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Father challenges son to a fight after he was being disrespectful

Fair or Foul?

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I didn’t miss that... but what were his word? pass after pass, but after what? “keep acting up and I’m gonna beat your ass” ?? teaches nothing.

I can say that in the 3mths I’ve changed my views, now going to church weekly 2x, going to the men’s prayer days, getting involved in bible study, my oldest son coming w me, I’ve seen a change in my kids and myself. They’re still moody kids here and there but they are now thinking twice and seeing value in respect and love. Been saying we love each other more. More hugs. More thanks. And I’ve seen their attitudes changes. I’ve seen their willingness to do their chores change. We sit and talk about the value of life, respect, love etc. we read the Word together, we interact a lot... that’s what this kid is missing, not an asswhooping... that builds resentment and hate, this will not work, mark my words

Ok and that's fine...for YOU.

But what works for you and your family, doesn't mean it'll work for everyone else. And I've seen pastors whoop they kids azzz. Why? B/c at the end of the day...NO parent is gonna tolerate that kinda disrespect. Especially in a black household.
I didn’t miss that... but what were his word? pass after pass, but after what? “keep acting up and I’m gonna beat your ass” ?? teaches nothing.

I can say that in the 3mths I’ve changed my views, now going to church weekly 2x, going to the men’s prayer days, getting involved in bible study, my oldest son coming w me, I’ve seen a change in my kids and myself. They’re still moody kids here and there but they are now thinking twice and seeing value in respect and love. Been saying we love each other more. More hugs. More thanks. And I’ve seen their attitudes changes. I’ve seen their willingness to do their chores change. We sit and talk about the value of life, respect, love etc. we read the Word together, we interact a lot... that’s what this kid is missing, not an asswhooping... that builds resentment and hate, this will not work, mark my words

I got my ass whooped and i turned out just fine


You gotta understand that that soft love time out/go sit in a corner bullshit dont work with all kids.

The fact that this boys pops gave him "pass after pass" is a clear sign that it doesn't.

Something tells me that his pops didn't break his foot off in his ass the way he should have when he was younger and that right there is the problem. Maybe if he got more ass whoopings (not with fist) then he wouldn't of found himself in the situation he was in where his father felt like he had to put hands on him. The same goes for the father. If he'd put his foot down sooner and disciplined his son then chances are he wouldn't of had to take that approach cause the boy wouldn't of been jumping outta pocket like that
I didn’t miss that... but what were his word? pass after pass, but after what? “keep acting up and I’m gonna beat your ass” ?? teaches nothing.

I can say that in the 3mths I’ve changed my views, now going to church weekly 2x, going to the men’s prayer days, getting involved in bible study, my oldest son coming w me, I’ve seen a change in my kids and myself. They’re still moody kids here and there but they are now thinking twice and seeing value in respect and love. Been saying we love each other more. More hugs. More thanks. And I’ve seen their attitudes changes. I’ve seen their willingness to do their chores change. We sit and talk about the value of life, respect, love etc. we read the Word together, we interact a lot... that’s what this kid is missing, not an asswhooping... that builds resentment and hate, this will not work, mark my words

Some people find beating kids messed up. Some also find joining a cult with ya kids is fucked up.
So everyone here thinks beating the hell out of your kid with your fists is the way to handle this? You think this kid will now fully respect his family and pops?

The problem is "the kid" NEVER respected his family, even when given ample opportunity to do so.
The only course next (for the sanctity of the family) is to have ""the kid"" fear his family
I'm old school..belts or make his knees kneel on a cheese grater...i dont ever wanna c the day that I have to have a full blown fistfight w my son. Lil nigga tried calling a timeout..quotables for days
The problem is "the kid" NEVER respected his family, even when given ample opportunity to do so.
The only course next (for the sanctity of the family) is to have ""the kid"" fear his family

White people would rather live in fear of their children than put fear in them. We know what that leads to.
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For the record, I'll be considered ""old school", but I don't always believe in old school methods as the ONLY answer.
But there HAS to be a limit.

And sometimes you just have to go medieval. The threat of pain & suffering can be quite the deterred
i think its too many women around him.
he thinking he strong because it may not be a longstanding threat in the family to have a healthy fear of.

where were the uncles or cousins all this time?
For argument sake, what if those women aint shit & he finally snapped. I mean to curse out your sister, mom AND your grandma, that shit dont randomly just happen one day. And if the mother knows she can call the father, edit what happened to her favor and sit back with a smile, while the son gets beat up, what does that really solve. That house isnt going to have a healthy atmosphere just because you injected violence into it.
For argument sake, what if those women aint shit & he finally snapped. I mean to curse out your sister, mom AND your grandma, that shit dont randomly just happen one day. And if the mother knows she can call the father, edit what happened to her favor and sit back with a smile, while the son gets beat up, what does that really solve. That house isnt going to have a healthy atmosphere just because you injected violence into it.
regardless.....you dont disrespect your female family members.

if he felt he needed to step up......step up respectfully.

LAWD help my son if he ever disrespected my mother on some fuck you shit.

if i put him on the ground for disobeying......he going thru the ground for this shit.

hard to believe im a passive person sometimes.
Father wants the kid to exhibit self control while he didn’t show the kid self control.

The fact is, like Lurker said, this ain’t normal behavior. Something else is going on that is unseen to us. Here’s an example, weak may it be, idk, but the thread where the mother is calling her own child ugly.. jokes or not, that’s not loving or respectful. This is the kind of parenting some kids grow up with... unappreciated, loveless, harsh words etc. His response of telling his family members disrespectful things is more than likely a response to the disrespect he is also receiving. He’s lashing out in a way he feels is proper when it isn’t, and he’s getting a huge whooping for it. There’s many things that need to be addressed before anyone here can agree w this type of abuse, because that’s exactly what it is, regardless of what you guys feel the kid “deserves”.