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fair or foul? Black woman gets doxxed for calling Black men “bullet bags”

Fair or foul?

  • Fair, She need to be fired

    Votes: 12 66.7%
  • Foul, She was returning the same energy

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • Eh…

    Votes: 4 22.2%

  • Total voters
I’m the biggest supporter on this site about keeping definitions the same but also understand them shit change .

And I don’t even like the term bed wench and never use it.
Naw. You just going out your way to take attention away from the phrase bullet bag and highlight the term being used against a woman.

I already addressed bullet bag and said she deserve what she get. If a male DA got hit for saying bedwench I’d feel the same.,
I already addressed bullet bag and said she deserve what she get. If a male DA got hit for saying bedwench I’d feel the same.,
So you admitting to trying to deflect the word bendwench as if it’s not a bad thing for the black race
Dang wasn't gonna even read past page one but I stayed for the absurd false equivalencies and banter.

Imo if you hold a job that important(even if it's just to you) you shouldn't be on social media at all much less to be saying inflammatory shit like that with your information attached to your account.

Shit I find u muthafuckas on here crazy for doing the same shit. Apparently people need to be very transparent whilst being stupid online. Maybe people get an X games adrenaline rush out of it 🤔

Movie Guy Voice
In a time of cancel culture & the easily offended, with the wicked combination of people who don't have shit to do all day but seek attention and or bitch about some shit and be busy bodies.
I give you the bold, the courageous, the stupid, the racist, the whatever trending phobic that day
, The People Who Want To Lose their Jobs.
Ok she has some type of authority right? She just gonna have to face it. If she was a regular person like not a lawyer it would just be wild shit.

the bedwench thing tho is od disgusting. Calling our women rape victims is similarly wild. And I do think more men have venom on Twitter than women do.

but what happened to regular insults like coon or Uncle Tom bullet bags and bedwenches is some shit I know white people find amusing
Yeah?I bet they laughing their asses off when we call each other "Coon" since that was one of the slurs they used on us back in jim Crow days.
From my understanding bed wench originally wasn't singularly a reference to black slave women sexuality or black women who place white males on a sexual pedestal while looking for privileges, but rather women in general who were concubines and/or slaves. So this was something found in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia, though the term itself is I believe Old English from the word wencel
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But they do exist. Saying they don't exist to you is really a cop out. If you apply this type of logic to anything that you dont agree with then we would never have any definitions...

Murderers don't exist to me...
Thevies don't exist to me
Hoes don't exist to me
Child molesters don't exist to me

We have things that we define rather or not if it changes throughout time.

When I say they don't exist to me I mean I don't allow them or their words or actions to have any control over how I feel about myself. As in I truly give no fucks if they live or die. If you want a technical definition then I'd define them as shameful waste of space on this planet.
hol up

she's a DA?

Dang wasn't gonna even read past page one but I stayed for the absurd false equivalencies and banter.

Imo if you hold a job that important(even if it's just to you) you shouldn't be on social media at all much less to be saying inflammatory shit like that with your information attached to your account.

Shit I find u muthafuckas on here crazy for doing the same shit. Apparently people need to be very transparent whilst being stupid online. Maybe people get an X games adrenaline rush out of it 🤔

Movie Guy Voice
In a time of cancel culture & the easily offended, with the wicked combination of people who don't have shit to do all day but seek attention and or bitch about some shit and be busy bodies.
I give you the bold, the courageous, the stupid, the racist, the whatever trending phobic that day
, The People Who Want To Lose their Jobs.
LOL I can't be fired for saying anything anywhere,but I do get your point.
The way the term bed wench gets used now has strayed from it's original meaning and has now become an insult people toss around, as the term mammy is also becoming, towards someone who merely disagrees with them. It's also used by incel niggas who hate Black women so I put very little stock in the opinion of someone who uses that term as an insult.

I need to see some examples of that. I've only seen women talk down about black people (especially black men) and run to white men for acceptance referred to as bedwenches. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but I personally have never seen that term thrown around freely as insult to black women in general.

Ironically, calling black men "bullet bags" is something you'd expert to here from one of these chicks that rightfully get called "bedwenches."

Anyway, I hate how when someone gets called out on something, other people immediately do everything they can to try and find wrongdoing on the other side. Like it's fair the have the sentiment that we all need to do better, but to immediately act like on wrong is ok because other wrongs exists pretty much eliminates any chance of things ever getting better.
This is some dark shit though.

So I'm guessing that she has been called a bed wench or been accused of loving white men?

If so for her response to be "That's why yall got shot" which I assume means shot by police is nasty.

It paints a picture that she has a deep hatred for black men and not only is she just attracted to white men,she's taken on white supremacist concepts.

Even if she was just being petty,as a DA she needs to sit down.
But they do exist. Saying they don't exist to you is really a cop out. If you apply this type of logic to anything that you dont agree with then we would never have any definitions...

Murderers don't exist to me...
Thevies don't exist to me
Hoes don't exist to me
Child molesters don't exist to me

We have things that we define rather or not if it changes throughout time.

Inconsistency runs in niggas veins on this board. Niggas be spewing some of the dumbest shit to try and sound informative. Shit be so stupid.

Fucked up in the head

Lady should be fired, and not hired anywhere else.
What she said was absolutely disgusting

If she is indeed a DA, she needs to be fired...she's not to be trusted

If Phucker Carlson, or any random mzungu on Fakebook/Twitter, had said the same thing, we'd be calling for their head on a platter

Bullet bag and bedwench are both steeped in racism/bigotry/white supremecy