Lou Cypher
The Tokin' White Guy
Played basically my entire weekend. Did a ton of exploring. Every question of the first area. Got my pass and went to the second capital city and started gathering quests there and exploring. The second area has waaaay more monsters everywhere. Goblins, wolves, big monsters, everything. It's pretty big too and night time is Even wilder.
Didn't do too many quests and ended up going back to varrune and hiring a pawn that spoke elvish so I went to the elven town and gathered a few quests there. I maxed out on my warrior so I changed my class to a thief and my main pawn to a fighter to tank. Hire on a mage for heals and either a sorcerer or ranger to finish it off. I was a little worried going to a thief but the damage im doing is insane and killing everything so quickly. Just gotta learn the skills a bit better.
Also in the second area there are rock golem and they can only be hurt by hitting certain areas on the body that are crystallized so you gotta climb on top of them and hit them. So if you're not climbing on your big monsters already you probably should start getting in the habit.
Didn't do too many quests and ended up going back to varrune and hiring a pawn that spoke elvish so I went to the elven town and gathered a few quests there. I maxed out on my warrior so I changed my class to a thief and my main pawn to a fighter to tank. Hire on a mage for heals and either a sorcerer or ranger to finish it off. I was a little worried going to a thief but the damage im doing is insane and killing everything so quickly. Just gotta learn the skills a bit better.
Also in the second area there are rock golem and they can only be hurt by hitting certain areas on the body that are crystallized so you gotta climb on top of them and hit them. So if you're not climbing on your big monsters already you probably should start getting in the habit.