Didn't see that coming at alldamn not ma nigga Brok!
damn not ma nigga Brok!
he tellin his son a story
I thought Thor and Odin wouldve been more difficult.
Sindri being so pissed kinda irritated me a bit. Im glad he smashed that Odin marble tho. Fuck that guy lol.
Kinda curious what the mask was about but maybe we'll see something with that in another game.
Im wondering when Loki turns into the "trickster" as well.
They mentioned Gna a couple times.. iam find her ass later this week lol
damn good game and im glad I took my time with it. Might try to plat it. We'll see
My guy was hurtingman if Sindri dont get the fuck outa here!
Shiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeettttwelp I found Gna... ill circle back to her later