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We spent 40 minutes only for you to post what I've and many others have been saying all along in this thread.

If the dems don't listen to what we present, which is what they are doing now, we stay at home. Kamala can ask what black folks need, yet she hasn't

She can actually hit up Cube folks, all of these schlors, Dr. Claude, etc and ask, she can hit up Meagan and Quavo, she has reach

So folks are like, we sitting at home this time until the dems start to act right. Stop playing in people face

That Cube list is still online, still intact, she has something to go off of.

It's not what you and others have been saying. You and others have said its time for black people to just stop voting and sit the election out. You literally berate and insult people who still plan on voting. You call everybody else stupid, but are literally resting everything on a proposition for which you have no idea what you would do if it failed. On top of that, your entire argument for why you think your way is foolproof seems to be based wrong information about voting demographics and a lack of understanding about what a president can actually do.

I've always said that what you propose is the nuclear option, the measure of last resort. We as a people have not approached voting with anything close to a unified front for pushing agreed upon goals. We're all over the place with what we want, and the majority of us are happy to just vote against Republicans. I said that before we actually give up our power in a gambit that might not even work, why don't we as a community actually try to work together and push an agenda that a candidate can actually get behind. Telling Kamala to go surf the net to find Cube's plan is not a serious approach. Also, it's hilarious to me that you keep pushing Cube's plan when it's a lot closer to what I've been proposing than to what you've been proposing.

Anyway, we've flogged this horse into mush, so I'm going to leave it here. Good talk brotha.
I never asked you a question bro, scratch that, he stated that black folks don't vote in L.A., you quoted it or made a notion that particular post, now you're saying that everybody vote

You cosigned what he said correct or no?
I take a man at his word, they don’t so they are asking you to cite your sources
I never said blacks don't vote, but you made mentioned on that notion as to say that blacks don't vote. I actually counter your post and said that blacks do vote.

Louisiana has long been reliably red. The Bayou State has voted for the Republican candidate in every presidential election since 2000,

Seems like a red state to me bud
This my last time cause I'ma bout to call you dense or obtuse

Louisiana has been a Republican state because the people who are registered Democrats, who are the majority in the two party state do not vote in large numbers

Let me make it plain for you

If me and you are in a class with 8 other kids and we're asked by the teacher which console we want them to bring to play on free Fridays or whatever

6 of us have an Xbox
4 have a PlayStation

Me and you vote Xbox. That's 2 votes with 8 left right?

All 4 of the kids that have PlayStation vote PlayStation.

That's 4-2 with 4 votes left.

The remaining 4 that have an Xbox, for whatever reason, don't vote

We lose 4-2 despite having more people in the class that own an Xbox

Now, substitute Xbox for Democrats and PS for Republicans and that is why your state is red at election time

If you don't get this, then this is the fork in the road where we go our separate ways
It's not what you and others have been saying. You and others have said its time for black people to just stop voting and sit the election out. You literally berate and insult people who still plan on voting. You call everybody else stupid, but are literally resting everything on a proposition for which you have no idea what you would do if it failed. On top of that, your entire argument for why you think your way is foolproof seems to be based wrong information about voting demographics and a lack of understanding about what a president can actually do.

I've always said that what you propose is the nuclear option, the measure of last resort. We as a people have not approached voting with anything close to a unified front for pushing agreed upon goals. We're all over the place with what we want, and the majority of us are happy to just vote against Republicans. I said that before we actually give up our power in a gambit that might not even work, why don't we as a community actually try to work together and push an agenda that a candidate can actually get behind. Telling Kamala to go surf the net to find Cube's plan is not a serious approach. Also, it's hilarious to me that you keep pushing Cube's plan when it's a lot closer to what I've been proposing than to what you've been proposing.

Anyway, we've flogged this horse into mush, so I'm going to leave it here. Good talk brotha.

I don't think I called anybody 'stupid' for voting, I only insult or take it up after I've been insulted and it's stuck, it's just a debate to me with anybody on here, I run the shits with folks on here, even AP, we don't share the same ideologies, but that nigga know me in real life, it aint and won't ever be that deep with me, a man does what a man do is what I've always stood on. Buddy accused me a being Maga, I called him a garbage ass person, I apologize to bro and kept it pushing, that man has his right to do his thing, just like me.

But again, if one says what I'm saying is left, then I have the same thoughts about their opinion if it's not backed up with facts and more aligned wit fantasies and Santa clause myths.

Just like you and others have said, about the "no voting crowd" is a suicidal mission, we think that what you and those that vote out of fear, feelings, what yall are doing by voting without getting something is foolish and weak, you wouldn't do that in your real life, so why do it now, feelings

I stated that Kamala can reach out to Cube and his team, I also said she can reach out to other black scholars to see what black folks specifically need but you didn't mention that. Most of her team does internet research to see what people are talking about, but in this case, you try and take a slight/dig to what I am saying to up yourself. Weak to me.

I don't like the things you stated, it will not elevate black folks as a society by letting criminals out of prison, our race is not a criminal race bro, we are intelligent people that can ask for intellectual things. Your UHC plan is not something that we will see, I said that's unrealistic, just like how you feel about reparations.
The other stuff is just wash, Pre-K is free in most areas already, and CC is nothing exciting, aim for the top is what I corrected you on, why not Universities, why not say that, but you pick the lowest of the low. I'm questioning myself, Do u want to see black ppl elevate as a whole?

Letting criminals is your way as thinking this will get black people outta the hole. Nothing you listed will get black folks out of last place.
I guarantee if Malcolm X or MLK, Farrakhan if asked to list their top things that they would like for Kamala to do, I bet you everything in my account they wouldn't mention anything about getting criminals out of prison as their first thing to get done. Silly shit

Likewise champ.
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This my last time cause I'ma bout to call you dense or obtuse

Louisiana has been a Republican state because the people who are registered Democrats, who are the majority in the two party state do not vote in large numbers

Let me make it plain for you

If me and you are in a class with 8 other kids and we're asked by the teacher which console we want them to bring to play on free Fridays or whatever

6 of us have an Xbox
4 have a PlayStation

Me and you vote Xbox. That's 2 votes with 8 left right?

All 4 of the kids that have PlayStation vote PlayStation.

That's 4-2 with 4 votes left.

The remaining 4 that have an Xbox, for whatever reason, don't vote

We lose 4-2 despite having more people in the class that own an Xbox

Now, substitute Xbox for Democrats and PS for Republicans and that is why your state is red at election time

If you don't get this, then this is the fork in the road where we go our separate ways
It comes back to why aren't they voting


As a non voter who just observes it's interesting to see the cycle over the years:

1) politicians full of shit
2) voters become too apathetic to vote
3) politicians make promises to increase voter turnout
4) repeat step 1

The most interesting break in cycle has been the removal of expectation of step 3. It's like we are moving backwards as we are told the stakes are higher.

And, as stated in the screenshots above, this isn't just a black demographic, or single party voting problem.
It comes back to why aren't they voting

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View attachment 1359563

As a non voter who just observes it's interesting to see the cycle over the years:

1) politicians full of shit
2) voters become too apathetic to vote
3) politicians make promises to increase voter turnout
4) repeat step 1

The most interesting break in cycle has been the removal of expectation of step 3. It's like we are moving backwards as we are told the stakes are higher.

And, as stated in the screenshots above, this isn't just a black demographic, or single party voting problem.
This gives some excellent context

I think the reasons are justifiable but looking at the raw data with no context still proves my point to him that the Dems while outnumbering Republicans don't vote here which is why the state is red.
This gives some excellent context

I think the reasons are justifiable but looking at the raw data with no context still proves my point to him that the Dems while outnumbering Republicans don't vote here which is why the state is red.
Yea I def get your point there
This my last time cause I'ma bout to call you dense or obtuse

Louisiana has been a Republican state because the people who are registered Democrats, who are the majority in the two party state do not vote in large numbers

Let me make it plain for you

If me and you are in a class with 8 other kids and we're asked by the teacher which console we want them to bring to play on free Fridays or whatever

6 of us have an Xbox
4 have a PlayStation

Me and you vote Xbox. That's 2 votes with 8 left right?

All 4 of the kids that have PlayStation vote PlayStation.

That's 4-2 with 4 votes left.

The remaining 4 that have an Xbox, for whatever reason, don't vote

We lose 4-2 despite having more people in the class that own an Xbox

Now, substitute Xbox for Democrats and PS for Republicans and that is why your state is red at election time

If you don't get this, then this is the fork in the road where we go our separate ways

This ain't it breh. And that's ok
It comes back to why aren't they voting

View attachment 1359562
View attachment 1359563

As a non voter who just observes it's interesting to see the cycle over the years:

1) politicians full of shit
2) voters become too apathetic to vote
3) politicians make promises to increase voter turnout
4) repeat step 1

The most interesting break in cycle has been the removal of expectation of step 3. It's like we are moving backwards as we are told the stakes are higher.

And, as stated in the screenshots above, this isn't just a black demographic, or single party voting problem.
It's hilarious nowadays

I remember this same energy being presented in 2020, the sky is falling etc etc, got the guy in office they wanted and look at us now, country is in a shithole.

It's like this shit is just a game.

Step 1 all over again, create scare tactics to the masses and sit back and watch
The Democrat supporters of abw don't ever talk about black togetherness. Never. You'll never see two posts in a row like this from these niggas.

Nigga that is a lie I talk about pro black pan African unity all the time. You literally just call foreign niggas tether and everybody that don’t agree with you names. Like nigga stfu with the bullshit. You screaming don’t vote but have no strategy other than sit home and hope. And to top it off you don’t do shit for your actual community.

A waste of humanity
Native Americans, have things ear-marked for them in budgets that they get every year. Native Americans have their own communities, land grants, own police departments, casinos, free education to colleges, vocal universities etc. I can go on. If you wanna call that "ceremonial" cool, I as a black man will take those "ceremonial" things.

So black folks don't need a "Hey stop messing with us" bill? Yes or NO? The way police are killing us all willy nilly, You don't think we don't need a "Hey stop messing with us" bill? Yes or No

I said we should have a list of 10 things listed to present to Kamala and Trump, hold them accountable to do 4 to 5 things off the list.
I'm not speaking about Congressmen and Supreme Court (They don't help black folks anyway) We can touch congress men when their time is up to run.
You are jumping all around the place. Lock in on this presidential candidate. Make them say what they will do for us ONLY. Then we move around to the next folks.

There's no such thing as a black country.
1. Everybody else don't champion for black folks when they want things for their race. This is about resources
2. Do you champion for only your kids or do you champion for your neighbor kids, kids in Oregon of another race that you haven't met to get the resources that your kids and kids that look like you need? Black folks owe NOBODY nothing but themselves to survive out here.

Black folks are at the bottom, men and women, You help those at the bottom first. Homeless is out of control in the black arena. I'm not concern with anybody else but black folks.

Do you share your money with other folks? You want black folks to share share, look out for "other" and "everybody" , if you get paid from your job, do you share your paycheck with other people?? Sounds like you do, but I know better.
We been running that "look out for everybody" play for 60 years now and it has gotten us at the bottom, men and women

Time to switch it up and concentrate on US, Black folks, let them other folks figure their own shit out, they will and can.

You apply simple logic in your life, but when it comes to voting, you wanna save everybody, Not me, bro.

Education - Should be taught at HOME. Why are you as a parent, family member, etc not teaching you own about things??
The education been watered down since we've intergrated with these folks.

You learn more when you get out of school anyways. You should.
Healthcare, is something that would be one or two of the 10 things on the list for black folks

Black folks, again us, are suffering in that department, we lead dayum near in every category, so why would I champion for some other group of people when my folks are leading in many of the categories in health statistics?

It downplaying anything you say bruh. But the natives as a whole don’t have it better than us. To me we the only two groups that really deserve something from America that hasn’t been paid.

And how would the education at home thing work when folks gotta go to work. And what would be the standard for education.

And yes I’m fully for a plan addressing what we need
It downplaying anything you say bruh. But the natives as a whole don’t have it better than us. To me we the only two groups that really deserve something from America that hasn’t been paid.

And how would the education at home thing work when folks gotta go to work. And what would be the standard for education.

And yes I’m fully for a plan addressing what we need

Weekends. The same time one may spend watching their favorite show on Netflix, take 30 mins to an hr to explain things to the children would be my suggestion
Y’all need to stop relying on millionaires and billionaires to be democratic.

They have no reason to stop being capitalist and classist.

You really think Cube would be happy if some of y’all/us moved into his neighborhood???

Hell… even I would be mad and my house only worth 6 figures.

Fact is.

There’s levels to this shit that y’all refuse to acknowledge.

Bulk of it is community enrichment.
Y’all need to stop relying on millionaires and billionaires to be democratic.

They have no reason to stop being capitalist and classist.

You really think Cube would be happy if some of y’all/us moved into his neighborhood???

Hell… even I would be mad and my house only worth 6 figures.

Fact is.

There’s levels to this shit that y’all refuse to acknowledge.

Bulk of it is community enrichment.

You know what's crazy is that no one wants to get rid of rich people. Bernie said billionaires shouldn't exist, which I agree with, but that doesn't mean "No rich people." Greed is so woven into our culture that we have people who would rather starve than see a largely meaningless change to their net worth. Let's be real, there isn't much of a difference in quality of life between someone worth 120 billion vs someone worth 1 billion vs someone worth 250 million. They are all rich enough that they can pretty much do whatever they want within reason and ensure that their family will be in the same position for generations.