Welcome To aBlackWeb


Nah, let's start here

Give names of people on this site that this describes

I answered 5ths question and you came outta nowhere with this
I could give you a shorter list of the people who that doesn't describe

Most of yall here are Plantationeers who have yet to show the awareness and maturity Tayboo has as a democrat

Y'all present nothing but loyalty and obedience and no pushback to this anti black political party

But bottom line, the people on this side, the correct side, the righteous side don't give a fuck about Boogeyman consequences of this election if we are still being
You assumed that the assumption is wrong, let's go with that, they don't come back to black folks, then I would like you to answer this, what will they do? You didn't answer that question, if they don't come back to black voters, they will lose every year, that's other elections too.

I'm asking you, what happens next, if you say that they won't come back to get the black voter.

Aint no fight over the Hispanics, they vote republican, majority of them. LBGTQ, we are speaking about white gays? men and women, they usually vote democratic, liberals, they are already a block for the Democratic party, this group (omitting every black person) will not get them the W for every election.

So again, with the democratic party having only white gay men and women, and with the Hispanic crowd voting Republican, I ask you, what will the Dems do?

Asians don't vote in high numbers.
Jews don't vote
Native Americans do vote in high numbers,

What are their options to win?

Ok, first of all, you're wrong about the Hispanic vote. They've always voted majority Democrat, and they still do. There was a small uptick in their Rep vote in 2020 and some groups like the racist ass Cubans in South FL tend to go red, but the majority of Hispanic people vote Dem. If Dems approached them like their darlings instead of us, I'm sure they could get even more of the Hispanic vote. That could guarantee wins for them given that's the fastest growing voting block in the country.

The country as a whole is shifting left though. The Reps haven't won the popular vote in a long time. They just get saved by the electoral college, but as people move around the country, that's not guaranteed to them anymore. Traditionally, red states like GA and NC are now purple, so sure, the Dems might take a loss or two if we just stopped voting, but they would bounce back eventually.

You're basically showing you have no answer for the question. First, you argued for why your assumption was right. Then you argued for why my assumption (which I never made) was wrong. You have yet to actually answer the question which was "What would black people's options be if the Dems found they could win after we took ourselves off the board?"
They don't put in effort to win our vote:

If these candidates continue to do this benige neglect thing, ignoring black folks, that they've been doing for the last 50 years, what should the 20 million black folks in American do?

They don't do anything for black folks and we've presented things to them, See cube, don't even wanna have a meeting to just hear the things on the list that could be done, what do you and the other crowd who vote just to be voting, what do you want black folks to do

Continue to vote?

I agree with you. I just think that before going the nuclear route (everybody stop voting), we should actually put pressure to get the things we want. Again, you bring up what Cube did, but you continue to ignore that Cube didn't even have universal black support. Also, black people in South Carolina were a big reason that Biden won the primary in the previous election. He didn't have to promise us anything. He was the establishment candidate and that was good enough for the old ass black people.

At some point, we actually have to try and push for something. I know a minority of our people do, but let's be real, the community doesn't really put any pressure on politicians as a united front.
Ok, first of all, you're wrong about the Hispanic vote. They've always voted majority Democrat, and they still do. There was a small uptick in their Rep vote in 2020 and some groups like the racist ass Cubans in South FL tend to go red, but the majority of Hispanic people vote Dem. If Dems approached them like their darlings instead of us, I'm sure they could get even more of the Hispanic vote. That could guarantee wins for them given that's the fastest growing voting block in the country.

The country as a whole is shifting left though. The Reps haven't won the popular vote in a long time. They just get saved by the electoral college, but as people move around the country, that's not guaranteed to them anymore. Traditionally, red states like GA and NC are now purple, so sure, the Dems might take a loss or two if we just stopped voting, but they would bounce back eventually.

You're basically showing you have no answer for the question. First, you argued for why your assumption was right. Then you argued for why my assumption (which I never made) was wrong. You have yet to actually answer the question which was "What would black people's options be if the Dems found they could win after we took ourselves off the board?"

If we are going by what you're sayin, why is that the dems, don't already treat the hispanics like their darlings??

They could get even more hispanic vote NOW and could have before in the past right?

let's do this, because you're playing word salad.

Answer this:

Very simple, Black voters don't vote.

You even said there is an uptick in the Hispanic vote in republican, what if the dems don't get the hispanic vote, what will the dems do?

Answer that, just a simple answer breh. please
I agree with you. I just think that before going the nuclear route (everybody stop voting), we should actually put pressure to get the things we want. Again, you bring up what Cube did, but you continue to ignore that Cube didn't even have universal black support. Also, black people in South Carolina were a big reason that Biden won the primary in the previous election. He didn't have to promise us anything. He was the establishment candidate and that was good enough for the old ass black people.

At some point, we actually have to try and push for something. I know a minority of our people do, but let's be real, the community doesn't really put any pressure on politicians as a united front.

I'm asking you, what you're saying, they, black folks put pressure on these folks, they folks don't listen, the dems, I'm asking you,

What do black folks do then?

What does Lonious Monk tell/ask black folks to do then? when these folks refuse to listen to what we want, then what do you suggest? All I'm asking for you to do is give us a solution "since not voting is not it" we've asked, we've marched, we even cried, that didn't work. (Tupac said this in 93)

Now what we do Lonious Monk
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I could give you a shorter list of the people who that doesn't describe

Most of yall here are Plantationeers who have yet to show the awareness and maturity Tayboo has as a democrat

Y'all present nothing but loyalty and obedience and no pushback to this anti black political party

But bottom line, the people on this side, the correct side, the righteous side don't give a fuck about Boogeyman consequences of this election if we are still being
How is my answer to 5th a Boogeyman


Answer the original question in the thread per @Elzo69Renaissance
This doesn't make sense because you have black folks that vote republican, you have black folks that run for office. Black people, men been voting since the beginning of time, before white women.

The Voting Acts rights was trying to include other, "illegal immigrants" The campaign started 'after' Obama came into office. 2013, that when the uptick in illegal immigration came about and we started seeing on the news how illegal immigrants were being held in camps/storages etc.
At no point was there an actual effort to include illegal immigrants in the voting rights act. There is federal law from the 90's that states that no illegal immigrants can vote in federal elections. A county in Alabama filed a case against the DOJ in 2010 Shelby vs Holder that basically challenged the preclearance clause that's in the act which what weakened it...
If we are going by what you're sayin, why is that the dems, don't already treat the hispanics like their darlings??

They could get even more hispanic vote NOW and could have before in the past right?

let's do this, because you're playing word salad.

Answer this:

Very simple, Black voters don't vote.

You even said there is an uptick in the Hispanic vote in republican, what if the dems don't get the hispanic vote, what will the dems do?

Answer that, just a simple answer breh. please

They'll court the disenfranchised white people that are leaving the Republican party because of the MAGA extremism. They'll work harder to get courts to throw out the gerrymandered districts that have kept them from winning key states in the past elections. They'll put a large scale effort into making sure they get all the other minorities to turn up and vote knowing that very few of them will vote Rep.

lol Bro, don't you see that you're doing everything but answer my initial question. You told me you were going to answer, and this is like your fourth post and you haven't even tried to answer the question. That says a lot.
I have to push back, voter suppression is for immigrants, we are used as the mascots. They do not want the immigrants to have that vote. Black folks been voting since forever, before white women. Voter suppression talk didn't come about in the surface until the last administration of Obama, maybe around 2010, that was the time, those doca programs and immigrants started to flood the states. Even had Al Sharpton trying to adovcate for these illegals to come over, that other dude, John Lewis who said he bled in Selma took Dr. King Dream speech title and started calling these illegal "Dreamers" saying that they should be citizen. It's all a ploy to get them to become citizens so that they can use that voting block.

Here's the trick though, bus illegal immigrants here, drop them in black neighborhoods as they are doing (you don't see them in white areas) mainly black areas. create zoning lines to say you can't vote and press in the media how they are blocking voting in that area. Lol All a game.

Until you die, and I die, we will continue to hear about "voter suppression" because the democratic party wants that illegal immigration voting block, the white illegals, or those that would classify themselves as white especially.

Voter suppression for black people has always been a thing tho, it’s just went by many other names & policy. We’ve had the “right” to vote for over a century now but gerrymandering been a thing since the dawn of time. There’s tons of other tactics but I won’t get into that right now. I do get what you saying about illegals being used as a pawn.
They'll court the disenfranchised white people that are leaving the Republican party because of the MAGA extremism. They'll work harder to get courts to throw out the gerrymandered districts that have kept them from winning key states in the past elections. They'll put a large scale effort into making sure they get all the other minorities to turn up and vote knowing that very few of them will vote Rep.

lol Bro, don't you see that you're doing everything but answer my initial question. You told me you were going to answer, and this is like your fourth post and you haven't even tried to answer the question. That says a lot.

And the disenfranchised white people will go to the dems because of what?? Why are they not voting for the dems now?? You think the dems will gain this "small" voting block overnight?? Most of the maga crowd are broke white folks. And what you're saying is true, they leaving because of these Maga extremes, whatever that is, they don't wanna help the dems lol. What makes you think that they wannna help the dems who don't have nothing on the table for them?

What other minorities you speak of??
Jews don't vote
Asians don't vote but still get their needs met
Native Americans don't vote

Again, you don't gain a voting block overnight.

What other minorities are you speaking of? and what large scale effort will they put up??

You are not answering my question, you keep saying what the dems will do this, I stated to you that the bucket is empty, you keep adding people that don't exist. Now what will they do? Next you will say, "oh man the dems will go afte the aliens and get them on board, or they will go after the midgets and folks that only use their left hand" Like you know what you're doing bro, and i do too. deflecting, babblin.

They don't have these crowds now, but yet when black folks stop voting, all of a sudden, you are telling us that the dems will magically obtain these crowds and continue winning elections

You and I both know that the democratic party will crash out. You just don't wanna say it lol. If black folks sat they asses at home and let the dems figure it out, they won't win another election ever, and they will either come back to black folks, or it will be the end of their party.

You aint gotta say it, but I will say it. You don't gain a voting block overnight breh.
I'm asking you, what you're saying, they, black folks put pressure on these folks, they folks don't listen, the dems, I'm asking you,

What do black folks do then?

What does Lonious Monk tell/ask black folks to do then? when these folks refuse to listen to what we want, then what do you suggest? All I'm asking for you to do is give us a solution "since not voting is not it" we've asked, we've marched, we even cried, that didn't work. (Tupac said this in 93)

Now what we do Lonious Monk

@The Lonious Monk

Did you answer this??
And the disenfranchised white people will go to the dems because of what?? Why are they not voting for the dems now?? You think the dems will gain this "small" voting block overnight?? Most of the maga crowd are broke white folks. And what you're saying is true, they leaving because of these Maga extremes, whatever that is, they don't wanna help the dems lol. What makes you think that they wannna help the dems who don't have nothing on the table for them?

What other minorities you speak of??
Jews don't vote
Asians don't vote but still get their needs met
Native Americans don't vote

Again, you don't gain a voting block overnight.

What other minorities are you speaking of? and what large scale effort will they put up??

You are not answering my question, you keep saying what the dems will do this, I stated to you that the bucket is empty, you keep adding people that don't exist. Now what will they do? Next you will say, "oh man the dems will go afte the aliens and get them on board, or they will go after the midgets and folks that only use their left hand" Like you know what you're doing bro, and i do too. deflecting, babblin.

They don't have these crowds now, but yet when black folks stop voting, all of a sudden, you are telling us that the dems will magically obtain these crowds and continue winning elections

You and I both know that the democratic party will crash out. You just don't wanna say it lol. If black folks sat they asses at home and let the dems figure it out, they won't win another election ever, and they will either come back to black folks, or it will be the end of their party.

You aint gotta say it, but I will say it. You don't gain a voting block overnight breh.

Who said anything about gaining a voting block overnight. I said that if the black vote just disappeared (which also couldn't happen overnight), the Dems might take a loss, but they'd just implement new strategies to get new voters. Black people only make up 13% of the population, and probably less than half of us vote consistently. I'm not sure why you think that's some unrecoverable number. lol

Dems value us because we're the most consistent and loyal member of their base not because our voting power is so great that it can't be replaced.
@The Lonious Monk

Did you answer this??

Sorry I didn't see it. Sure, if black people push for something in a united front and Dems ignore us then taking our vote away might be the right way to go.

My whole point is that we haven't actually done that since the Civil Rights era. You keep bringing up Cube and acting like that's an example of Black people taking something to the Dems and demanding that it be consider to get our vote. That's not what happened. Cube, with now real backing from the larger community, presented something to Biden and was largely ignored, then black people went and voted for Biden anyway.

What I'm saying is that we need groups like the NAACP, National Black Caucus, and others to agree on a plan like what Cube did and steadily push that agenda as the requirements for us to vote and we need black people during primaries to vote for candidates that consider our ideas rather than just going with the establishment darling. Basically, we need some unity within our community in pushing for certain things before we just give up and abandon hope.
Sorry I didn't see it. Sure, if black people push for something in a united front and Dems ignore us then taking our vote away might be the right way to go.

My whole point is that we haven't actually done that since the Civil Rights era. You keep bringing up Cube and acting like that's an example of Black people taking something to the Dems and demanding that it be consider to get our vote. That's not what happened. Cube, with now real backing from the larger community, presented something to Biden and was largely ignored, then black people went and voted for Biden anyway.

What I'm saying is that we need groups like the NAACP, National Black Caucus, and others to agree on a plan like what Cube did and steadily push that agenda as the requirements for us to vote and we need black people during primaries to vote for candidates that consider our ideas rather than just going with the establishment darling. Basically, we need some unity within our community in pushing for certain things before we just give up and abandon hope.

Thank you, brother.
Who said anything about gaining a voting block overnight. I said that if the black vote just disappeared (which also couldn't happen overnight), the Dems might take a loss, but they'd just implement new strategies to get new voters. Black people only make up 13% of the population, and probably less than half of us vote consistently. I'm not sure why you think that's some unrecoverable number. lol

Dems value us because we're the most consistent and loyal member of their base not because our voting power is so great that it can't be replaced.

Black voters stop voting and become intelligent voters the dems will either fold or seek out the things we want.

13% but control the outcome of every president election. The backbone of this party.

The dems would never get another voting base like the black votin base. If so, they would have gotten it already.

The loyalty is close to running out though.
Black voters stop voting and become intelligent voters the dems will either fold or seek out the things we want.

13% but control the outcome of every president election. The backbone of this party.

The dems would never get another voting base like the black votin base. If so, they would have gotten it already.

The loyalty is close to running out though.

This post is illogical.

You say black people are the backbone of the Dem party and then say that if the Dems could replace us, they would have already done it. Why would they need to replace us if we're still here? lol

Anyway, I'm done with the discussion. I asked my question, and you've pretty much refused to answer it. I take it to mean that you don't have an answer. That will have to do.
One of the worst things about progress, is that everyone gets to benefit from it. Case in point, Justice Clarence Thomas, specifically and particularly, every benefit he has taken advantage of to be specifically where he is right now and who he is married to right now.

His life legitimately is a testament to the positivity of every policy he is against. And he gets to benefit from it while also being adamantly against it.

My biggest frustration with what can be possible with a Harris presidency is, all the people that will benefit it in more ways they can imagine or admit, are and will be staunchly against every step, yet claim self reliance for any achievement made possible from it.
This post is illogical.

You say black people are the backbone of the Dem party and then say that if the Dems could replace us, they would have already done it. Why would they need to replace us if we're still here? lol

Anyway, I'm done with the discussion. I asked my question, and you've pretty much refused to answer it. I take it to mean that you don't have an answer. That will have to do.

I just saw this, Let's try this again, cuz I like to answer all questions in debates, you asked, the black folks that don't vote, what happens if the dems doesn't come back? This is what you're asking right?? I thought I answered your question.

The dems rely on black voters, they are the backbone. Black voters don't vote, the dems have no back bone

You said, "they will get the frogs, minorities, poor whites, Hispanics" to make up for black folks not voting for them

All I said was, this has NOT happened NOW, what make you think it's going to happened when black folks stop voting for the dems.

You said, "oh, they will push harder for these other groups to come on to our boat"

I said that's not going to happened, you cannot get a voting block overnight.

You never answered my questions on what i asked. If the dems can't get these other groups to come on to their aid, what will the Dems do? You keep sayin "oh they will get this group, try and get that group" Now in 2024, these groups are not even on the team currently in masses, but all of a sudden they will switch teams and wanna play for the dems.

But again, you still haven't answered my question. You talked to me long enough and eventually I will pin you against the wall or make you tap out lol.

I don't mind either

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