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do videos of Black folks dying on camera help or harm?

We already know law enforcement gets the benefit of doubt and are presumed to be justified in their actions off the rip... AND have been known to lie... so how can we really truly rally around the victims WITHOUT video evidence to confront their lies with?

folks didnt need to see freedie gray die on camera to mobilize and stage an uprising

or rekia boyd or sean bell or amadou diallo
or the countless others that followed rodney king before the inventions of cell phones
Because I agree with their overall point. Only you Race and Czar will derail threads debating small shit while ignoring the bigger point.

That "small shit" are the details that matter and if you haven't noticed by now are what draw people in and will ultimately make them care or not care....and trust you ain't getting too many people on your side by calling them weak for not wanting to witness people being murdered.
At the end of the day, you don't have to watch. You don't have to press play. You can change the channel, stay off certain sites, stop following Shaun and Tariq on SM. Its perfectly understandable that this is disturbing to you and others. But these situations need to exposed as much as possible as transparently as possible and not just he said she said. SOME people (especially white folks) wont believe unless they see it with their own eyes, and even then some will deny it.

I disagree.

also who thinks about our kids? are we performing aftercare for them when these videos surface??

americans have this lopsided ideas when it comes to the consumption of violence and yet, we wonder why crime is rampant
That "small shit" are the details that matter and if you haven't noticed by now are what draw people in and will ultimately make them care or not care....and trust you ain't getting too many people on your side by calling them weak for not wanting to witness people being murdered.
You spent pages in another thread arguing about who posted a tweet first...
folks didnt need to see freedie gray die on camera to mobilize and stage an uprising

or rekia boyd or sean bell or amadou diallo
or the countless others that followed rodney king before the inventions of cell phones

Fair enough but would you at the very least concede that their jobs would have been a hell of a lot easier if they had concrete evidence by way of video footage to bolster their argument that excessive force and wrongdoing was done?
Fair enough but would you at the very least concede that their jobs would have been a hell of a lot easier if they had concrete evidence by way of video footage to bolster their argument that excessive force and wrongdoing was done?

I cant say if their jobs would have been harder or easier because look how hard it is even when you have visual proof. lol

so idk inori.
I cant say if their jobs would have been harder or easier because look how hard it is even when you have visual proof. lol

so idk inori.

True... it's an uphill battle for us with or without evidence. No surprise to any of us tho.... That's just life in America.

My viewpoint is that video evidence helps tho. Does it need to be on a continuous loop? Absolutely not. But the video evidence is helpful IMO
True... it's an uphill battle for us with or without evidence. No surprise to any of us tho.... That's just life in America.

My viewpoint is that video evidence helps tho. Does it need to be on a continuous loop? Absolutely not. But the video evidence is helpful IMO

Your point is what people have been rationally saying the past few pages...
True... it's an uphill battle for us with or without evidence. No surprise to any of us tho.... That's just life in America.

My viewpoint is that video evidence helps tho. Does it need to be on a continuous loop? Absolutely not. But the video evidence is helpful IMO
we need more untainted black judges and prosecutors.
we need more untainted black judges and prosecutors.

Need more black judges and prosecutors on the side of right...not the side of who is lining their pockets the best. No point in just switching out hte races of one corrupt group of people for another who will do the exact same shit