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I only used Obama has an example because he is the most well known, but I've stated my stance multiple times on how blacks can have their issues addressed is by electing people that are truly invested at local, state, and federal levels. Yes while it may take a miracle to get a presidential candidate handpicked by blacks...getting a house representative or a senator elected how ever is not that far fetched.
Yes, just look at people like Marjorie Taylor Green, Laurent Boebert, and George Santos. They alone prove getting into the House of Representatives isn’t that difficult. Then once you’re there you raise your profile and go Senate then White House.

Or on a state level get elected to state congress then Mayor then White House.
Yes, just look at people like Marjorie Taylor Green, Laurent Boebert, and George Santos. They alone prove getting into the House of Representatives isn’t that difficult. Then once you’re there you raise your profile and go Senate then White House.

Or on a state level get elected to state congress then Mayor then White House.
I need to apply.
Kamala's economic platform seems pretty good. If she can get much of it done, that would be good for the country in general and a lot of black people.
If this same thread was made for Biden before dropping out it would turn out the same.

And no one would be suggesting Kamala.
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If this same thread was made for Biden before dropping out it would turn out the same.

And no one would be suggesting Kamala.

I think a few folks did do this exercise when there was talk of him being too old and needing to step aside. I feel like a few names were tossed out, Kamala included
I think a few folks did do this exercise when there was talk of him being too old and needing to step aside. I feel like a few names were tossed out, Kamala included
If u mean in the presidential thread I only saw Los run through multiple options but that none were better than Biden to stay as the candidate lol

And someone said to keep Kamala as VP even if Biden gone
Also @Inori that was after the pressure was on from Dem side to get Biden out

When Dems were still in denial we were all pretty much reserved to the fact that both options are trash but Trump worse
Also @Inori that was after the pressure was on from Dem side to get Biden out

When Dems were still in denial we were all pretty much reserved to the fact that both options are trash but Trump worse

iono about anyone else but lemme see if I can find my posts.

Lmao I do remember someone saying Kamala should be VP for someone else 🤣
Polis or Shapiro would've been my preferred unless Michelle up and changed her mind about running. I'm voting Kamala strictly because I have faith in her not going after programs and policies that are meant to benefit the less well-off. Beyond that, I have absolutely no expectations for that woman. To me, she's just an avatar for the agenda of the greater Democrat party - and that does not sit well with me.

I'd just leave the President part blank if it were Newsom, I can't trust this nigga to not fuck his friends' wives why the fuck would I vote him for President?
I wanna know more about Kamala's ban on price gouging policy.

Some say it's comparable to Nixon's price controls of the 70s (didn't turn out well).

Some say there are states that already have their own version of it and is more or less not effective.

She's talking about keeping industries competitive, I wonder what happens with the Kroger-Albertsons merger
I wanna know more about Kamala's ban on price gouging policy.

Some say it's comparable to Nixon's price controls of the 70s (didn't turn out well).

Some say there are states that already have their own version of it and is more or less not effective.

She's talking about keeping industries competitive, I wonder what happens with the Kroger-Albertsons merger

Yeah, it will be interesting to learn more about it. Considering the companies were basically bragging about doing it, it might be easier than you think to stamp it out,. I mean it's kind of obvious that gouging is going on when the companies blame the supply chain problems for the inflation but don't lower the prices when the supply chains are fixed.
I don't know if y'all know this but it's actually been proven that the opinions and political beliefs of citizens has zero effect on policy.

Governments don't reflect the will of the people. They reflect the will of those in power.

Professors Martin Gilens (Princeton University) and Benjamin I. Page (Northwestern University) looked at more than 20 years worth of data to answer a simple question: Does the government represent the people?

Their study took data from nearly 2000 public opinion surveys and compared it to the policies that ended up becoming law. In other words, they compared what the public wanted to what the government actually did. What they found was extremely unsettling: The opinions of 90% of Americans have essentially no impact at all.

Societies are ruled from the top down.

Propaganda or social engineering, is the discipline that the top of society uses to influence the rest of it.

The masses don't have a competing ideology or the coordination or the discipline.

Voting doesn't matter, it never did matter.

What matters is, is the bottom as organized and disciplined as the top of society.

And that's obviously no. The masses are a disorganized, misguided mess that are given the illusion of control.

Disconnect from the dog and pony show. As Native-born Black Americans, we should already know they ain't gonna do shit for us because we were created as examples of what not to be.

They will never ever give us anything to make us whole because then they will have to find a new slave. A new reject. A new criminal. A new scapegoat.

And why do that when we are the perfect creation?
I don't know if y'all know this but it's actually been proven that the opinions and political beliefs of citizens has zero effect on policy.

Governments don't reflect the will of the people. They reflect the will of those in power.

Professors Martin Gilens (Princeton University) and Benjamin I. Page (Northwestern University) looked at more than 20 years worth of data to answer a simple question: Does the government represent the people?

Their study took data from nearly 2000 public opinion surveys and compared it to the policies that ended up becoming law. In other words, they compared what the public wanted to what the government actually did. What they found was extremely unsettling: The opinions of 90% of Americans have essentially no impact at all.

Societies are ruled from the top down.

Propaganda or social engineering, is the discipline that the top of society uses to influence the rest of it.

The masses don't have a competing ideology or the coordination or the discipline.

Voting doesn't matter, it never did matter.

What matters is, is the bottom as organized and disciplined as the top of society.

And that's obviously no. The masses are a disorganized, misguided mess that are given the illusion of control.

Disconnect from the dog and pony show. As Native-born Black Americans, we should already know they ain't gonna do shit for us because we were created as examples of what not to be.

They will never ever give us anything to make us whole because then they will have to find a new slave. A new reject. A new criminal. A new scapegoat.

And why do that when we are the perfect creation?
Let me just add this isn't just a race thing it's a class thing as well. Racism was implemented to keep poor whites from banding together with oppressed black people of any economic status.

What I don't get is how we can have these rich powerful people get on TV, pull on our heart strings, make us all these promises (like they do every cycle) ask for donations act like they can relate, then they walk off in their fancy clothes, have their chauffeur drive their fancy cars to their private jets and hang around places we will never be able to set foot, and we eat it up.

But can spot the scam from the preacher a mile away.

If u step back and take your emotions out of it u can see how ridiculous it all is.

And this not just a Democrat thing...I said on here the RNC felt like church but God wasn't involved.

The parallels are crazy if u think about it.