naive to say people should invest no matter what their current financial situation
It is taught but it doesn't make a difference.

Like, what's teaching kids in the inner city who are poor about fiscal responsibility gonna change? They are still going to be poor after that lesson. There are still systems in place that are designed to keep them poor. The only difference will be that they know why now.
Learning something is always important, not teaching it has done what? Seems to me teaching it can't hurt.

And what schools you've gone to where it's taught?
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But not everyone has the means to invest. If somebody gotta choose between rent and groceries or putting money into an investment opportunity or a stock which do you think they gonna choose? Given that literally more than half this country is 1 or 2 lost paydays away from being homeless it's naive to say people should invest no matter what their current financial situation
This is true and I don't believe anyone said invest no matter what I sure didn't. What I'm saying is if you have the money to do it then do it. If you don't then take care of yourself and family first that's more important than financial gains.

This world we live in is not going to help the poor in no means so it's naïve to think that a hand will be reaching down to pull anybody up. That's were education of funds come into play. Crackers had a 100yr head start over black and brown in this country so we have to get in the game.
The main goal of investing is to make your money work for you. If you get lucky you can catch something small and double/triple what you put into it. The wealthy stay wealthy thru investments and real estate.

Their money works for them meanwhile the poor/middle class barely scrape by. They//we get our paychecks pay al our bills and save our money in a savings account that might get you 1-3% on your savings. Invested money can get you way more money.

The wealthy don't stay wealthy by investments and real estate. That's a myth.

The wealthy stay wealthy because of how the systems are designed in this country.

Do you know that every single person who post on this site I can guarantee paid more taxes than Amazon did last year? So why are poor people held to a different standard?

So when it comes to investing we have to play the same game by the same rules as these wealthy people but when it comes to fairness, equal opportunity, and due process we do not get treated the same.

Investing is not a two way street. It's one way and it does not work for the have nots. Only the haves.
This is true and I don't believe anyone said invest no matter what I sure didn't. What I'm saying is if you have the money to do it then do it. If you don't then take care of yourself and family first that's more important than financial gains.

This world we live in is not going to help the poor in no means so it's naïve to think that a hand will be reaching down to pull anybody up. That's were education of funds come into play. Crackers had a 100yr head start over black and brown in this country so we have to get in the game.

and to add on, we should all be trying to get our coins up and investing no matter where we are financially if possible hopping into the investing and even more importantly real estate we can start building wealth for yourself and family

Yeah you did. It's not like poor people don't know how to save money. Shit poor people who have to manage a household are typically great at budgeting and managing money because they have to make less go further. So they're forced to get creative in how they handle money to make sure they can make it to the next day. So again it's not often a lack of knowledge it's a lack of literal financial resources
This is true and I don't believe anyone said invest no matter what I sure didn't. What I'm saying is if you have the money to do it then do it. If you don't then take care of yourself and family first that's more important than financial gains.

This world we live in is not going to help the poor in no means so it's naïve to think that a hand will be reaching down to pull anybody up. That's were education of funds come into play. Crackers had a 100yr head start over black and brown in this country so we have to get in the game.

But rich people get hand outs all the time.

Honestly think about what investing really is. You're risking some of your money to line somebody else's pockets regardless. Investing does not actually help people. It only enriches people.

Does it uplift? Does it really advance our society? If anything, investing keeps the wealthy people in a position of power. It gives them endless resources and a lot of it comes from us. The poor people.
these threads are always interesting.

while i understand and respect everyones economic status.......it seems like our community take a negative stance towards money and what to do with it.

we shouldnt speak about it because everyone doesnt have it like that.......type of avoidance

im sorry.......there are teenagers who are retiring their parents off info that was shared about money....some of those teens are black.

a dude got rich off investing $17 dollars. made it into a few hundred grand.

we have poor white people taking chances to gain and some are winning. why cant we?

we have a crypto thread and an investment thread.

can anyone in either thread say they lost money?
how many can say they damn near doubled it? and this is over the pandemic.

we have to be careful of the messages we are letting into us......

this is not about rich or poor or middle class....this is about shared information for the group to gain.

how about pooling funds to gain? group economics?

like i said in the land thread....we have all we need.

but maybe how people see money and whats considered a necessity and whats considered poor might need to change.

im ready for the backlash
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Yeah you did. It's not like poor people don't know how to save money. Shit poor people who have to manage a household are typically great at budgeting and managing money because they have to make less go further. So they're forced to get creative in how they handle money to make sure they can make it to the next day. So again it's not often a lack of knowledge it's a lack of literal financial resources
I wasn't saying take food out you mouth to invest I was saying no matter where you are financially you should try to get in the investment game.

But rich people get hand outs all the time.

Honestly think about what investing really is. You're risking some of your money to line somebody else's pockets regardless. Investing does not actually help people. It only enriches people.

Does it uplift? Does it really advance our society? If anything, investing keeps the wealthy people in a position of power. It gives them endless resources and a lot of it comes from us. The poor people.
Rich people get hand outs by other rich people. If you ever bought anything you lined somebody's pockets so that talking point is null and void.
But rich people get hand outs all the time.

Honestly think about what investing really is. You're risking some of your money to line somebody else's pockets regardless. Investing does not actually help people. It only enriches people.

Does it uplift? Does it really advance our society? If anything, investing keeps the wealthy people in a position of power. It gives them endless resources and a lot of it comes from us. The poor people.
have you heard of the wallstreetbets situation?? the attack on wall street basically?

they went against the wealthy and made tons of money.

its actually still going on.
the info is out there......are you looking for it or asking the right questions?
It is...but a huge part of it is having money to save. So yeah people can learn how to do it but if they never actually reach a place financially to have money to save then at a certain point it just becomes a futile effort
Saving indeed is a piece, but so is budgeting and having discipline. So is knowing how to shop to get the best prices, coupon'n, knowing what insurances are necessary, etc. It goes beyond saving.

And if they do reach a place of being able to, they'll have the knowledge to proceed, learning isn't futile.
Saving indeed is a piece, but so is budgeting and having discipline. So is knowing how to shop to get the best prices, coupon'n, knowing what insurances are necessary, etc. It goes beyond saving.

And if they do reach a place of being able to, they'll have the knowledge to proceed, learning isn't futile.

I actually addressed this in a reply to Cain. Poor people already tend to be pretty good at budgeting, finding coupons and sales. Knowing how to make money stretch and picking between what's needed and what's wanted. And this knowledge is typically gained during the actual lived experience of being poor and having to manage a household on a limited income. So the problem isn't a lack of knowledge on how to do those things. It's a lack of resources
yep...........if anyone have time look up John D Rockefeller and education of Americans. He came up with keeping people poor and not educating them on how to not be owners but workers

I legit just watched a video on Rockefeller and the Rothschild families yesterday evening otw home from work. There should be no reason for any 1 or 2 families to have that much power over the damn planet