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im calling bs

had to come to the laptop for this.

see........if you took the time sometimes you could see where im going with it.
i hear everything you and others are saying about this that and the third.........and at the end of the day ...you dont know what you dont know.

this is why i say travel. get ya fucking passport and travel.

you will see that its a such thing as an american privilege and a black american privilege.

there are women in europe who came here just to sell their bodies being the sacrifice to feed the whole family back home.
if i tell a nigga to relocate to a better area......often times its met with that sounds crazy.
i often point out......niggas crossing the Alps and getting limbs cut off from frostbite and most bodies aint found until the summer thaw.
but saying .....you could get better pay living closer to atlanta and niggas cant find a way there.
its people who are leaving or fleeing warzone and floating across the med......women are repeatedly rape along this journey and many dont even make it to the boat....and when on the boat they still dont always make it.......thousand die every year....trying to get to europe for a better life.....to be parking attendants or dishwashers and living 8 to an apartment..
just the other day.......you said your lunch was over a two and didnt have time to post. think about that.
a few people in the DR was starving many nights during the covid lockdown because they work closed and the govt wasnt giving them shit for quite a long time.
what did the US give you?
haiti just had the fucking leader of the country killed.
Trump had blocks of niggas beat so he could walk across the street.
got messicans dying in the back of trailers and floating in the rio grande to get a chance to take shit from you since you dont think its good enough for you.

i say all that to say......you are not seeing the opportunities available to you because you are focused on whatever else.
running a company is not as hard as it seems......every company is not general motors.
its not all that easy either.....but neither is the job you doing right now im sure.
the opportunities are there.........but do you know what they look like?

so what we really talking about?

this is all about perspective
this aint about shut up and be happy where you are.
this is about.....why do i need to convince you and others that its so much more out there for you to gain.

there is no need to convince anybody and really all that other shit is because those folks home countries have been exploited by western countries who also exploit the lower class in America. To me the enemy is the same I don’t gotta go to south Europe to know African immigrants are dying there it’s on the news. So again what we talking bout ?
That clearly says not the biggest factor not that it's not a factor at all. You're better than that Dos. You don't need to misinterpret what's being said to state your point. Not everyone uses money as their main motivation. Sometimes quality of life is more important and more money doesn't always equate to a better quality of life. There's people with money whose lives are absolutely terrible and you wouldn't trade places with them at all.
But if my kids are hungry and rent is behind.....I would absolutely jump at it.

the money is a tool to place my family in a better situation.
there is no need to convince anybody and really all that other shit is because those folks home countries have been exploited by western countries who also exploit the lower class in America. To me the enemy is the same I don’t gotta go to south Europe to know African immigrants are dying there it’s on the news. So again what we talking bout ?
If you don’t see it yet, you won’t
All that still doesn't invalidate his gripe and point.

A person can only compare the life they've been through. A poor black american person ain't traveling to another country to see and say oh they got it worse so I need to thank my lucky stars I'm american poor not some 3rd world country poor.

There is women in america selling their bodies to feed their family.

The whole point is really its dumb as fuck to compare the struggles of poor people. WTF does it even accomplish to bring it up? That's just like white people saying black people ain't slaves no more so WTF do they have to complain about.

Thank you dammit
You mean your life circumstances would influence your decision making? Well damn. According to some here that's just a made up excuse
I think it’s a bit different.

I will do whatever without breaking laws or hurting people (no one said that) to be sure mine don’t need to compromise outside of something they really want to go after.(not saying others don’t).

plus the way I see things are very different then others and that drives me too.
So we at a stalemate and back to square one while others are out getting itsharing info on how to get it?

Ok I think the division here is y’all think blackrain and I are saying poor folks have no choices. We saying they have very little choices. Y’all are pretty much saying niggas is lazy

I dont get what's so hard to understand that people's choices are limited to where they're at in life at that moment. That's just how life works and it's not some shit thats hard to figure out at all. It does take a certain amount of empathy and the ability to not think you're somehow better because you made better choices.

I said this shit in another thread that people on that high horse of thinking they always know what's best for others need to question "Did you make better decisions or did you simply have better options to choose from?"
Ok I think the division here is y’all think blackrain and I are saying poor folks have no choices. We saying they have very little choices. Y’all are pretty much saying niggas is lazy
I’m saying it’s a lot out here and ways to get it is in the internet.

and we are more than capable of getting it and building generational wealth.
I dont get what's so hard to understand that people's choices are limited to where they're at in life at that moment. That's just how life works and it's not some shit thats hard to figure out at all. It does take a certain amount of empathy and the ability to not think you're somehow better because you made better choices.

I said this shit in another thread that people on that high horse of thinking they always know what's best for others need to question "Did you make better decisions or did you simply have better options to choose from?"
Who in here thinks there better?
See this is disingenuous......
Why would anyone not share info on how to move and grow?

this ain’t about high horse shit, this to me is....bruh we got this ...we can do this....build together and don’t look at what you can’t do.

the empathy is there. Just may not look like you want it to look.
At the end of this ....maybe the focus should be on those who want people to not try.
Your initial post didn't do anything other than reveal that you and some others have foolishly bought into the "anyone can achieve the American dream" bullshit that gets indoctrinated into people from birth in this country.
Life circumstances determine every single move you make. A single person at 25 wouldn't make the same decisions as a person who is 30 and has kids because their life circumstances are different. That's not an excuse that's called a reason and there's a clear difference between the two. You can't think just tossing out generic ass suggestions that don't take into account the actual circumstances of the person you're talking to will work. If you deny that reality then you're never going to actually be able to help anybody. But it's much easier to sit on some moral high horse claiming to know exactly what every single person's problems and solutions are without actually knowing anything about them.

You're reaching to come off as not looking stupid on your stance. Nobody stated nothing about the "American Dream" you threw in that stupid shit. What is been stated was that people have options to do more. Simple.

Nothing stupid about that. People can work 2 jobs. Nothing stupid about that, what was stupid was the fact that once it became clear on what solutions/options were given to everybody, your stance became weak, which in your posts shifted to other stupid excuses that went away from people having options to more to improve their life.

That's where the stupidity of your stance is standing. Then you realized what was said by others made sense, which is ironic the shit that you do in your own life, grab 2 jobs, but you still dressed up with an excuse, life circumstances.

Life circumstances doesn't keep folks from buying J's and other trinkets but keeps them from getting a second job to improve their life. This is what you are basically stating.

If Life circumstances causes them not to get a 2nd job or do more, then Life circumstance shouldn't have them balling out and buying this and that, is what I am saying which makes sense dummy