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Has ABW thread quality gotten better or worse since the IC arrival?

IC arrival has...

  • Helped

    Votes: 22 88.0%
  • Hindered

    Votes: 3 12.0%

  • Total voters
With that said I fuck with ABW hard, y'all all good in my book and the money system a long with the games makes it fun to post here, that's something we ain't have on the IC.

Until they rob yo ass.
Go in depth Bro... It's just me. I find it weird and unsightly anyone would go with that screen name..

He got called pedophile because posters were making their profile pictures kids pics like a throwback thursday thing. One lady posted herself in a diaper which is normal. He said she was taking pedo pics. Everybody else was like thats just a kid in diaper why would you think sexually about that? He said his job would ask questions even tho thats weird excuse. They changed his name to pedo when he tried to defend it and went at another poster.
He got called pedophile because posters were making their profile pictures kids pics like a throwback thursday thing. One lady posted herself in a diaper which is normal. He said she was taking pedo pics. Everybody else was like thats just a kid in diaper why would you think sexually about that? He said his job would ask questions even tho thats weird excuse. They changed his name to pedo when he tried to defend it and went at another poster.
He also said the feds will see it on his computer. Which means he may be a child predator and on the sexual offenders list if he is worried about the feds seeing it on his computer.

Kids on a picture in a diaper is a huge issue for his job but ass shaking isn’t. The job would be okay with that.
I’d love for him to be banned forever. However what he did wasn’t worth a ban.

So changing his name to Pedophile is doing the trick for me.
Why not ban the guy then? Why's he still posting? Or is there statute for free speech over here?
imo, it was terrible troll gone from bad to worse

and not to isolate him, but there is something in society that oversexualizes the most innocent things

I looked at the avi and thought nothing of it, then he said what he said, then all hell broke loose and rightfully so