Don't you have to have a credit card and proof of insurance at most places? They run your card to see if it's active and can cover damages. Haven't rented a car since the 90's so maybe shit has changed.You don't have a credit check run to rent a car.
Yep. Without hesitation because it's clear she doesn't know how to adult. She's also telling when she went to media that she got her kids sleeping in cars. She told the world she's unfitThat makes sense but if she says no? Would you take her to court for temp custody?
Yep. Without hesitation because it's clear she doesn't know how to adult. She's also telling when she went to media that she got her kids sleeping in cars. She told the world she's unfit
My bad I read that wrong. Thought her and the kids were sleeping in the car.She said the kids NOT sleeping in the car with her but point made you willing to go the extra mile for the kids.
LaTanya said she now fears she will lose her rental car as she has not been able to make payments. "The car is a pretty penny," she said. "It's an SUV that costs $2,300 for three weeks and I only paid for one week. Sooner or later they are going to take the car."
Don't you have to have a credit card and proof of insurance at most places? They run your card to see if it's active and can cover damages. Haven't rented a car since the 90's so maybe shit has changed.
Do you know if she wants his money?
Are we not taking into account being estranged? Lol
I don't want to assume so I'll just ask the question.
Are some of yall saying if you all were wealthy that no matter what your adult child said, did or how old they are you take care of them?
To me there is a huge difference in helping somebody and taking care of them
I just was asking if you knew idk the detailsyou got it bro
$2,300 every three weeks for a rental. Just buy a fucking hooptie. LA got cheap used cars literally everywhere.
I just was asking if you knew idk the details