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Has ABW thread quality gotten better or worse since the IC arrival?

IC arrival has...

  • Helped

    Votes: 22 88.0%
  • Hindered

    Votes: 3 12.0%

  • Total voters
All this IC this and IC was that. Either a lot of y’all niggas was the “boring” niggas on there not roasting people and watching from the sidelines, or y’all bigging up a site that really ain’t what it was.

Where these wild ass niggas y’all speak of because a lot of y’all niggas are nice and a lot of yall are emotional
they cried when i left...

created a hall of fame just to induct me first...

i came back last year to kill a annoying stalker poster i hated for years....and plugged this place.....

i think the guys here would fit in better if they had a filter site like most of us did...we got all our bullshit out on the BB before coming here fresh and bullshit free....

they came here still mad.....they'll get over it
id say ABW posters are mad sensitive tho
naw it's just more personal on here... not as anonymous because the community is much smaller and tight knit....

there aren't too many people who legit hate each other here at the moment....

that shti was common on the IC..different worlds....
It is funny cause damn near all the ABW vs IC threads seem to be posters talking about how the ABW has changed for the worst since we came.

I am going to tell you like I tell my wife. I can listen to you complain for only so long before I tell you to, "Deal with it" or "Do something about it"!

BBQ or mildew! Aint no mo' IC. Only ABW. We aint going nowhere until this mfer go the way of the DoDo birds.
I like the vibe here. Its more middle ground.

At the IC, damn near every thread, regardless of topic, was just people going in on each other. Thats fun but it does get exhausting at times.

At ABW, atleast since I joined with the final IC migration, I see people having serious and personal conversation with some shots thrown for fun.

From what I see, its milder than the IC but im guessing its filled with more fuckery than before the migration.

I think its a good balance and the balance seems to work for now. We get to talk some shit and have good convo at the same time.
Race was M.I.A. herself for months before the IC took over.

She logged in like maybe 2 or 3 times a month.

Even Goldie called her out on it in the Family Fued thread so wtf she talkin about?


You still have no valid points

me going “m.i.a” had nothing to do with the site.

Theres a beautiful world out there ya know?, lots to do—youll experience it one day
ABW is like "What if there was an entire site like GnS but with more subforums". That's kinda what I've been getting out of the vibe here. Donkey shit doesn't fly here and even a lot of the nonsense from Reason is gone.

It's cool, it's a decent enough distraction from drowning in my work.