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Evictions to hit 750,000 households, Goldman says

But it’s literally working within the system with their rules. If they stop giving business loans to niggas then what? Or say they the price goes up on some materials you need. You still gotta play they game to an extent.

what blackrain is saying is y’all complain about the folks who want change because you’re not trying to see change as realistic or ever happening. So you playing the game don’t change anything. And you said sitting out don’t change anything. Seems like you don’t want to viewed that way and that’s where you’re offended.

It's fine to want change, but, as I've said twice before, the change y'all want will only happen with guns and bloodshed involved, so it's not even realistic to talk about the shit. Small shit like increasing minimum wage is doable to a degree. Y'all are also unrealistic about that shit too 'cause $15/hr is completely unrealistic. $10.50-$11.50 is a more realistic goal.

It's not playing the game if you ain't playing the game. My business was running without a loan for years and the only reason I have one through the SBA now is because it made sense to do so given the current climate, otherwise I'd still be operating without a loan and I'm definitely not the only one in that regard. I, personally, don't need "materials" as I'm a service based business. If the cost of hardware goes up that ain't got shit to do with me. And because of the way I've positioned myself, when the time comes for me to bring on employees to spread out the workload, it will be 100% on my client's dime 'cause that's how they'll get paid. Plus, I never have to deal with minimum wage affecting people I bring on because the nature of the work commands substantially more money per hour.

None of that is "working in the system" or "playing the game". Unless you're running a business, you wouldn't understand how it's not.
It's fine to want change, but, as I've said twice before, the change y'all want will only happen with guns and bloodshed involved, so it's not even realistic to talk about the shit. Small shit like increasing minimum wage is doable to a degree. Y'all are also unrealistic about that shit too 'cause $15/hr is completely unrealistic. $10.50-$11.50 is a more realistic goal.

It's not playing the game if you ain't playing the game. My business was running without a loan for years and the only reason I have one through the SBA now is because it made sense to do so given the current climate, otherwise I'd still be operating without a loan and I'm definitely not the only one in that regard. I, personally, don't need "materials" as I'm a service based business. If the cost of hardware goes up that ain't got shit to do with me. And because of the way I've positioned myself, when the time comes for me to bring on employees to spread out the workload, it will be 100% on my client's dime 'cause that's how they'll get paid. Plus, I never have to deal with minimum wage affecting people I bring on because the nature of the work commands substantially more money per hour.

None of that is "working in the system" or "playing the game". Unless you're running a business, you wouldn't understand how it's not.

Wtf is 15 unrealistic?
But it’s literally working within the system with their rules. If they stop giving business loans to niggas then what? Or say they the price goes up on some materials you need. You still gotta play they game to an extent.

what blackrain is saying is y’all complain about the folks who want change because you’re not trying to see change as realistic or ever happening. So you playing the game don’t change anything. And you said sitting out don’t change anything. Seems like you don’t want to viewed that way and that’s where you’re offended.

Ehh...that's partially it. What I was asking is if there is any difference in those that are so jaded that they say fuck change vs those who simply never participate in any efforts to force change to begin with because both ends of the spectrum have the same result. People being stuck in the same position as they were at the beginning. It's just that 1 side seems to have more vitriol for the other
If I wanted to diss you I'd do it outright and not covertly because let's keep it real you've given plenty of ammo to do so in this thread and I would've just simply took easy way out and done it. Iasked a question based on shit being said in this thread and that was it. Shit you responded to me, I didn't even directly quote you so clearly there was something in my posts that made you want to respond. Regardless of what you want title or phrasing you want to give it the moment you decided I'm done doing it this way" and decided to make the best of it the best way you know how you bought into this bullshit system of "I can pull myself up out of this mess" when the reality is no matter how far you go, you're still going to part of this bullshit system that does more harm than good no matter how much you and yours accumulate in the process. And the only way to accumulate shit is to play this fucked up game by their fucked up rules. All that "i'll make my own" shit is just a rephrasing of "Pull yourself up by your bootstraps" so regardless of whether you realize it or not your own words show that you have bought into the pipe dream that this country sells about how you can or can't make it.

Does more harm???

Fam, when the time comes for me to bring on employees/contractors do you have any idea of what they'll get paid??? I'm looking at starting hourly rates of $35-$40/hr for sys admins. Security professionals will earn more than that. Project Managers can close in on $100/hr and if they're getting paid that, you know I've already taken my cut off the top.

Where's the harm??? Everybody under me will be eatin'.
Wtf is 15 unrealistic?

Yes, it's always been unrealistic, that's why 8 years after that number was first thrown out there it still hasn't happened.

Most economists have already pointed to a number between $10.50-$11.50/hr as giving minimum wage workers the same buying power as the 60's, when minimum wage had it's greatest buying power historically.
Ehh...that's partially it. What I was asking is if there is any difference in those that are so jaded that they say fuck change vs those who simply never participate in any efforts to force change to begin with because both ends of the spectrum have the same result. People being stuck in the same position as they were at the beginning. It's just that 1 side seems to have more vitriol for the other

Nah, 'cause one side is eatin' and the other is complaining.
Does more harm???

Fam, when the time comes for me to bring on employees/contractors do you have any idea of what they'll get paid??? I'm looking at starting hourly rates of $35-$40/hr for sys admins. Security professionals will earn more than that. Project Managers can close in on $100/hr and if they're getting paid that, you know I've already taken my cut off the top.

Where's the harm??? Everybody under me will be eatin'.

The same system that at this moment has caused many businesses to close or be on the brink of closing. This same system that got people who go to work everyday about to be evicted because wages aren't rising with the cost of living. Just because you eating don't mean it's good for everyone else. Shit during the pandemic some people found a way to still flourish and eat more than ever. Others took huge losses and setbacks that they might not be able to recover from. Just cuz the shit works for a few don't mean it's best for everyone overall. But as you said you're past the point of caring if others eat as long as you and yours get it so that doesn't matter to you
The same system that at this moment has caused many businesses to close or be on the brink of closing. This same system that got people who go to work everyday about to be evicted because wages aren't rising with the cost of living. Just because you eating don't mean it's good for everyone else. Shit during the pandemic some people found a way to still flourish and eat more than ever. Others took huge losses and setbacks that they might not be able to recover from. Just cuz the shit works for a few don't mean it's best for everyone overall. But as you said you're past the point of caring if others eat as long as you and yours get it so that doesn't matter to you

Oh, you mean like mine???

I was just lucky as shit to have one MSP client that didn't close during the pandemic. It so happens one of their clients is a logistics company and I'm the person responsible for their infrastructure, but its not a lot of work at all so when the time came to get tightened up with an EIDL, I took it.

And you're grossly oversimplifying what's happening out there. The pandemic ain't a part of the "system", and the pandemic is the whole reason why so many are out of work, and those people who are out of work are on the brink of losing their homes because they couldn't pay rent for whatever reason. I say that because a lot of those people wound up on unemployment, and we know unemployment had an extra $600/week, then $300/week attached to it for everyone that got laid off or otherwise lost their jobs due to the pandemic.

Remove the pandemic and you remove all of this and it's just another day in another year.
Oh, you mean like mine???

I was just lucky as shit to have one MSP client that didn't close during the pandemic. It so happens one of their clients is a logistics company and I'm the person responsible for their infrastructure, but its not a lot of work at all so when the time came to get tightened up with an EIDL, I took it.

And you're grossly oversimplifying what's happening out there. The pandemic ain't a part of the "system", and the pandemic is the whole reason why so many are out of work, and those people who are out of work are on the brink of losing their homes because they couldn't pay rent for whatever reason. I say that because a lot of those people wound up on unemployment, and we know unemployment had an extra $600/week, then $300/week attached to it for everyone that got laid off or otherwise lost their jobs due to the pandemic.

Remove the pandemic and you remove all of this and it's just another day in another year.

I'm not including the pandemic as part of the system. But the pandemic should've shown you just how easily this shit can all crumble and that there's only but so far an attitude of only giving a fuck about you and yours will go when circumstances call for people to have to depend on others. Removing the pandemic doesn't stop the cost of living from going up while wages don't. Alot of the people hit hardest by the pandemic were the working poor. The people who were already one bad incident from not being able to pay their rent to begin with. So no the pandemic isn't part of the system but it did further expose the aspects of this system that are only kept up by those at the bottom. And that people are still easily tricked into thinking that they're not one of those people at the bottom holding all this shit up.

I actually agree with you that in order for this to change it takes a level of courage and sacrifice that most don't and I've said it before on here multiple times whenever people try all that "I'm ready to risk it all for change" bullshit they think they could actually handle. But I don't think that the way shit current operates is or should continue to be seen as business as usual as long as me and mines are good.
I'm not including the pandemic as part of the system. But the pandemic should've shown you just how easily this shit can all crumble and that there's only but so far an attitude of only giving a fuck about you and yours will go when circumstances call for people to have to depend on others. Removing the pandemic doesn't stop the cost of living from going up while wages don't. Alot of the people hit hardest by the pandemic were the working poor. The people who were already one bad incident from not being able to pay their rent to begin with. So no the pandemic isn't part of the system but it did further expose the aspects of this system that are only kept up by those at the bottom. And that people are still easily tricked into thinking that they're not one of those people at the bottom holding all this shit up.

I actually agree with you that in order for this to change it takes a level of courage and sacrifice that most don't and I've said it before on here multiple times whenever people try all that "I'm ready to risk it all for change" bullshit they think they could actually handle. But I don't think that the way shit current operates is or should continue to be seen as business as usual as long as me and mines are good.

See, here's what you're missing: The government actually came through in a way most people never believed they would see. People were out of work due to the pandemic, the government said "Here, let's pad your income by $600 every week and you automatically qualify for the maximum amount for unemployment in your state and we're gonna extend the number of weeks you get on top of that", and not just people that were out because of the pandemic, they applied it to anyone that was on unemployment at the moment. PLUS, they gave full benefits and the $600 to people who were self employed as well as people that had very little work history; these are people that previously wouldn't have qualified for unemployment off rip. Not only that, if your state declared a public health emergency and started issuing emergency SNAP benefits, people getting unemployment were able to also get maximum SNAP benefits.

So... Food expenses were drastically reduced for many people that were already "working poor" and on top of that they're now gettin' a healthy amount of money every week, even in states with extra shitty unemployment benefits like Mississippi and Alabama.

Truth be told, the government actually came through for people. Yes, they could have done more. Yes, they SHOULD have done more (like give everyone over 18 a check every month). But for what the government did for the people, you kinda gotta give them some level of credit.

However, at this point the frank, honest discussion has to happen, and I'll follow that up in a bit. I got some shit to do.

... So... if the government gave people money and shit, why are so many people facing eviction???

'Cause a lot of people took the money and spent it foolishly; hear me out...

2021 ended with strong new car sales and used car sales were booming.
New TV's were flying off the shelves. In fact, sales of big-as-fuck TV's were up 65% during the first half of 2020.
Exercise equipment was also seeing rather robust sales.
Liquor stores had strong ass sales, even for top-shelf, high dollar liquors.
Luxury goods from nameplates like Gucci, Prada and Thom Browne and many others saw a surge in sales from online retailers since malls and retail shops were largely closed.

And guess where a great deal of that shit landed???

Out here in Vegas, there was a steady stream of people coming out here once we allowed the resorts to reopen last June. Folks that had no intention of flying to Vegas pre-pandemic were suddenly snapping pics on The Strip like "We out here!". Miami was no different, in fact.. I think even more people went there than came here.

So what happened out here, and I'm sure it happened in a lot of other states, was unemployment was backed up due to the huge influx of people suddenly out of work. Lotta folks out here didn't start receiving their unemployment checks until as late as July or August but once they did, they got huge lump sums of money for all that back pay they were owed, and during that time the first stimmy hit as well. People were already behind on rent, and knowing they couldn't get kicked out because of the moratorium a lot of people took complete advantage and were living it up, rent free. And when the government announced there would be housing assistance money for people behind on rent, it exacerbated the problem.

But now it's time to pay up or get out... And the local governments are mishandling the disbursement of those federal dollars meant to get folks caught up on rent. For a great deal of those people facing eviction, it's largely their own fault. They had the money and fucked it off. Then they sat off waiting for the government to come to the rescue but the states are taking too long to come off them ends and you end up in the dilemma we're currently facing.

I'm not saying everyone fucked off their money, but a lot of them did. I'd go so far as to say that the majority of people that got all that money via unemployment squandered it, but I won't say everyone did. Folks got comfortable not paying rent and are now facing the consequences of it.

Complacency begets dependency.
If I wanted to diss you I'd do it outright and not covertly because let's keep it real you've given plenty of ammo to do so in this thread and I would've just simply took easy way out and done it. Iasked a question based on shit being said in this thread and that was it. Shit you responded to me, I didn't even directly quote you so clearly there was something in my posts that made you want to respond. Regardless of what you want title or phrasing you want to give it the moment you decided I'm done doing it this way" and decided to make the best of it the best way you know how you bought into this bullshit system of "I can pull myself up out of this mess" when the reality is no matter how far you go, you're still going to part of this bullshit system that does more harm than good no matter how much you and yours accumulate in the process. And the only way to accumulate shit is to play this fucked up game by their fucked up rules. All that "i'll make my own" shit is just a rephrasing of "Pull yourself up by your bootstraps" so regardless of whether you realize it or not your own words show that you have bought into the pipe dream that this country sells about how you can or can't make it.
What country doesn’t have a bullshit system?

what country does more good than harm?

and is it really a pipe dream when a person has a sense of duty, honor and purpose like some of us?

it’s literally thousands of people who want apart of this pipe dream.

I would rather tell and show you what can be done vs telling people it’s a pipe dream and the system sucks.
Black just be arguing to argue. He been that way cuz he likes to debate. Sometimes you just gotta know when to ignore him and treat him as a troll lol.
What country doesn’t have a bullshit system?

what country does more good than harm?

and is it really a pipe dream when a person has a sense of duty, honor and purpose like some of us?

it’s literally thousands of people who want apart of this pipe dream.

I would rather tell and show you what can be done vs telling people it’s a pipe dream and the system sucks.

@konceptjones how you gonna cosign this while also saying that you only care about you and yours and it's fuck everybody else? You disqualified yourself from anything discussing being of help to others by your own admission.

@DOS_patos in theory I don't disagree with you. In practical application even this thread has shown that when it boils down to it people really don't want to help out others as much as it seems. Also some of yall egos need to come down some. A sense of purpose and honor? Niggas want to lead but don't even know how to talk to people in a basic manner showing common decency and respect. First disagreement yall call folks everything including lazy ass niggas. You can't be about helping Black folks but using white people's tools to break niggas down and rebuild them in your image. You just doing the white man's work for him
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What country doesn’t have a bullshit system?

what country does more good than harm?

and is it really a pipe dream when a person has a sense of duty, honor and purpose like some of us?

it’s literally thousands of people who want apart of this pipe dream.

I would rather tell and show you what can be done vs telling people it’s a pipe dream and the system sucks.

You ain’t never gonna get it lol