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I've had this conversation with my ex. I don't know how we got on the topic.

I asked him has he ever tasted breast milk and he said he tasted some while his daughters mom was breastfeeding. I wonder how many men have tried it.

In all honesty...it ain't bad.
It would be impossible to mass produce breast milk, the milkies (milkers?) would have to follow strict diets for nutrient rich milk. They'd also have to be screened for diseases and the like, it'd be too controlling for most people.

Kinda reminds me of mad max fury road where they had these huge breasted women making milk to trade for gas and bullets.
It would be impossible to mass produce breast milk, the milkies (milkers?) would have to follow strict diets for nutrient rich milk. They'd also have to be screened for diseases and the like, it'd be too controlling for most people.

Kinda reminds me of mad max fury road where they had these huge breasted women making milk to trade for gas and bullets.

And pumping ain't always easy. You see how they treat the cows, they're just going to be treating the women the same. Then that's another thing to complain about.
my wife literally has like a gallon of milk in the freezer.....imma take a picture and post it
let me get this thread back on topic, but first, my last thoughts on breast milk

btw...breast milk tastes like sugar water

also, to Gibor's point, the reason they tell mothers to give babies milk from cows are for a couple of reasons, with the primary one being that it contains a lot of the calories and fat that young children need upon entrance to the world. They are burning so many calories each day they dont need to go into a caloric deficit. Well, not all women are able to produce at a rate to keep up with the baby's consumption. Also, as we all know, a mothers breast milk contains a bunch of the antibodies that are needed in help creating the baby's defense against stuff. At some point, which will vary with each child, there is no need to continue to drink milk from a cow. You can get your calories and other "nutritional needs" from other food, which tends to happen once they are able to start eating some liquified solids (read fruits and veggies). In other words, the moment you can stop giving your child milk from a cow, STOP! There is no coincidence that a large number of african americans end up developing issues with dairy products.
anyway, the only reason why i brought up to trini the point about men and breast milk is because yes, men have the tools to breastfeed a child. They have breast tissue, they have nipples, and i believe they have the glands or whatever to actually produce milk, however, they dont have ALL the things required to do so. I wonder why. Could it be, it is not their role to breastfeed their offspring? NO....cant be right?

But no one bats an eye that a man isnt supposed to be able to breastfeed his offspring. Let me be crystal clear, my opinion is not one that suggests that women should not be treated as equals when it comes to decision making in the house. HOWEVER, i do feel that by the natural design of things, women are very emotional creatures and more often than not, base decisions on emotion. That is not to say there are no women capable of making decisions based on logic, but an overwhelming majority of women do not. Men, otoh, are the rational, logic based decision makers in the relationship.

When i say a man comes to his wife with a vision for the family. Thats not me saying he beats her over the head with a club and drags her back to the cave, or tells her that her place is the kitchen so stfu. No, im saying that he comes to her with ideals that are going to govern how his family will operate in the capacity that will best suit his family dynamic. The woman is always welcomed to give her opinion, but lets think about this for a sec. There are two people trying to make a decision. Who is the tie breaker when they dont agree? Thats when the man weighs the pros and cons of both povs, then makes a decision, BUT i do believe he owes it to his wife to tell her how he arrived at that decision.

Judge Dread said something about not doing any activity w/o talking it over with his wife as she is the only who keeps up with the calendar, for lack of a better term. I see nothing wrong with that in that they have identified that his her strong suit. She is probably more organized when it comes to that aspect, so there is nothing wrong with him running something by her so that she can confirm it does not cause any scheduling conflict, but that does not make her the head. That is just him simply recognizing that she does something better to him and they use that as a strength in the relationship.
What sides ya'll want served with ya'lls slice of Trini?