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Evictions to hit 750,000 households, Goldman says

again, being rich is a colonized/neoliberal value. rich in the pockets + morally/ethically bankrupt isnt something i aspire to
@konceptjones you typed all of that to contradict yourself. First it was the government went above and beyond. Then it was "well they fucked up with late stimulus checks, delayed unemployment and now not distributing rent relief funds in a timely and efficient manner". So basically the same government you're in here giving praise to also caused alot of the current fuckery going on. I never once said nor implied that there weren't some folks being irresponsible with their money. That's a given because not everyone is going to do the right thing. That still doesn't account for the working poor who are a good portion of the group of people facing eviction, job losses etc. Everytime this topic comes up you want to get on some high horse talking about your business and everything you would've done and how all the people around you don't seem to get how to move forward except you. You're not the exception to the rule. You're a normal business owner who has bought into the idea that the system will reward you for doing shit the right way when that's not something that's a guarantee.

People do shit the right way every day and still don't get their come up. But you seem to have deluded yourself into thinking that the majority of people who are in a bad situation are there due to their own volition and that's just not being honest. Especially when you admit that people are playing a game rigged for them to lose. You admit that yet still think you can somehow still win and come out on top while thumbing your nose at people who didn't make in your pov a better decision. That's some real classist shit and shit poor people do to make themselves feel better than the other poor people they're surrounded by.

What contradiction???

First, I never said the government went "... above and beyond", I said it did more than I think anyone would have expected from our government, but even with what it did, it SHOULD have done more.

Second: They DID fuck up the PUC assistance, but it wasn't the Feds that did that, it was the state governments. The very same state governments that are mishandling the distribution of CHAP assistance. I even posted articles last year about how people were still waiting on UI as far along as July and even August and I've been clear that the states are fucking up housing money. We even discussed it earlier in the thread!

Your narrow-minded view can't allow you to wrap your head around the fact that both things can be true.

Talking about the people fucking up their money was an examination of how so many people go to this point in the first place. You have to talk about both sides of this equation and while, yes, local governments are fucking up, a lot of (but not all) of the people were fucking up as well. Nobody is innocent here.

I'm talking very specifically about what's going on in this pandemic. A lot of the people who are now on edge waiting for CHAP actually had the money to pay rent but willfully chose to do other things with it instead once the prospect of the government taking care of that back rent appeared. This circles back to what I said earlier: Complacency begets dependence.

You really don't want to have that discussion about personal responsibility when it comes to poor folks. Remember, I worked in the community for decades under my stepfather, a rather prominent community activist in mid-Michigan. I've talked to the people, I've heard their stories, I know that for the most part shit didn't just "happen" and they wound up poor. But calling people out on bad decisions seems to be taboo with people like you. The difference between me and a lot of other people is that I fully acknowledge where I could have made better decisions. I'm in the position I'm in 100% because of the pandemic. I didn't lose everything I had going, but the shit has been rough. I've been able to pay the rent and we're back on SNAP to fill in the blanks. Thumbing my nose at people??? Nah bruh, I put a lot of people in my complex and elsewhere on to work-at-home jobs during this pandemic, same as I've always done. Out of everyone I put on only ONE person stuck with it and they're doing ok. Not great, but ok. The rest??? They all had the exact same excuse: They didn't want to fuck up their unemployment.

So now it's me for mine and nobody else. I tried to look out for too long. Gotta focus on myself and my family.
Lol at the idea of me not being able to see multiple things being true at once when that's often one of the things I talk about most on this board. It's why I stress nuance and looking at situations individually. Because of the simple fact that multiple things can lead to a situation occurring and it's important to consider all factors.

I'm also all for calling people out for bad decisions they make. It's why some of these dumb asses on here say the shit they do about me because I don't fall into the "woe is me" mindset that keeps people stagnant or give excuses for people intentionally playing with fire then crying when their asses gets burned. I'm all for personal responsibility. I just know and acknowledge that different circumstances lead people to having different options placed in front of them. I said it on this board before but alot of people need to ask themselves "Did I make better decisions because I'm that much smarter or did I have better options in front of me?" Not everyone has the same options and are drawing from the same pot when they make some of the decisions they make. That's what I'm saying to make room for and not get on some "yall negroes deserve what you get" shit that too many take on as soon as they get a nickel more than the next man.

Again you aint the special to be talking about the difference between you and others is your ability to see where you made mistakes. That's an ability most people have and exhibit. Now the ability to persevere in spite of is the difference. And that is something that's instilled in a person. If you got that...good for you. But looking down on folks on some "fuck you im all about me" shit while also claiming to be about helping the community just don't match up. Either you helping others or you're not. And if you're not then popping up to tell niggas they ain't shit because they not moving how you move does nothing but regurgitate white folks thinking only coming from the mouth of a Black man.
Lol at the idea of me not being able to see multiple things being true at once when that's often one of the things I talk about most on this board. It's why I stress nuance and looking at situations individually. Because of the simple fact that multiple things can lead to a situation occurring and it's important to consider all factors.

I'm also all for calling people out for bad decisions they make. It's why some of these dumb asses on here say the shit they do about me because I don't fall into the "woe is me" mindset that keeps people stagnant or give excuses for people intentionally playing with fire then crying when their asses gets burned. I'm all for personal responsibility. I just know and acknowledge that different circumstances lead people to having different options placed in front of them. I said it on this board before but alot of people need to ask themselves "Did I make better decisions because I'm that much smarter or did I have better options in front of me?" Not everyone has the same options and are drawing from the same pot when they make some of the decisions they make. That's what I'm saying to make room for and not get on some "yall negroes deserve what you get" shit that too many take on as soon as they get a nickel more than the next man.

Again you aint the special to be talking about the difference between you and others is your ability to see where you made mistakes. That's an ability most people have and exhibit. Now the ability to persevere in spite of is the difference. And that is something that's instilled in a person. If you got that...good for you. But looking down on folks on some "fuck you im all about me" shit while also claiming to be about helping the community just don't match up. Either you helping others or you're not. And if you're not then popping up to tell niggas they ain't shit because they not moving how you move does nothing but regurgitate white folks thinking only coming from the mouth of a Black man.

The biggest problem I have with you in this whole conversation is your constant insistence on us "looking down on folks". Ain't nobody doing that. Fam I'm in the trenches. I'm living this shit right now. I've extended a helping hand to everyone I could. At a point you gotta focus on you and yours to make sure y'all are in a better spot. That doesn't mean I look down on other folks, shit I've been those other folks. I came from struggle, ain't no way in hell I look down on the next man 'cause I've been there.

I've been about the community for decades, up to recently. Right now, in this moment, I'm all for me and mine. Maybe it changes later on down the line. Shit still don't mean I'm looking down on anyone.
The biggest problem I have with you in this whole conversation is your constant insistence on us "looking down on folks". Ain't nobody doing that. Fam I'm in the trenches. I'm living this shit right now. I've extended a helping hand to everyone I could. At a point you gotta focus on you and yours to make sure y'all are in a better spot. That doesn't mean I look down on other folks, shit I've been those other folks. I came from struggle, ain't no way in hell I look down on the next man 'cause I've been there.

I've been about the community for decades, up to recently. Right now, in this moment, I'm all for me and mine. Maybe it changes later on down the line. Shit still don't mean I'm looking down on anyone.

You can be in the trenches and still look down on the next man. Your current position doesn't preclude you from being able to do that. And if you don't want to be seen as looking down on people then maybe saying things like "fuck them" and your incessant focus on what they did wrong vs what you do right shouldn't be front and center in every post you make
Damn... so I’m dumb af if I talk about my reality and accomplishments? Then it’s called humble bragging?

so Blackpeople are supposed to stay broke and in the mud?

make this make sense.
You can be in the trenches and still look down on the next man. Your current position doesn't preclude you from being able to do that. And if you don't want to be seen as looking down on people then maybe saying things like "fuck them" and your incessant focus on what they did wrong vs what you do right shouldn't be front and center in every post you make
Cmon bruh
You can be in the trenches and still look down on the next man. Your current position doesn't preclude you from being able to do that. And if you don't want to be seen as looking down on people then maybe saying things like "fuck them" and your incessant focus on what they did wrong vs what you do right shouldn't be front and center in every post you make

I didn't even bring up what other folks did wrong until that long ass post outlining how people fucked off the money the govt handed them.

And in context, the lone time I said anything about "fuck them" (to quote myself "... I see the bullshit, I know how you can get played by the system and how its designed. I'm all about self and my family nowadays, fuck the rest..." ) was focused on me taking care of my family first and foremost AFTER HAVING TRIED TO PULL OTHERS UP and was more of a reaction to Czar's b.s. response.

Like, how do you just skip over the fact that I've tried helping the community for years on end and focus on what's going on right now???
see.....you simplified this shit.

philly tulsa or where ever else.........we are able to rebuild from that.

others dont have that option

ok and you point again it what? We know we have it better than a lot of people that does not mean it can’t be better so why are you offended when folks say this shit is rigged it’s like as soon as niggas say we got an issue you say it could be worse how does that help? Explain how that helps? Cuz as far as I know most Americans know we have it better than like 90% of the world. Does that mean things should stay the same?
I didn't even bring up what other folks did wrong until that long ass post outlining how people fucked off the money the govt handed them.

And in context, the lone time I said anything about "fuck them" (to quote myself "... I see the bullshit, I know how you can get played by the system and how its designed. I'm all about self and my family nowadays, fuck the rest..." ) was focused on me taking care of my family first and foremost AFTER HAVING TRIED TO PULL OTHERS UP and was more of a reaction to Czar's b.s. response.

Like, how do you just skip over the fact that I've tried helping the community for years on end and focus on what's going on right now???

I didn't skip over that. You can focus on you and yours without all the extra "fuck them". You can speak on taking care of your family and rightfully putting them as the main priority without having to express vitriol for others. Making it a point to do that speaks to a certain mentality that whether you realize it or not you're projecting out to others. It may not be your intention but it is the result
That dude never made any real money in his life, nor has he and that Race chick put themselves into a position to make any, no visionary ass folks, want a fucking hand-out.

Bum shit, get yo ass off yo ass and make a way for you and yours. Can't stand motherfuckas like that. Fussing about shit when they haven't at least tried to make a way for themselves.

Bet money, they never applied for any type of loan besides student. Bum shit.

Nigga you are a troll with fake alias probably made by Dos stay off my dick you add nothing to the board just screaming at feminists and being an incel
That dude never made any real money in his life, nor has he and that Race chick put themselves into a position to make any, no visionary ass folks, want a fucking hand-out.

Bum shit, get yo ass off yo ass and make a way for you and yours. Can't stand motherfuckas like that. Fussing about shit when they haven't at least tried to make a way for themselves.

Bet money, they never applied for any type of loan besides student. Bum shit.

What’s your credit score Queen?