He Said: "Black People Rather LOOK RICH Than ACTUALLY BE RICH!

Ill explain what @Race Jones means for all the ignorant mfers.

Almost all socio economic studies prove that poor people arent generally poor because of their bad decisions but being poor is what actually leads people to make bad decisions.

Again, generally. Dont point out the one mfer out of a 100 that was dirt poor and became rich and dont point out the 1 rich mfer that lost it all. We're speaking overall, majority, generally and not outliers.

So taking into account that studies prove being poor is what leads to bad decisions and not vice versa, imagine being born poor and being around nothing but poor conditions. Thats a ton of bad decisions to go around.

I always say the biggest thing about white privledge is the fact they can be born into a middle class family in a safe neighborhood. That alone gives them a crazy advantage.

This is why the effects of slavery and racism and jim crow is still felt to this day.

This is whole different thread though. Would be a dope convo to have if it ever gets made.

And btw, most of these studies are done by white people who want nothing more than to blame all the issues minorities face on minorites just being dumber than white people and it still proves white privledge.

thank you.

you just love to come at my neck dont you?

do you have this same energy for nigga in the black communities that dont do shit or try to do something?

or how about the middle class people who say fuck the hood.....im not helping no one.

but here ole dos makes a thread an im shit on black people ...and all i did was post a discussion of black people talking.
whats crazy is.....you once said you give your last to help people. thats admireable. no one helps you ...you do it out your pocket from what you earn at work.

but what if you had access to more....that would be more people that you could help or even create something to impower more people...

but because i irk you.......there are people who will never get help. and they dont even know they could get help if some person wasnt so self centered.
we all need each other. if we overlook some ones strength that could help our community....cant say shit about the condition.

difference between you and i......i understand helping people indirectly and directly and i dont have to like who helps me because its not about me or that person...its about who needs help and if it can reach them.

i understand its a place for everyone. i make "change". thats my lane.
some teach...thats their lane
some know the law......thats their lane
some build and fix housing .....etc etc.

i can say you are nothing more than tits and ass. but i wont disrespect you like that.

so ill end this with



I come at your neck because your fucking obtuse
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always trying to punch down at poor Black ppl

everyone in this thread besides a select few @AZTG can go to hell
Can’t pacify niggas though

Can’t voluntarily make niggas victims all the time

I won’t judge but ima call niggas out to their face, tell em they can do better

One of my babies said I think I’m niggas daddy but I know that’s why they fuck with me too
  • Haha
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Very true.

Yes you can tell the difference. Also the biggest difference between the 2 is quality of material used and how long each it will hold up to wear and tear.

There is a real reason people say you get what you pay for.

That is not to say go out buy $300 jeans if you can't really afford it but if can and want to buy it you should. If you can't it afford a person shouldn't compromise themselves to get it cause its not the $300 jeans that makes the person. But yes there is a difference between the 2.
Man lemme get some Levi's and call it a day
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Thats my point.

Knowing someone that has done it doesnt make it a black peoples thing.

Its really an established vs none established thing. Take me, none black. As a youngin with nothing, growing up very poor, looking rich was everything to me in my late teens and early twenties. Once I matured and made money, my focus changed quickly. Said fuck the Benz, let me buy some properties.

And, as a case study, not to be that guy but I dont have a single white friend. All my friends are Black, Hispanic and Middle Eastern. Add to that that almost all of my friends now make 100k+ a year. Some of these friends I grew up with, and we were all poor and we were all dyin to stunt. Regardless of race. Now that we are established and make decent money, all of us are more focused on how to invest and keep a low profile.

So back to the topic. Do people really act like this? Yes. But is it fair to say "Black People" act like this? Nah. Not in my personal real life experience.

Its more of a established vs being young thing.

The generilization is taking something everyone does and say "Black People" do this. Shit is mental warfare and done on purpose for everyone, including black people, to look down on black people and shit is false.

Being none black, I don't get into these topics here cause no one here really knows me and will rightfully question where im coming from.

In so many words, I hate generalizations.

This nigga gets it
Ill explain what @Race Jones means for all the ignorant mfers.

Almost all socio economic studies prove that poor people arent generally poor because of their bad decisions but being poor is what actually leads people to make bad decisions.

Again, generally. Dont point out the one mfer out of a 100 that was dirt poor and became rich and dont point out the 1 rich mfer that lost it all. We're speaking overall, majority, generally and not outliers.

So taking into account that studies prove being poor is what leads to bad decisions and not vice versa, imagine being born poor and being around nothing but poor conditions. Thats a ton of bad decisions to go around.

I always say the biggest thing about white privledge is the fact they can be born into a middle class family in a safe neighborhood. That alone gives them a crazy advantage.

This is why the effects of slavery and racism and jim crow is still felt to this day.

This is whole different thread though. Would be a dope convo to have if it ever gets made.

And btw, most of these studies are done by white people who want nothing more than to blame all the issues minorities face on minorites just being dumber than white people and it still proves white privledge.

It's a "chicken or the egg" argument, and we can go in circles all day over it. Are you poor because you made shit decisions or do you make shit decisions because you're poor?

A compelling case can be made for BOTH. It' really impossible to discuss too because there are good examples of both that can be brought up. We can point to someone like the chick that yelled at the McDonalds president or CEO 'cause she couldn't afford to buy her son shoes, and when you examine her life it's just a series of piss poor decisions on her part that led to her being in that position in the first place. At the same time the argument could be made using the very same woman that her being poor and working for McDonalds is a result of being raised in a poor environment that didn't teach her the life skills necessary to make better decisions to keep her from continuing the cycle of poverty.

I say there's middle ground, especially in this day and age. That, while you may be born into poverty, and your family for generations may have been impoverished, the access to knowledge to lift you out of poverty is readily available where before it wasn't.
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I posted these on the IC in a similar thread but they're very relevant to the OP


Didnt watch the video. But saying a whole people does something is always wrong to me. Especially when pointing it out as a negative.
Maybe I'm wrong, but I noticed this tends to happen somewhat frequently when it "applies" to Black people.
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