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Realistic vs idealistic?😕

Such a waste.

There's nobody else out there yo
There’s other people out there, just no one else that could win this year since the table has been set.

But now is the time to start voting the people who you would eventually support to local and national seats.

That’s the question, who would you like to see rise to be an eventual nominee and president?
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I wasn't asking about just people currently running for office. I'm asking if there is a congressmen, a senator, a governor, hell a mayor that if voted in would address black issues.

The fact that are a whole 2 answers in this whole thread is quite sad really. Why are we electing people we think wouldn't fight for us? Especially if you live some where with a large black population...
Well that goes back to the point of us doing our own thing, and supporting politicians who actually have our best interests at heart.

Right now, nearly every one pushed for local races are handpicked by the two parties. You basically get no campaign funding unless you go with the program. So nah, there is no bench right now, but they CAN be if we pushed for it. That requires everyone putting their money where their mouth is though. And actually doing grassroots activities.

If we put a fraction of energy into local races, that we do for national.....things would be different.
If she were married to a black man I would support her 100%.

But I'm just tired of these divestors/swirlers who attain a high station in our society only to spread their legs for the white man. How is that inspiring to black people?
If she were married to a black man I would support her 100%.

But I'm just tired of these divestors/swirlers who attain a high station in our society only to spread their legs for the white man. How is that inspiring to black people?
I don’t hold politicians to the same standard as I do people who claim to be black activists or leaders, so I don’t really care who she married.
There is, you just refuse to acknowledge it.

so who's this upcoming guy that has a chance in 2028 because this thread is 12 pages and a waste. I didn't see no one post about a potential upcoming politician that's qualified.

Skimmed through 9 pages and no one has suggested anyone other than Kamala, lol.

so who's this upcoming guy that has a chance in 2028 because this thread is 12 pages and a waste. I didn't see no one post about a potential upcoming politician that's qualified.

I posted one, along with a link to an NPR story on him as well as a link to his platform on the last page but this thread is not the first time I've mentioned him, it's the third, y'all just ain't paying attention.
I think for some the answer is to not accept what we're given, but instead push people we actually want into the political arena. But again, campaign funding is how they gatekeep it
While this is true, we shouldn't use lack of funding from big party donors as an excuse. As an example when Barack Obama ran in 2008 it was pretty much a grassroot effort at first because that was supposed to Hilary Clinton's time. She was supposed to ease her way to the nomination that election cycle. Another example...Tim Walz received very little funding when he first ran for office because he was running in a district that was Republican stronghold. Dems only started to give him funds late in the game once they realized he a chance to actually win.

Blacks can elect the people we want if the grassroot effort is there. The DNC and donors are going to follow the votes because they want that majority...
While this is true, we shouldn't use lack of funding from big party donors as an excuse. As an example when Barack Obama ran in 2008 it was pretty much a grassroot effort at first because that was supposed to Hilary Clinton's time. She was supposed to ease her way to the nomination that election cycle. Another example...Tim Walz received very little funding when he first ran for office because he was running in a district that was Republican stronghold. Dems only started to give him funds late in the game once they realized he a chance to actually win.

Blacks can elect the people we want if the grassroot effort is there. The DNC and donors are going to follow the votes because they want that majority...
You know how many stars have to align in order to achieve that? How many miracles you want? Not you personally, but I’m just saying. It’s probably easier to pray who you want in office. Lol.

That’s why as a Christian I’m less political in general and more about religion, but there’s a lot of fine details about the political process I don’t know as far as how it all works. I just learn little bits and pieces as I get older and build on the general understanding I already have, but sometimes I wonder if it’s by design that these kind of details aren’t required to be taught in grade school. Like how to go about changing laws in your local area and all that, there’s white people that know how to affect all that for the stuff they want.

Another point why I say to not focus too much on the presidential candidate is because we have many black American figures of our own who got legislative results without having an exact presidential elect that meet our ideal preferences.
You know how many stars have to align in order to achieve that? How many miracles you want? Not you personally, but I’m just saying. It’s probably easier to pray who you want in office. Lol.

That’s why as a Christian I’m less political in general and more about religion, but there’s a lot of fine details about the political process I don’t know as far as how it all works. I just learn little bits and pieces as I get older and build on the general understanding I already have, but sometimes I wonder if it’s by design that these kind of details aren’t required to be taught in grade school. Like how to go about changing laws in your local area and all that, there’s white people that know how to affect all that for the stuff they want.

Another point why I say to not focus too much on the presidential candidate is because we have many black American figures of our own who got legislative results without having an exact presidential elect that meet our ideal preferences.

It is by design. Partially because it does take certain specifications to teach certain concepts. It does take time to understand these concepts and many don't that's why you often see them blaming the President for shit the President can't actually do.
You know how many stars have to align in order to achieve that? How many miracles you want? It’s probably easier to pray who you want in office. Lol.

That’s why as a Christian I’m less political in general and more about religion, but there’s a lot of fine details about the political process I don’t know as far as how it all works. I just have a general idea and understanding, but sometimes I wonder if it’s by design that the details are required to be taught in grade school.

Another point why I say to not focus too much on the presidential candidate is because we have many black American figures of our own who got legislative results without having an exact presidential elect that meet our ideal preferences.
I only used Obama has an example because he is the most well known, but I've stated my stance multiple times on how blacks can have their issues addressed is by electing people that are truly invested at local, state, and federal levels. Yes while it may take a miracle to get a presidential candidate handpicked by blacks...getting a house representative or a senator elected how ever is not that far fetched.