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HipHop Hasn't Done Anything Good For Black People

The video clearly doesn't back up what I initially said. Very Clearly. So why would I post it as "proof"?

Let's put the video aside because what you're saying is just dumb.

Can you understand the concept of "If things had been different in certain ways, we would have had more of x"? We have a few billionaires. But do you really think that we couldn't have had much more? And it's not just billionaires, but millionaires and owner of small businesses too. We would have had more at every level. I just mentioned billionaires for obvious reasons.
What I'm saying is dumb but you talked about an opinion you can't find any proof for.

Crazy world we living in.

It's more than having millionaires. We have those and things are still how they are. Most rich people only do things to benefit themselves. Also we need more people in power that are for blacks and not on some selfish shit

Shit starts at home and community. Then schools. If there is no encouragement at home or at schools, kind of makes it hard for kids to want to be doctors and engineers. Not no damn hip hop.
This is like saying that dancing has not done anything to advance humanity. Bold statements with no substance to really stand up to opposition in a debate. Art is always subjective; how art adds to a culture is up to the people of that culture. So, the real question is what can hip hop do for you?
What I'm saying is dumb but you talked about an opinion you can't find any proof for.

Crazy world we living in.

It's more than having millionaires. We have those and things are still how they are. Most rich people only do things to benefit themselves. Also we need more people in power that are for blacks and not on some selfish shit

Shit starts at home and community. Then schools. If there is no encouragement at home or at schools, kind of makes it hard for kids to want to be doctors and engineers. Not no damn hip hop.

I can't believe that you read what I said and still responded this way.

In my opinion, without hip hop black people would have more accountants, marketing specialists, computer programmers, doctors, agricultural inspectors, biologists, architects, professors, dentists, astronomers, lawyers, psychologists, dentists, economists, IT managers, health inspectors, librarians, financial managers, pharmacists, teachers, mathematicians, eye doctors, neurologists, political scientists, entrepreneurs, radiologists, zoologists, and so on and so on. This means that there will be less people who need help. A more educated black population would be better off in general, even if no one helped anyone any more than they now do.

But if we had more millionaires and billionaires, then there would be more people in a position to help. You know 100 billionaires is more than 10 billionaires, right? And even if most only looked to help themselves, more people like Robert Smith could do a lot of good.
I can't believe that you read what I said and still responded this way.

In my opinion, without hip hop black people would have more accountants, marketing specialists, computer programmers, doctors, agricultural inspectors, biologists, architects, professors, dentists, astronomers, lawyers, psychologists, dentists, economists, IT managers, health inspectors, librarians, financial managers, pharmacists, teachers, mathematicians, eye doctors, neurologists, political scientists, entrepreneurs, radiologists, zoologists, and so on and so on. This means that there will be less people who need help. A more educated black population would be better off in general, even if no one helped anyone any more than they now do.

But if we had more millionaires and billionaires, then there would be more people in a position to help. You know 100 billionaires is more than 10 billionaires, right? And even if most only looked to help themselves, more people like Robert Smith could do a lot of good.

Lol at rap being to blame for the lack of more Black people in these professions. Because 50 years of hip hop is more influential than hundreds of years of racism and policies and laws being created literally keeping Black folks ability to be upwardly mobile hindered.
I can't believe that you read what I said and still responded this way.

In my opinion, without hip hop black people would have more accountants, marketing specialists, computer programmers, doctors, agricultural inspectors, biologists, architects, professors, dentists, astronomers, lawyers, psychologists, dentists, economists, IT managers, health inspectors, librarians, financial managers, pharmacists, teachers, mathematicians, eye doctors, neurologists, political scientists, entrepreneurs, radiologists, zoologists, and so on and so on. This means that there will be less people who need help. A more educated black population would be better off in general, even if no one helped anyone any more than they now do.

But if we had more millionaires and billionaires, then there would be more people in a position to help. You know 100 billionaires is more than 10 billionaires, right? And even if most only looked to help themselves, more people like Robert Smith could do a lot of good.
Told yall that 7 pages ago. You guys have been in here for a day talking about nothing.

We been trying to get one of yall to lay out how hip hop is bad for the community and all we’ve gotten is rhetorical questions and arguments that pretty much amount to…

“Hip hop is bad for the community.”


“The black youth are dumb.”

“What that got to do with hip hop?”

“These kids are black. Ergo… vis-a-vis… hip hop.”
We been trying to get one of yall to lay out how hip hop is bad for the community and all we’ve gotten is rhetorical questions and arguments that pretty much amount to…

“Hip hop is bad for the community.”


“The black youth are dumb.”

“What that got to do with hip hop?”

“These kids are black. Ergo… vis-a-vis… hip hop.”
If hiphop is the most influential genre on culture and fashion it stands to reason that the negativity in hiphop would also influence the masses. Until yall acknowledge that simple fact there's no point waisting keystrokes. 🤷🏿‍♂️
I can't believe that you read what I said and still responded this way.

In my opinion, without hip hop black people would have more accountants, marketing specialists, computer programmers, doctors, agricultural inspectors, biologists, architects, professors, dentists, astronomers, lawyers, psychologists, dentists, economists, IT managers, health inspectors, librarians, financial managers, pharmacists, teachers, mathematicians, eye doctors, neurologists, political scientists, entrepreneurs, radiologists, zoologists, and so on and so on. This means that there will be less people who need help. A more educated black population would be better off in general, even if no one helped anyone any more than they now do.

But if we had more millionaires and billionaires, then there would be more people in a position to help. You know 100 billionaires is more than 10 billionaires, right? And even if most only looked to help themselves, more people like Robert Smith could do a lot of good.
Your opinion doesn't matter in the grand scheme off things. It is such a weak argument. Give facts or don't debate.

Remove arts, sports, or entertainment and we may have more folks in the careers you stated. See how weak your argument is? Most kids who graduate from high-school are not becoming rappers or is in that field. So it is obviously more main issues that weigh higher.

I honestly think social media is a bigger concern then hip hop. That is why you see a lot of states trying to make laws to combat the influence it has on the youth.

Out of all the issues that kids go through, do you really think hip hop is a main issue to kids not going into those careers? Or is it a minuscule issue that won't have a huge impact if addressed?

1.Get parents more involved in their kid's education at home. This allows parents to nurture their kid/s interest. Starts at home.

2.Get schools more funding so they can have programs dedicated to certain fields. Like computer programming classes.

3.Get teachers to engage more with black kids and get rid of these racist teachers.

4. Get more qualified teachers
5. Find ways to reduce burnout for teachers.

6. Get school funding to provide better counciling for mental health for the at risk students. Depression is on the rise for kids.

Do you think the removal of hip hop would have a bigger effect then some of the issues I provided? I'm not gonna get into the poverty and trauma that some kids experience at home.
If hiphop is the most influential genre on culture and fashion it stands to reason that the negativity in hiphop would also influence the masses. Until yall acknowledge that simple fact there's no point waisting keystrokes. 🤷🏿‍♂️

If hiphop is the most influential genre on culture and fashion it stands to reason that the negativity in hiphop would also influence the masses. Until yall acknowledge that simple fact there's no point waisting keystrokes. 🤷🏿‍♂️
I said this years ago bro.

The call it the most influential but dismissive about the negative which is basically 90% of songs made.
We been trying to get one of yall to lay out how hip hop is bad for the community and all we’ve gotten is rhetorical questions and arguments that pretty much amount to…

“Hip hop is bad for the community.”


“The black youth are dumb.”

“What that got to do with hip hop?”

“These kids are black. Ergo… vis-a-vis… hip hop.”
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Nah the initial thread premise was “Hip Hop has done nothing for the community”

Your side came back and said “that’s not true, a few niggas made money”

The counter to that was essentially “niggas also made money with the crack epidemic”

Everything other than that has been strawmans, misdirections, and niggas pretending that hip hop is just rappers and not an entire culture that largely promotes and normalizes degeneracy.
If hiphop is the most influential genre on culture and fashion it stands to reason that the negativity in hiphop would also influence the masses. Until yall acknowledge that simple fact there's no point waisting keystrokes. 🤷🏿‍♂️

Nobody has denied that as there's nothing that exists that only has a positive impact. But you got the "all rap is bad" folks and the "rap is the reason Black kids are dumb and can't become doctors" arguments that are just nonsensical
If hiphop is the most influential genre on culture and fashion it stands to reason that the negativity in hiphop would also influence the masses. Until yall acknowledge that simple fact there's no point waisting keystrokes. 🤷🏿‍♂️

Yall killin that straw man. I’ll give you that.

Most of the things yall associate negatively with hip hop ain’t even hip hop, tho.

Gangbangin ain’t hip hop. Prostitution ain’t hip hop. Drug dealing and abusing ain’t hip hop. Stealing ain’t hip hop. Murder ain’t hip hop.

These are things prevalent EVERY culture throughout time.
There's a huge ass disconnect happening here

Drugs and impoverished communities have existed well before an up jumped the boogie.

Hip hop made it possible for these things to be brought to the world. Hip hop has its share of blame no doubt, but it ain't for the reasons that have been posted.

Niggas just learned to put that shit on a beat.

I would say the business of hip hop is to blame cause they are the ones who had the power to monetize it and literally control what was played and promoted.

But the art form of hip hop has no business being in this discussion
Yall killin that straw man. I’ll give you that.

Most of the things yall associate negatively with hip hop ain’t even hip hop, tho.

Gangbangin ain’t hip hop. Prostitution ain’t hip hop. Drug dealing and abusing ain’t hip hop. Stealing ain’t hip hop. Murder ain’t hip hop.

These are things prevalent EVERY culture throughout time.

I've said the same in threads before. People associate anything they see Black people doing as "hip hop". Even other Black people at times and it makes no sense. The things people attribute to hip hop and rap music existed and would continue to exist without it. It'd just be viewed through another lense.