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Folks were mad at Cube because Trump actually wanted to sit down and look over his plan. That's what the push back came from.

Cube was about to sit down with Trump and his team to go over the plan

Fans have mixed reactions to Ice Cube’s collaboration with the Trump administration.​

Now that I think about it, Cube actually said the dems basically dissed him and at least Orange listened.

Yeah, sounds like Cube got one pulled over on him. I hope Cube wouldn't have a hand in stealing $$.

Btw, he literally already went on and stated the truth about your democrat party on Graham Bensinger's channel. Taking into account ya'll idolatry for the democrat party, this doesn't shock me one bit nobody in this thread posted this yet.

Much respect to Cube for his contributions.

Sadly, he hasn't gotten that far w/ the CWBA. I hope that changes tho.

So all or most of us realize no politician will make us a priority.

Make ourselves a priority then.

What's the problem??

And to be blunt, we should've been doing this if you haven't already.
“If not Kamala, who?”

Each other.

If not each other then we doomed and you might as well learn Spanish and see if you can pass for a Guatemalan.
The Democrat supporters of abw don't ever talk about black togetherness. Never. You'll never see two posts in a row like this from these niggas.
Folks were mad at Cube because Trump actually wanted to sit down and look over his plan. That's what the push back came from.

Cube was about to sit down with Trump and his team to go over the plan

Fans have mixed reactions to Ice Cube’s collaboration with the Trump administration.​

Hey, we need to make a thread to discuss his plan. There's some good shit there and some shit that could definitely be requested right now.
The Democrat supporters of abw don't ever talk about black togetherness. Never. You'll never see two posts in a row like this from these niggas.


You ain't hearin' me mane.

I'm tellin' you, these GOT to be some paid to post accounts on this site. It's literally no way they could possibly be this stupid. Amassing 75K messages in 7 years and other accounts like this. They never state black unity or whatnot, just vote democrat and cop an attitude w/ ppl that don't even wanna vote. When that's actually one of the best option on the table.

They probably using a VPN w/ a dedicated IP address and sharing the same account login info.
Native Americans don't get 10 things done for them every campaign cycle. I hear what you're saying, but we have to stop operating based on these lies and half-truths. Other groups do get things done specifically for them, but often those things are ceremonial and don't mean shit. Biden signed EOs for Asian Americans and Trans Americans early in his presidency and a lot of black people made a big deal about it. They were the equivalent of "Hey, stop messing with these people." That ain't shit, and it's not what we need. We need actual substantive efforts, and those things are hard to get through.

I'm not against asking for things specifically for black people. I'm just saying we have to be reasonable. You can't ask Kamala to guarantee 10 big things for black people that will require Congressional agreement or Supreme Court buy-in, and then get mad at her if she says she can't make that promise because she doesn't have the power to keep it.

And black people should have our own agenda, but if you're only concerned in actions that will benefit black people, you need to move to a black country. The reality is that most major issues that have to be addressed with this country don't just affect black people. That doesn't mean they can't be handled in a way that will uplift the black community. I bring up criminal justice reform a lot. That's not something that would solely benefit black people, but it's something that absolutely needs to be handled for the betterment of the black community because we are the biggest targets of that corrupt system. You can say the same thing about healthcare, education, and a bunch of other things. You guys dismiss these as topic because you seem not to understand that we are usually the biggest victims of the failures in those system.
I tend to share this sentiment with one notable exception regarding the benefits that other groups being ceremonial :

The Jewish community, while being 2.4% of the population, get tons of earmarks. Their “homeland” has free healthcare based on the fact we subsidize their economy with billions annually from our tax dollars.

You’re not even able to criticize them and get government contracts in most states.
None, if not able to be hold down a few Senators and Representatives to hold them to task. all you’re doing is asking to be lied to(Student Loans). Like Minded Black folks should strategical target a swing state(GA) if they want any President to take the aggregate’s demand serious.
I tend to share this sentiment with one notable exception regarding the benefits that other groups being ceremonial :

The Jewish community, while being 2.4% of the population, get tons of earmarks. Their “homeland” has free healthcare based on the fact we subsidize their economy with billions annually from our tax dollars.

You’re not even able to criticize them and get government contracts in most states.

I wasn't saying that all the stuff is ceremonial. After all, Japanese internment camp victims and their families essentially got reparations.

I was just responding to the idea that these other groups are getting 10 things just for them each cycle which isn't really true.
The Democrat supporters of abw don't ever talk about black togetherness. Never. You'll never see two posts in a row like this from these niggas.
@AP2.5 remove that thumbs down

Abw does not stand for black people, y'all stand for the establishment

As tayboo comes closer to the light, one of the first comments in here was to mock someone who preaches togetherness

Yall are largely off code
Native Americans don't get 10 things done for them every campaign cycle. I hear what you're saying, but we have to stop operating based on these lies and half-truths. Other groups do get things done specifically for them, but often those things are ceremonial and don't mean shit. Biden signed EOs for Asian Americans and Trans Americans early in his presidency and a lot of black people made a big deal about it. They were the equivalent of "Hey, stop messing with these people." That ain't shit, and it's not what we need. We need actual substantive efforts, and those things are hard to get through.

I'm not against asking for things specifically for black people. I'm just saying we have to be reasonable. You can't ask Kamala to guarantee 10 big things for black people that will require Congressional agreement or Supreme Court buy-in, and then get mad at her if she says she can't make that promise because she doesn't have the power to keep it.

And black people should have our own agenda, but if you're only concerned in actions that will benefit black people, you need to move to a black country. The reality is that most major issues that have to be addressed with this country don't just affect black people. That doesn't mean they can't be handled in a way that will uplift the black community. I bring up criminal justice reform a lot. That's not something that would solely benefit black people, but it's something that absolutely needs to be handled for the betterment of the black community because we are the biggest targets of that corrupt system. You can say the same thing about healthcare, education, and a bunch of other things. You guys dismiss these as topic because you seem not to understand that we are usually the biggest victims of the failures in those system.

Native Americans, have things ear-marked for them in budgets that they get every year. Native Americans have their own communities, land grants, own police departments, casinos, free education to colleges, vocal universities etc. I can go on. If you wanna call that "ceremonial" cool, I as a black man will take those "ceremonial" things.

So black folks don't need a "Hey stop messing with us" bill? Yes or NO? The way police are killing us all willy nilly, You don't think we don't need a "Hey stop messing with us" bill? Yes or No

I said we should have a list of 10 things listed to present to Kamala and Trump, hold them accountable to do 4 to 5 things off the list.
I'm not speaking about Congressmen and Supreme Court (They don't help black folks anyway) We can touch congress men when their time is up to run.
You are jumping all around the place. Lock in on this presidential candidate. Make them say what they will do for us ONLY. Then we move around to the next folks.

There's no such thing as a black country.
1. Everybody else don't champion for black folks when they want things for their race. This is about resources
2. Do you champion for only your kids or do you champion for your neighbor kids, kids in Oregon of another race that you haven't met to get the resources that your kids and kids that look like you need? Black folks owe NOBODY nothing but themselves to survive out here.

Black folks are at the bottom, men and women, You help those at the bottom first. Homeless is out of control in the black arena. I'm not concern with anybody else but black folks.

Do you share your money with other folks? You want black folks to share share, look out for "other" and "everybody" , if you get paid from your job, do you share your paycheck with other people?? Sounds like you do, but I know better.
We been running that "look out for everybody" play for 60 years now and it has gotten us at the bottom, men and women

Time to switch it up and concentrate on US, Black folks, let them other folks figure their own shit out, they will and can.

You apply simple logic in your life, but when it comes to voting, you wanna save everybody, Not me, bro.

Education - Should be taught at HOME. Why are you as a parent, family member, etc not teaching you own about things??
The education been watered down since we've intergrated with these folks.

You learn more when you get out of school anyways. You should.
Healthcare, is something that would be one or two of the 10 things on the list for black folks

Black folks, again us, are suffering in that department, we lead dayum near in every category, so why would I champion for some other group of people when my folks are leading in many of the categories in health statistics?
So there are no blacks in congress right now that y'all feel given the opportunity would treat us as a priority??
A lot of them are supported by Special Interest Groups that which Black folks are apart of however their agenda may be Worker Specific Not To Race. A Black PAC would be working behind the 8ball to influence one of these already compromised seats. It can be done though.
43 million black people in America

If everyone who was eligible to vote abandoned the political process that works against us, that would give us more power and leverage than we've ever had in history.. then there'd be like a bidding war for our vote in 2028

It's the only way to get some attention and make some noise. Doing what they expect us to do does not work for us

In a perfect world, this would be a sight to see. However there’s so many factors that would work against this. Namely the anxiety of not voting knowing there’s an entire Republican Party whose current open agenda is to undo a lot of the policies we still have in our favor. Never mind the fact that voting numbers overall for black people are being out paced by whites more than ever…. So as much as we would love to believe us not voting would make a difference for the better, they’re actually counting on it. With a lot of states actively moving voting law goalposts to ensure voter suppression.

Now the Dems do depend on our vote right or wrong, maybe that would drive them to push for more policy. Yet I also don’t see this going well trying to to work under a second Trump administration.

There really has to be a politician that sweeps a party into a frenzy like Trump did in 2016. One that has our hopes in mind that’s favorable enough to create a groundswell of support from many demographics. For now all that’s here is idealism that the system would think we somehow matter more if we don’t turn out in the polls. They only kinda give a fuck now, I can only imagine how much they would if we stay silent.