Welcome To aBlackWeb


@AP2.5 remove that thumbs down

Abw does not stand for black people, y'all stand for the establishment

As tayboo comes closer to the light, one of the first comments in here was to mock someone who preaches togetherness

Yall are largely off code
You are misrepresenting the general consensus here

I will not be removing the thumbs down
Native Americans, have things ear-marked for them in budgets that they get every year. Native Americans have their own communities, land grants, own police departments, casinos, free education to colleges, vocal universities etc. I can go on. If you wanna call that "ceremonial" cool, I as a black man will take those "ceremonial" things.

So black folks don't need a "Hey stop messing with us" bill? Yes or NO? The way police are killing us all willy nilly, You don't think we don't need a "Hey stop messing with us" bill? Yes or No

I said we should have a list of 10 things listed to present to Kamala and Trump, hold them accountable to do 4 to 5 things off the list.
I'm not speaking about Congressmen and Supreme Court (They don't help black folks anyway) We can touch congress men when their time is up to run.
You are jumping all around the place. Lock in on this presidential candidate. Make them say what they will do for us ONLY. Then we move around to the next folks.

There's no such thing as a black country.
1. Everybody else don't champion for black folks when they want things for their race. This is about resources
2. Do you champion for only your kids or do you champion for your neighbor kids, kids in Oregon of another race that you haven't met to get the resources that your kids and kids that look like you need? Black folks own NOBODY but themselves to survive out here.

Black folks are at the bottom, men and women, You help those at the bottom first. Homeless is out of control in the black arena. I'm not concern with anybody else but black folks.

Do you share your money with other folks? You want black folks to share share, look out for "other" and "everybody" , if you get paid from your job, do you share your paycheck with other people?? Sounds like you do, but I know better.
We been running that "look out for everybody" play for 60 years now and it has gotten us at the bottom, men and women

Time to switch it up and concentrate on US, Black folks, let them other folks figure their own shit out, they will and can.

You apply simple logic in your life, but when it comes to voting, you wanna save everybody, Not me, bro.

Education - Should be taught at HOME. Why are you as a parent, family member, etc not teaching you own about things??
The education been watered down since we've intergrated with these folks.

You learn more when you get out of school anyways. You should.
Healthcare, is something that would be one or two of the 10 things on the list for black folks

Black folks, again us, are suffering in that department, we lead dayum near in every category, so why would I champion for some other group of people when my folks are leading in many of the categories in health statistic?

YOu not really addressing anything I said

1) All that Native American stuff you're talking about has been in effect for decades. We're not talking about what should have been put in place for black people in 1912. We're talking about what can be done now in today's political climate, and my point is that other groups aren't getting 10 different substantive things done for them each election cycle. That's simply not true.
2) No, I'm not interested in ceremonial bullshit. We've been there and done that. I don't want a "Stop messing with black people" bill. I want criminal justice reform that force real change to how we are treated
3) You're painting what I'm saying as "we should fight for something for us and then give it to other people." That's not what I'm suggesting. I'm saying we should fight for things that benefit us whether they work solely for us or not. You just promoted Ice Cube's plan. Did you actually read it? About half the shit in there wouldn't be specific to black people. It would just disproportionately help black people. Why do you support it when Cube say it, but trash it when I propose many of the same things?

You ain't hearin' me mane.

I'm tellin' you, these GOT to be some paid to post accounts on this site. It's literally no way they could possibly be this stupid. Amassing 75K messages in 7 years and other accounts like this. They never state black unity or whatnot, just vote democrat and cop an attitude w/ ppl that don't even wanna vote. When that's actually one of the best option on the table.

They probably using a VPN w/ a dedicated IP address and sharing the same account login info.

I at times be having to re-read some of these folks' posts, I try and make it 4th grade simple and see if they would apply the same logic to their everyday life and they dayum sure won't

Simple logic is with them at all time, but feelings come into play when voting.

Logic goes all out the window when it comes to talking politics and voting.
I thought about making a thread that folks can list 10 things that we can agree on solely for black folks
You should make it. I think that these are topics that we should be talking about because one of the issues we have as Black Americans is there is no concrete political agenda that we can even unify on.
You should make it. I think that these are topics that we should be talking about because one of the issues we have as Black Americans is there is no concrete political agenda that we can even unify on.
How do you feel about the hypothetical concept of sitting out 2024 for our vote to be up for grabs in 2028??. Imagine a bidding war for the black vote
In a perfect world, this would be a sight to see. However there’s so many factors that would work against this. Namely the anxiety of not voting knowing there’s an entire Republican Party whose current open agenda is to undo a lot of the policies we still have in our favor. Never mind the fact that voting numbers overall for black people are being out paced by whites more than ever…. So as much as we would love to believe us not voting would make a difference for the better, they’re actually counting on it. With a lot of states actively moving voting law goalposts to ensure voter suppression.

Now the Dems do depend on our vote right or wrong, maybe that would drive them to push for more policy. Yet I also don’t see this going well trying to to work under a second Trump administration.

There really has to be a politician that sweeps a party into a frenzy like Trump did in 2016. One that has our hopes in mind that’s favorable enough to create a groundswell of support from many demographics. For now all that’s here is idealism that the system would think we somehow matter more if we don’t turn out in the polls. They only kinda give a fuck now, I can only imagine how much they would if we stay silent.

I have to push back, voter suppression is for immigrants, we are used as the mascots. They do not want the immigrants to have that vote. Black folks been voting since forever, before white women. Voter suppression talk didn't come about in the surface until the last administration of Obama, maybe around 2010, that was the time, those doca programs and immigrants started to flood the states. Even had Al Sharpton trying to adovcate for these illegals to come over, that other dude, John Lewis who said he bled in Selma took Dr. King Dream speech title and started calling these illegal "Dreamers" saying that they should be citizen. It's all a ploy to get them to become citizens so that they can use that voting block.

Here's the trick though, bus illegal immigrants here, drop them in black neighborhoods as they are doing (you don't see them in white areas) mainly black areas. create zoning lines to say you can't vote and press in the media how they are blocking voting in that area. Lol All a game.

Until you die, and I die, we will continue to hear about "voter suppression" because the democratic party wants that illegal immigration voting block, the white illegals, or those that would classify themselves as white especially.
43 million black people in America

If everyone who was eligible to vote abandoned the political process that works against us, that would give us more power and leverage than we've ever had in history.. then there'd be like a bidding war for our vote in 2028

It's the only way to get some attention and make some noise. Doing what they expect us to do does not work for us
even though you're correct you're still wrong.

For what you're asking that would take a majority mind set with everyone on the same page and that's not happening no time soon.

What we really need is our people looking at self making that self assessment and fixing at home first. Teaching our children about financial freedom and building generational wealth. Basically steal a page out of Asian brother and sisters playbook and building our core inside first then taking that power we have from that to turn into political power or not because if your mind and money right like how a lot Asian's are you don't need to lean on system like how the Black/Brown does.

We rather tear each other down instead of build each other up sorta how you like to do when people don't fall in line with the line you're pushing.
I still haven't heard her policies on Cuba , Venezuela , the middle east , corporate greed , bringing down federal taxes/capital gains, qualified immunity, civil asset forfeitures , law enforcement being out of hand , bringing down the Pentagons budget by closing military bases , getting rid of tax loopholes & simplifying taxes . Those are the issues I care about
I at times be having to re-read some of these folks' posts, I try and make it 4th grade simple and see if they would apply the same logic to their everyday life and they dayum sure won't

Simple logic is with them at all time, but feelings come into play when voting.

Logic goes all out the window when it comes to talking politics and voting.

Yeah, I gotta do a double-take.

They playin' stupid when you state facts.
Reparations? What campaign is he running on, period?

He aint serious

He supports reparations right? Far as I can tell thats the only issue you seem to care about.

"No vote without reparations"

Him supporting it and putting his name in the running as a candidate aint enough for you? 🤔
even though you're correct you're still wrong.

For what you're asking that would take a majority mind set with everyone on the same page and that's not happening no time soon.

What we really need is our people looking at self making that self assessment and fixing at home first. Teaching our children about financial freedom and building generational wealth. Basically steal a page out of Asian brother and sisters playbook and building our core inside first then taking that power we have from that to turn into political power or not because if your mind and money right like how a lot Asian's are you don't need to lean on system like how the Black/Brown does.

We rather tear each other down instead of build each other up sorta how you like to do when people don't fall in line with the line you're pushing.

Every time the "All black people should stop voting" crowd pops up, I always ask the same question and I've never gotten a real answer.

They always assume that if black peple take our 13% out of the voting pool that the system will crash and politicians will rush back to us to court our vote. What do we do if that doesn't happen? Hispanics are a bigger voting block than us now. What do we do if the Dems just start courting them (they already have), and just replace us? We will have basically given up all our power and lost any leverage we had. That's a very real possibility.
Every time the "All black people should stop voting" crowd pops up, I always ask the same question and I've never gotten a real answer.

They always assume that if black peple take our 13% out of the voting pool that the system will crash and politicians will rush back to us to court our vote. What do we do if that doesn't happen? Hispanics are a bigger voting block than us now. What do we do if the Dems just start courting them (they already have), and just replace us? We will have basically given up all our power and lost any leverage we had. That's a very real possibility.
Then why do they campaign for the black vote?
Then why do they campaign for the black vote?

They don't really. As people keep pointing out, they don't ever really do anything of substance for black people. They just acknowledge our existence. Part of the problem is that Dems just assume they have our vote and don't need to do anything to keep it.

So I'd agree that we need to break them out of that thinking and make them work for our vote, but I disagree that black people taking our ball and going home would work out of us in the end.
How do you feel about the hypothetical concept of sitting out 2024 for our vote to be up for grabs in 2028??. Imagine a bidding war for the black vote
I'm not with that plan. I believe that the path getting to reparations or any other Black American agenda done is creating a new PAC group for Blacks (we used to have this with the NAACP and other groups, but they are now trash) and electing people at all levels of government who will push actual legislation through.

I have to push back, voter suppression is for immigrants, we are used as the mascots. They do not want the immigrants to have that vote. Black folks been voting since forever, before white women. Voter suppression talk didn't come about in the surface until the last administration of Obama, maybe around 2010, that was the time, those doca programs and immigrants started to flood the states. Even had Al Sharpton trying to adovcate for these illegals to come over, that other dude, John Lewis who said he bled in Selma took Dr. King Dream speech title and started calling these illegal "Dreamers" saying that they should be citizen. It's all a ploy to get them to become citizens so that they can use that voting block.

Here's the trick though, bus illegal immigrants here, drop them in black neighborhoods as they are doing (you don't see them in white areas) mainly black areas. create zoning lines to say you can't vote and press in the media how they are blocking voting in that area. Lol All a game.

Until you die, and I die, we will continue to hear about "voter suppression" because the democratic party wants that illegal immigration voting block, the white illegals, or those that would classify themselves as white especially.
Voter suppression was and is definitely about the black vote. They started trying to gut the Voting Rights Act because of the record number of black votes Obama received in 2008.