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Skimmed through 9 pages and no one has suggested anyone other than Kamala, lol.

I don’t understand how people can be such loyalists to people like Nasheed and Umar but not want someone like them to become a politician and actually effect change. Or at least push them to lobby people who might be able to make the change. They’re actually ok with them just sitting back and complaining.

Demand more from your leaders.
That’s first line

So much to unpack with this. I have an idea where this convo is going to go, but im going to give it a shot anyway.

One of you major gripes is, they didnt meet with Ice Cube when he wanted to & haven't reached out to him to hear what black people need? Did I really read that right? For this argument did you just elevate a former gangster rapper/actor, to the leader of black people in America? Let me counter that with this question. What has Ice Cube done in the black community, or any community, that warrants the President & Vice President to allocate time out of their loaded schedule, for an exclusive meeting with him? And dont say he gives out turkeys and backpacks every year.

Both these analogies are terrible because they arnt accurate for the majority of yall.

A more fitting one is you going down to that school and demanding a meeting with the principle to complain. Then while you're chewing their ear off about how your expectations arnt being met, they find out your kids are home schooled and arnt even students there.

Or going to Popeyes and complaining about how they run the business & menu, then they find out you're vegan, dont spend any money with them, but you might consider it if they changed their whole business to cater to you.

Of course they'd ignore you & move on if they thought you were wasting their time with nonsense.

I saw it, and when I read your 100% unrealistic & impossible to accomplish list, I ignored it. I'm NGL. That list read like it was a troll post and theres no way a adult would put that out and be serious. Its like you read some aristocratic manga & got inspired to try and make blacks the nobles of North American. That list was so bad its just slightly above having no ideas.

Like other posters mentioned, Kamala is for getting funding to healthcare, social services, & education. That will literally directly benefit black people. The last time a checked blacks are the poorest demo in this country & need help in all of the above. But for some reason some, of yall are acting like racist poor whites & would rather get nothing, than to get help that also could possibly help another ethnic group.

Lastly, Im really laughing at the thought of you seriously thinking Trumps administration would do anything to help just black people. You seriously think you could present them with a proposal filled with things like "black only land grants free of all taxes & free utilities, free education for black where ever they want to go with a $6k a month stipend, 100% free healthcare & childcare for only blacks, & if you kill a black person its automatic life in prison" and get serious consideration. They'd look at each other and buss out laughing as soon as you left the room. Thats if they even manage to hold it in while reading that.

I wanna say they'd throw that proposal right in the trash, but the reality is they'd keep it, take pics and pass it around so more people can laugh at it.

You are questioning a man who has a plan created to help out your black people, that shit is very low, garbage energy to me. You have a man who dedicated his time and effort, sat with other black scholars, Dr. Claude Anderson, Tony Browder etc, who have vouched for him to push their own ideas that they know will help black folks, they created this plan for him to push on his platform to help elevate black people to help get black folks from out of the bottom spot, and you want to shit on bud because of his past occupation, some shit he did 30 years ago? This man is family man, who has a wife and kids but because he was a rapper, film director, actor, you wanna say, fuck his plan, which is better than anything you came up with? Sour
I didn't know that you had to do something for the black community to get a meeting on helping black folks. What did Cardi B do? What did these other folks do so astounding for the black community? Gorilla, You answer that, they were able to meet with the VP, President

Tell me this: What Jew person, Asian person, Hispanic person does for their community to have meetings with the President, VP, remember when that group of Asians folks went to the WH to have a meeting with the President and VP about Asian crimes, what did they do for their community? What were their occupation? Answer that for me

Since everybody has to be so Holy to have a meeting with the President and VP in your eyes. And since we are going by these rules of such, that they have to be holy, tells us the Mona Lisa shit that Cardi B did for her community, what all these other folks who met with the VP and President, what was their MLK moment or moments that they did for their community, since this is one of the requirements, according to your thinking that you have to have to meet with the Presidents and VP. You wanna pin Cube on the cross, Ima make you pin everybody else down with your own thinking process.

The fact you sat up here and type that my list is full of shit, troll shit is sour, yet you didn't provide anything but some shit that you heard another motherfucker say. You seriously cannot breakdown in 'detail' how education, healthcare, social service is going to work for black people. As I stated in the post that you replied to, and I call out every single one of you voters move, you would utter that garbage shit with no structure, just some vague shit that you saw on twitter or heard some other person like yourself say and now you think you're a part of the process lol smh, feel like you're in tune with the political process and shit smh. You said the same shit in 2020, or it was said in 2020 and look what you got? Nothing. Same boat buddy

You asked me what has Cube done for the black community, what if I told you, he's employed black folks to work on his movie sets? He hire black actors, camera men, catering crews, black fashion designers, makeup artists, would that be enough? What If I told you, that he's put in resources with some black folks to help open up car washes, and a cookie stores in South Central LA., would that be enough to pass YOUR test
What if I told you, he bought a group of ladies airline tickets one way, back home when their flight got cancelled and the airlines wouldn't give them a voucher or refund, he came out of his pocket and paid for their airfare, is that enough for you, what if I also told you, that he's invested in black tech companies, startups that has become a great opportunity for black kids that graduate from the community college out there in LA, they are offering them internships, would that be enough. I can say these things and let's be real, it wouldn't change any thought that you have about the man, so why even utter that shit to me to even try and answer? I know the answer to that question, you just want to ramble about shit that has no bearing on anything. You want to deflect

What if I told you he took his time out to create BIG 3 Basketball league that former NBA players enjoy playing in? I can go on, but you don't care, you're stuck on some shit he was in the 90s, 30 odd years ago. A gangsta rapper in your words

You spoke these same talking points back in 2020, not maybe you, but your elk and you still out here begging and hopping,

I'm replying to a nigga who only heard 3 or 4 songs on the radio by Cube, wash smh.
I just posted a tweet from the Tariq dude who asked both Trump and KH to do a sit down with him.

He has a huge following. Some politicians vouch for him; they listen to the things he say.

He's a mover

My nigga. You are severely misinformed.

Tariq is not a mover. He does not have a huge following.

He is not anybody that has any political chops.
That person would need to come up in such a unique way and take over whichever party they decide to run under. Think about how Trump hijacked the Republican Party. Because otherwise these establishment democrats or republicans will never have a plan for black Americans. It’ll always be the same benign neglect from Democrats and the same ole apathy from Republicans.

Bruh, the Republicans are not apathic about African Americans. They positively want to harm y'all.

They want to disenfranchise you (by gerrymandering districts, passing unnecessary voting requirements (e.g. ID laws), etc.), let cops kill you with impunity, allow employers to discriminate against you without any recourse (e.g. by not strictly enforcing antidiscrimination laws), end policies and programs that benefit you (e.g. affirmative action), and a lot more.

Stephen Miller will have a prominent role in the Trump adim (if Trump wins). Dude is pretty much a card-carrying white supremacist. Not in the 'expanded' sense in which too many people throw that term around, but in the old fashioned sense.

This is why it is crazy for anyone to say that the parties are equally anti-black.
Yo Word2burger son.
I want Kamala to go crazy in this debate battle.
Go 4 the kill Yo
Yah mean?
i want to see her get mad like a sista, spit facts like a sista and move her head and fingers like a sista.
Can Kamala double Dutch like Michelle Obama?

fuck all this semantics & rhetoric

I want ether yo
You are questioning a man who has a plan created to help out your black people, that shit is very low, garbage energy to me. You have a man who dedicated his time and effort, sat with other black scholars, Dr. Claude Anderson, Tony Browder etc, who have vouched for him to push their own ideas that they know will help black folks, they created this plan for him to push on his platform to help elevate black people to help get black folks from out of the bottom spot, and you want to shit on bud because of his past occupation, some shit he did 30 years ago? This man is family man, who has a wife and kids but because he was a rapper, film director, actor, you wanna say, fuck his plan, which is better than anything you came up with? Sour
I didn't know that you had to do something for the black community to get a meeting on helping black folks. What did Cardi B do? What did these other folks do so astounding for the black community? Gorilla, You answer that, they were able to meet with the VP, President

Tell me this: What Jew person, Asian person, Hispanic person does for their community to have meetings with the President, VP, remember when that group of Asians folks went to the WH to have a meeting with the President and VP about Asian crimes, what did they do for their community? What were their occupation? Answer that for me

Since everybody has to be so Holy to have a meeting with the President and VP in your eyes. And since we are going by these rules of such, that they have to be holy, tells us the Mona Lisa shit that Cardi B did for her community, what all these other folks who met with the VP and President, what was their MLK moment or moments that they did for their community, since this is one of the requirements, according to your thinking that you have to have to meet with the Presidents and VP. You wanna pin Cube on the cross, Ima make you pin everybody else down with your own thinking process.

The fact you sat up here and type that my list is full of shit, troll shit is sour, yet you didn't provide anything but some shit that you heard another motherfucker say. You seriously cannot breakdown in 'detail' how education, healthcare, social service is going to work for black people. As I stated in the post that you replied to, and I call out every single one of you voters move, you would utter that garbage shit with no structure, just some vague shit that you saw on twitter or heard some other person like yourself say and now you think you're a part of the process lol smh, feel like you're in tune with the political process and shit smh. You said the same shit in 2020, or it was said in 2020 and look what you got? Nothing. Same boat buddy

You asked me what has Cube done for the black community, what if I told you, he's employed black folks to work on his movie sets? He hire black actors, camera men, catering crews, black fashion designers, makeup artists, would that be enough? What If I told you, that he's put in resources with some black folks to help open up car washes, and a cookie stores in South Central LA., would that be enough to pass YOUR test
What if I told you, he bought a group of ladies airline tickets one way, back home when their flight got cancelled and the airlines wouldn't give them a voucher or refund, he came out of his pocket and paid for their airfare, is that enough for you, what if I also told you, that he's invested in black tech companies, startups that has become a great opportunity for black kids that graduate from the community college out there in LA, they are offering them internships, would that be enough. I can say these things and let's be real, it wouldn't change any thought that you have about the man, so why even utter that shit to me to even try and answer? I know the answer to that question, you just want to ramble about shit that has no bearing on anything. You want to deflect

What if I told you he took his time out to create BIG 3 Basketball league that former NBA players enjoy playing in? I can go on, but you don't care, you're stuck on some shit he was in the 90s, 30 odd years ago. A gangsta rapper in your words

You spoke these same talking points back in 2020, not maybe you, but your elk and you still out here begging and hopping,

I'm replying to a nigga who only heard 3 or 4 songs on the radio by Cube, wash smh.
This is a giant feelings ramble. Not worth addressing every single thing you were factually wrong about or just made up. Id just like to point out all the people you claim the president and vp met with to discuss things, actually didnt. Cardi B only sorta met Biden & that was an interview Entertainment Tonight set up for her to do with him over Zoom a couple years ago.

Theres no way you think Glorilla had a closed door, sit down meeting, with the leaders of this country about policy. A quick search shows she got invited to a white house event, & got to shake their hands and take a selfies. That shit isnt uncommon for rich and or famous people to get invited to white house PR events.

Again, I legit feel like you are trying to troll me. Cuz I cant fathom someone saying social services, healthcare and education dont help black people. The only thing that can possibly help them is Ice Cube and whatever he suggests.
This is a giant feelings ramble. Not worth addressing every single thing you were factually wrong about or just made up. Id just like to point out all the people you claim the president and vp met with to discuss things, actually didnt. Cardi B only sorta met Biden & that was an interview Entertainment Tonight set up for her to do with him over Zoom a couple years ago.

Theres no way you think Glorilla had a closed door, sit down meeting, with the leaders of this country about policy. A quick search shows she got invited to a white house event, & got to shake their hands and take a selfies. That shit isnt uncommon for rich and or famous people to get invited to white house PR events.

Again, I legit feel like you are trying to troll me. Cuz I cant fathom someone saying social services, healthcare and education dont help black people. The only thing that can possibly help them is Ice Cube and whatever he suggest

Well nigga don't address if you feel that way about it. Fuck I look giving a shit how you feel about what I said. Lol
Nigga you on rocks if I care about what you think it feels like.

How about this, I feel like you on some hoe shit right about now. That's how I feel nigga
Monk just whined about how I try and do such thing about insulting folks views and I stated to him other folks do that the same thing which this cat just did, but we turn a blind eye to it but when Knock do it, I'm a big bad bully. Knock trolling buddy, the fuck I gotta troll you for nigga, I aint looking for your approval nigga, i say what i say and reply to what i feel like i want to reply to, but Knock post full of feelings but when Knock tell you niggas to apply basic simple logic, the shit you use every day in your lives, Knock a bully and insulting people logic.

Yall still on that hoe shit I see. Monk just cried about it the other day, had another nigga saying Knock should not call folks who break the law criminals, but like I said in my reply to him, just don't make Knock out the bully because I'm pressing and making folks try and explain some shit and they can't.

Boy I tell you, you niggas ain't talking bout shit still in 2024. Yall need to stop that hoe shit for real.

@ap I thought you said these niggas wanna debate in 2024. Niggas still on that hoe shit
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