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Donald Trump Jr. uses Birtherism in an attack against Sen. Kamala Harris

I just find it funny how folks overlook Congress, and their refusal to hold THEM responsible.

Mitch McConnell literally said their goal was to make Pres.Obama a 1 term president. When that didn't happen, they did everything in their power make sure nothin gets passed.

So instead of blaming Obama...blame Mitch McConnell...blame Lindsey Graham...blame the GOP...blame Congress.

They actually kept him from replacing a supreme court justice in his last year. Trump ended up making that replacement.
No there is also the issue of specific racial attacks against black citizens that needs to be addressed. But reparations is the biggest issue.

Yes. I came up with that on my own. No YouTube personality gave me the idea if that’s what you’re alluding to.

The when was as important in that question as the where. But I digress.
I just find it funny how folks overlook Congress, and their refusal to hold THEM responsible.

Mitch McConnell literally said their goal was to make Pres.Obama a 1 term president. When that didn't happen, they did everything in their power make sure nothin gets passed.

So instead of blaming Obama...blame Mitch McConnell...blame Lindsey Graham...blame the GOP...blame Congress.
So if Obama couldn’t do anything and he was so powerless then what purpose did he serve? But yet, y’all are scared of Trump because of things he might do. Is it Oochie Wally or is it 1 mic?
She don’t find it feasible to do anything for black people.

People are being silly for trying to claim her as black. From what I've heard she has mostly identified as Indian and only started claiming black hard as her career demanded. I'm not saying she denies or dislikes her black heritage but people who say she's not the same as the average African American aren't wrong. She's even more far off than Obama was.
People are being silly for trying to claim her as black. From what I've heard she has mostly identified as Indian and only started claiming black hard as her career demanded. I'm not saying she denies or dislikes her black heritage but people who say she's not the same as the average African American aren't wrong. She's even more far off than Obama was.
She’s technically black but she’s never identified with black people.
Do you feel the same about the CBC?

They're part of Congress are they not?

Every time someone brings up the whole "What did Obama do for black people"...I've always mentioned the CBC. They've been there long b4 he has...yet...I don't see people holding them and the rest of Congress accountable.
They're part of Congress are they not?

Every time someone brings up the whole "What did Obama do for black people"...I've always mentioned the CBC. They've been there long b4 he has...yet...I don't see people holding them and the rest of Congress accountable.

Just because they're apart of congress doesn't mean you hold them accountable.
I think you're looking at it the wrong way... you don't hold a political party accountable, you influence them.

Also, what exactly are "our wishes" in your opinion?
Reparations. Every other subjugated group has received some form of it. Black people are the base of the dem party, they should be way more receptive
Ok so you guys are basically 1 issue voters. Got it.

Meanwhile the rest of us are thinking about multiple issues and the impacts that they have on our lives so that may be where the disconnect is.

My guy said the killing of blacks was the reason he decided to stop voting but has that as a secondary agenda to the all important reparations.
Ok so you guys are basically 1 issue voters. Got it.

Meanwhile the rest of us are thinking about multiple issues and the impacts that they have on our lives so that may be where the disconnect is.
What are more important issues than money ?