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Evictions to hit 750,000 households, Goldman says

@konceptjones you typed all of that to contradict yourself. First it was the government went above and beyond. Then it was "well they fucked up with late stimulus checks, delayed unemployment and now not distributing rent relief funds in a timely and efficient manner". So basically the same government you're in here giving praise to also caused alot of the current fuckery going on. I never once said nor implied that there weren't some folks being irresponsible with their money. That's a given because not everyone is going to do the right thing. That still doesn't account for the working poor who are a good portion of the group of people facing eviction, job losses etc. Everytime this topic comes up you want to get on some high horse talking about your business and everything you would've done and how all the people around you don't seem to get how to move forward except you. You're not the exception to the rule. You're a normal business owner who has bought into the idea that the system will reward you for doing shit the right way when that's not something that's a guarantee.

People do shit the right way every day and still don't get their come up. But you seem to have deluded yourself into thinking that the majority of people who are in a bad situation are there due to their own volition and that's just not being honest. Especially when you admit that people are playing a game rigged for them to lose. You admit that yet still think you can somehow still win and come out on top while thumbing your nose at people who didn't make in your pov a better decision. That's some real classist shit and shit poor people do to make themselves feel better than the other poor people they're surrounded by.

Half truths like this also don't help. An eviction on your record does make it harder to rent in certain places but it's not impossible to do so. It does create am additional barrier though. It also depends on how long ago the eviction was, if there's money still owed etc. It's not as simple as this tweet makes it out to be
@konceptjones how you gonna cosign this while also saying that you only care about you and yours and it's fuck everybody else? You disqualified yourself from anything discussing being of help to others by your own admission.

@DOS_patos in theory I don't disagree with you. In practical application even this thread has shown that when it boils down to it people really don't want to help out others as much as it seems. Also some of yall egos need to come down some. A sense of purpose and honor? Niggas want to lead but don't even know how to talk to people in a basic manner showing common decency and respect. First disagreement yall call folks everything including lazy ass niggas. You can't be about helping Black folks but using white people's tools to break niggas down and rebuild them in your image. You just doing the white man's work for him
I don’t help people? ok. lets skip this one.

I think you are misunderstanding all our frustrations.

I am glad the convo is progressing. Hopefully we can get something accomplished.

but see......I understand where the old heads are coming from. I understand where yall are coming from.

but this is all allegory of the cave being played out in real time.

not sure where my ego comes into play here.
but lets go back to a thread where i clearly stated you are starting to see something i been saw.
remember the thread about the waitress tipping or something.

you see how fast everyone was ready to shit on the waitress and said get another job?

or even in this thread.......czar was ready to shit on koncept for living where he lives.

what do you call that? i call it looking down on someone...and see how easy those who think someone is looking down on them be the first to look down on someone when shit dont go their way?

so yes, maybe WE ALL need to check the "ego"

and yes, sense of purpose and honor and i also said sense of duty.

as a man i stand on those.

but lets not act like niggas cant get frustrated when we seeing shit and people not believing whats out there.
(heres the repetative Dos spiel)
shit, i listen to people stories about hardships coming from places where the fucking govt is bombing their own population, niggas families buying one way tickets to send them to america to have a better life and send money back home, while family depending on him making it. niggas with no options about what they dont like. its whole govts not helping out their people during the pandemic....while in america dot dot dot. niggas keep saying everybody cant run a business...while i see people coming into the black communities opening businesses.

and like i said in another thread, i literally saw a black woman get a $90k signing bonus with $10k settling in money....and she didnt even start the job. this is on the promise of working for two years. no ....everyone cant get that.....but the shit fucked me up. i still cant process the shit. the money is out there if we go get it in many ways. so yes, at times, i do project.

before you reply....
either you gonna see this as victim olympics and whatever else people say.

or maybe take the time to understand what people are saying and have a conversation on what they truly see and how to get to it.

or you can still be angry at the system who dont care what you think or how you feel.

cuz, its alot of people who are not going to waste the breath or time even caring to point things out to you.

sorry for my rant.....

i been sick ass shit lately( No vid)
i need a nap
@DOS_patos did I say you personally don't help? Nope. Stop personalizing everything as an attack on you. That's that ego again. It's not a lack of understanding where the frustration comes from because there are people who make decisions they know aren't the best for the long or short term. Where my disagreement comes in is assuming that 1. That is the majority of people and 2. That those decisions are being made in a vacuum without external factors influencing them.

Like earlier in this thread when someone said that the reasons why some folks have refused to either go back to a shitty job or aren't able to get a new or better job are the same as those who are just out here being irresponsible. Those differences do matter but if people in somewhat higher positions are gonna look down at any and everyone who has just a little less than they do as not being worth the help then why is a shock if those same people don't want to interact with you? At that point, especially as a Black person, you have taken on the pov of how white folks view your own and you're attempts at helping them aren't not only disingenuous but usually comes with some sort of caveat that isn't really worth it. Especially when you're taking on the language and using the same insults against your own that white folks use. I intentionally made it a point to tell Koncept that I wasn't going for that same low hanging fruit that was used against him because I personally don't respect that type of shit. But let's not pretend as if people ain't called out of work folks everything but lazy shiftless niggas who only wanna buy big screen TVs and endless supplies of weed. When you taking that view towards your own then you gotta accept when someone also throws a low blow back at you.

I come from a family of immigrants that still sends money back home so I know that life as well and yes while it is better in America in some aspects there's still all sorts of barriers both visible and invisible that keep people downtrodden no matter what they do. There's kids dealing with the results of decisions their parents made that have negatively impacted their lives. But according to some it's fuck them because they're dealing with circumstances beyond their immediate control and can't find a way out. There's all sorts of shit that factors into why people make the decisions that they make and until there's an effort to understand that then it's always going to be easy to dismiss those folks as people who are deserving of being placed at the bottom rung of society...until that person doing the judging is all of a sudden standing in that wic line right behind them
I don’t help people? ok. lets skip this one.

I think you are misunderstanding all our frustrations.

I am glad the convo is progressing. Hopefully we can get something accomplished.

but see......I understand where the old heads are coming from. I understand where yall are coming from.

but this is all allegory of the cave being played out in real time.

not sure where my ego comes into play here.
but lets go back to a thread where i clearly stated you are starting to see something i been saw.
remember the thread about the waitress tipping or something.

you see how fast everyone was ready to shit on the waitress and said get another job?

or even in this thread.......czar was ready to shit on koncept for living where he lives.

what do you call that? i call it looking down on someone...and see how easy those who think someone is looking down on them be the first to look down on someone when shit dont go their way?

so yes, maybe WE ALL need to check the "ego"

and yes, sense of purpose and honor and i also said sense of duty.

as a man i stand on those.

but lets not act like niggas cant get frustrated when we seeing shit and people not believing whats out there.
(heres the repetative Dos spiel)
shit, i listen to people stories about hardships coming from places where the fucking govt is bombing their own population, niggas families buying one way tickets to send them to america to have a better life and send money back home, while family depending on him making it. niggas with no options about what they dont like. its whole govts not helping out their people during the pandemic....while in america dot dot dot. niggas keep saying everybody cant run a business...while i see people coming into the black communities opening businesses.

and like i said in another thread, i literally saw a black woman get a $90k signing bonus with $10k settling in money....and she didnt even start the job. this is on the promise of working for two years. no ....everyone cant get that.....but the shit fucked me up. i still cant process the shit. the money is out there if we go get it in many ways. so yes, at times, i do project.

before you reply....
either you gonna see this as victim olympics and whatever else people say.

or maybe take the time to understand what people are saying and have a conversation on what they truly see and how to get to it.

or you can still be angry at the system who dont care what you think or how you feel.

cuz, its alot of people who are not going to waste the breath or time even caring to point things out to you.

sorry for my rant.....

i been sick ass shit lately( No vid)
i need a nap

Didn’t our government bomb a community in Philly in the 80s all the years of blatant racist mistreatment is no big deal because we can have it worse lol racism not that bad at all smh. I shifted in koncept because he and other old were saying just work harder in a rigged system. I’m saying this shit needs to be changed so they don’t take Ls koncept worked hard but had to take an also his just work harder idea ain’t good enough I thought it was ironic
Im just confused everybody took Ls because of this and saying we need a system that does not lead to so many losses is almost offensive. This grind hard or die shit ain’t helped us drug dealers think like that.
@DOS_patos did I say you personally don't help? Nope. Stop personalizing everything as an attack on you. That's that ego again. It's not a lack of understanding where the frustration comes from because there are people who make decisions they know aren't the best for the long or short term. Where my disagreement comes in is assuming that 1. That is the majority of people and 2. That those decisions are being made in a vacuum without external factors influencing them.

Like earlier in this thread when someone said that the reasons why some folks have refused to either go back to a shitty job or aren't able to get a new or better job are the same as those who are just out here being irresponsible. Those differences do matter but if people in somewhat higher positions are gonna look down at any and everyone who has just a little less than they do as not being worth the help then why is a shock if those same people don't want to interact with you? At that point, especially as a Black person, you have taken on the pov of how white folks view your own and you're attempts at helping them aren't not only disingenuous but usually comes with some sort of caveat that isn't really worth it. Especially when you're taking on the language and using the same insults against your own that white folks use. I intentionally made it a point to tell Koncept that I wasn't going for that same low hanging fruit that was used against him because I personally don't respect that type of shit. But let's not pretend as if people ain't called out of work folks everything but lazy shiftless niggas who only wanna buy big screen TVs and endless supplies of weed. When you taking that view towards your own then you gotta accept when someone also throws a low blow back at you.

I come from a family of immigrants that still sends money back home so I know that life as well and yes while it is better in America in some aspects there's still all sorts of barriers both visible and invisible that keep people downtrodden no matter what they do. There's kids dealing with the results of decisions their parents made that have negatively impacted their lives. But according to some it's fuck them because they're dealing with circumstances beyond their immediate control and can't find a way out. There's all sorts of shit that factors into why people make the decisions that they make and until there's an effort to understand that then it's always going to be easy to dismiss those folks as people who are deserving of being placed at the bottom rung of society...until that person doing the judging is all of a sudden standing in that wic line right behind them
its not my ego, it was attached to a paragraph that i was quoted in. just a misunderstaning.

2. do you think there is a hierarchy/money sensitivity in the black community?
Didn’t our government bomb a community in Philly in the 80s all the years of blatant racist mistreatment is no big deal because we can have it worse lol racism not that bad at all smh. I shifted in koncept because he and other old were saying just work harder in a rigged system. I’m saying this shit needs to be changed so they don’t take Ls koncept worked hard but had to take an also his just work harder idea ain’t good enough I thought it was ironic
see.....you simplified this shit.

philly tulsa or where ever else.........we are able to rebuild from that.

others dont have that option
its not my ego, it was attached to a paragraph that i was quoted in. just a misunderstaning.

2. do you think there is a hierarchy/money sensitivity in the black community?

There's a hierarchy based more on perceived success sometimes than actual success. "Looking like money" carries more weight than actually having it to some. That is based more in not wanting to look poor as opposed to actually being poor
Bet that 600 dollars would look good going towards rent payments now. Many places were hiring but folks chose to sit on their ass knowing this day would come.
are you serious?

That dude never made any real money in his life, nor has he and that Race chick put themselves into a position to make any, no visionary ass folks, want a fucking hand-out.

Bum shit, get yo ass off yo ass and make a way for you and yours. Can't stand motherfuckas like that. Fussing about shit when they haven't at least tried to make a way for themselves.

Bet money, they never applied for any type of loan besides student. Bum shit.
That dude never made any real money in his life, nor has he and that Race chick put themselves into a position to make any, no visionary ass folks, want a fucking hand-out.

Bum shit, get yo ass off yo ass and make a way for you and yours. Can't stand motherfuckas like that. Fussing about shit when they haven't at least tried to make a way for themselves.

Bet money, they never applied for any type of loan besides student. Bum shit.

says the “19 yr old” college student


@ me next punky brewster
unless hellczar and i have specifically asked you clowns for money, you cant call us broke

but i will say, if being rich means having shit for brains, then by all means im good


every nigga that does humble brags about the money they have up here be dumb asf
unless hellczar and i have specifically asked you clowns for money, you cant call us broke

but i will say, if being rich means having shit for brains, then by all means im good


every nigga that does causal brags about the money they have up here be dumb asf

As if this is something folks with money give a fuck about, you not wanting to be rich lol

Shit broke folks say.

Turning 20 and you're hitting 35, still asking for hand-outs from rich folks.

You so ass backwards and fucked up in the head.
As if this is something folks with money give a fuck about, you not wanting to be rich lol

Shit broke folks say.

Turning 20 and you're hitting 35, still asking for hand-outs from rich folks.

You so ass backwards and fucked up in the head.

im not 35. 🥴😭😭
but youre a 40 yr old weirdo pretending to be 19 on a forum

you cant tell me a fuck ass thing ms mamas

my life is great.