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The democratic party or the republican party still hasn't contacted Ice Cube about his plan he put together.

He sat down with black scholars who outlined the very necessary things that black folks in this country needs. Noone has from either party has reached out to him as of yet.

A plan/list of things are in place for Black folks. Go see Ice Cube plan that he laid out

Ice Cube caught a lot of flack from black people for that though. A lot of them were bashing him, and I'm not talking about the Dem loyalists. I'm talking about the pro-black crowd. They felt like he was out of line.

It's going to be hard to get any presidential candidate to commit to 10 things that solely benefit black people, especially if they are big things. If they are relatively small things that would have big impacts on black people, I could see that. If they are 10 major shifts, I don't know.

Personally, I'm less interested in things solely for black people, and more interested in how they would prevent black people from being cut out of the things that are supposed to benefit everyone. I think that's a problem that's not acknowledged. They pass policies that could be very helpful to black people and would help black people more than anyone else, but they cut us out like they did with those COVID funds initially.
I gave the solution in the post below yours

That is literally the best strategy stop being mules and servants for the rest of the planet

Y'all going to have to stop this mocking of black people who stand up for black people, when clearly y'alls strategy of Loyalty is failing
1723647960374.gif the thread asks for the name of a specific individual

Do you have one in mind?
View attachment 1359284the thread asks for the name of a specific individual

Do you have one in mind?
Serious answer it doesn't exist sure there are more people who fit a more acceptable style and aesthetic but more often than not its a style an aesthetic but thats all it really takes for a large portion people

To follow, parrot, excuse ans regurgitate... this goes across the board..... all of them
Ice Cube caught a lot of flack from black people for that though. A lot of them were bashing him, and I'm not talking about the Dem loyalists. I'm talking about the pro-black crowd. They felt like he was out of line.

It's going to be hard to get any presidential candidate to commit to 10 things that solely benefit black people, especially if they are big things. If they are relatively small things that would have big impacts on black people, I could see that. If they are 10 major shifts, I don't know.

Personally, I'm less interested in things solely for black people, and more interested in how they would prevent black people from being cut out of the things that are supposed to benefit everyone. I think that's a problem that's not acknowledged. They pass policies that could be very helpful to black people and would help black people more than anyone else, but they cut us out like they did with those COVID funds initially.

Bashing him because they did not read what was on the policy, kind of like what some folks do on here, bash the messenger but overlook the message. Conditioned is what I call it.

I don't know too many pro-black crowd folks that bashed him, I heard alot of pro-black, grassroots folks supporting the things he wanted to get done. He met with some great people with great minds. Dr. Claude Anderson was one of those folks.

It's not going to be hard, if they want the black voting block a candidate will commit to anything if they want that voting block. Native Americans get 10 things done for them and they don't even vote. Other groups get things done specifically for them and they don't vote. Whether they have 10 or 5, majority of their issues are met.

You don't want your own room, you want to be in the room with others is what you're saying?? Intergration again? See how that worked for black folks.

I personally think black folks should get their own room/policies/grants/agenda. We do better with our own. See Tulas, Greenwood, New Orleans, Jacksonville, and other towns that black folks thrive in when they had their own (without gov't help)

As a kid you wanted your own room or did you want to share with 10 siblings. Simple logic to me
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That person would need to come up in such a unique way and take over whichever party they decide to run under. Think about how Trump hijacked the Republican Party. Because otherwise these establishment democrats or republicans will never have a plan for black Americans. It’ll always be the same benign neglect from Democrats and the same ole apathy from Republicans.
“If not Kamala, who?”

Each other.

If not each other then we doomed and you might as well learn Spanish and see if you can pass for a Guatemalan.

There's a lot of truth in that bolded part that many on this board don't realize.
The democratic party or the republican party still hasn't contacted Ice Cube about his plan he put together.

He sat down with black scholars who outlined the very necessary things that black folks in this country needs. Noone has from either party has reached out to him as of yet.

A plan/list of things are in place for Black folks. Go see Ice Cube plan that he laid out
Do you have a link to this plan or know a name? I tried googling it and nothing came up for me...
Bashing him because they did not read what was on the policy, kind of like what some folks do on here, bash the messenger but overlook the message. Conditioned is what I call it.

I don't know too many pro-black crowd folks that bashed him, I heard alot of pro-black, grassroots folks supporting the things he wanted to get done. He met with some great people with great minds. Dr. Claude Anderson was one of those folks.

It's not going to be hard, if they want the black voting block a candidate will commit to anything if they want that voting block. Native Americans get 10 things done for them and they don't even vote. Other groups get things done specifically for them and they don't vote. Whether they have 10 or 5, majority of their issues are met.

You don't want your own room, you want to be in the room with others is what you're saying?? Intergration again? See how that worked for black folks.

I personally think black folks should get their own room/policies/grants/agenda. We do better with our own.

As a kid you wanted your own room or did you want to share with 10 siblings. Simple logic to me

Native Americans don't get 10 things done for them every campaign cycle. I hear what you're saying, but we have to stop operating based on these lies and half-truths. Other groups do get things done specifically for them, but often those things are ceremonial and don't mean shit. Biden signed EOs for Asian Americans and Trans Americans early in his presidency and a lot of black people made a big deal about it. They were the equivalent of "Hey, stop messing with these people." That ain't shit, and it's not what we need. We need actual substantive efforts, and those things are hard to get through.

I'm not against asking for things specifically for black people. I'm just saying we have to be reasonable. You can't ask Kamala to guarantee 10 big things for black people that will require Congressional agreement or Supreme Court buy-in, and then get mad at her if she says she can't make that promise because she doesn't have the power to keep it.

And black people should have our own agenda, but if you're only concerned in actions that will benefit black people, you need to move to a black country. The reality is that most major issues that have to be addressed with this country don't just affect black people. That doesn't mean they can't be handled in a way that will uplift the black community. I bring up criminal justice reform a lot. That's not something that would solely benefit black people, but it's something that absolutely needs to be handled for the betterment of the black community because we are the biggest targets of that corrupt system. You can say the same thing about healthcare, education, and a bunch of other things. You guys dismiss these as topic because you seem not to understand that we are usually the biggest victims of the failures in those system.