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do videos of Black folks dying on camera help or harm?

Hey everyone should commit themselves to reading about police and crime and punishment.

I can suggest some books and pdfs....
also, researching the lynching era in depth may help you understand my point view with these videos.
also, huh????
You said black folks don't care about injustice unless its on camera which is simply not true. Did the civil rights movement start because of an incident that was shared on social media? Isn't the civil rights movement majority black folks trying to get equality? You saying they didn't care?
You said black folks don't care about injustice unless its on camera which is simply not true. Did the civil rights movement start because of an incident that was shared on social media? Isn't the civil rights movement majority black folks trying to get equality? You saying they didn't care?

thats not what was said. lol

im responsible for my words, not your misinterpretation of them
Why do you care. I’m curious.

I answer that a while ago - very directly.

I said that I'm legit a curious person. I like to try to understand the world and other people. So when something makes no sense to me, my natural inclination is to want to get more information and try to understand.

That's all, B. That's it. You niggas making this into chess...it's just checkers.
You said black folks don't care about injustice unless its on camera which is simply not true. Did the civil rights movement start because of an incident that was shared on social media? Isn't the civil rights movement majority black folks trying to get equality? You saying they didn't care?

also shared my thoughts on CRM in relation to these videos here:

hmmm to me, Emmett Till was necessary considering the times. an open casket exposed the entire world to the atrocities Black ppl faced at the hands of the state.

but, it’s not 1955. I don’t think we need to use Till as a precedent anymore... per se. plus the open casket was the mothers wishes, have we ever been informed of mike brown, walter scott, tamir rice family members wishes??

plus i want ppl to understand suffering and democratic action our not interdependent. suffering doesn't hold the power to garner systematic change. its imperative we understand that suffering and death did not give us "rights" it was leveraging the images of our suffering (Emmett till, Rosa being fingerprinted before going to jail, Montgomery Bus Boycott, March on Birmingham, voting rights march Mar. 7th 1965, The Birmingham children's crusade, being attacked by dogs and water hoses etc) that gave way to us being able access certain levels of freedom within society.

these videos that folks are using as “leverage” or “awareness” have done absouletly nothing but keep Black folks in a constant state of disemobodiment. perpetual decapitation.

we watch these videos, we grow angry, we wait/we march/we come up with hashtags/ and so often nothing happens or we see a cop be sentenced to jail-time —only to wake up to another cop shooting the next day/week/month. its a endless cycle and thats what scares me. the repetition of it all.

What is our recourse when we can see a video and surmise clear as day what happened.. and a racist judge and jury make a determination that doesn't represent the reality?

this is a great question and honestly idk. ummmm i try not to have an apathetic politic when it comes to shit like this but racism, police corruption and repression is so ingrained in society that i dont how it can ever be reformed.

as you may know, im for the complete abolishment of police and these violent institutions that have been railroading Black ppl for years.

thats the only way i see us being able to live comfortably.
we also put ourselves in a hole because we are essentially saying without video nobody with care, even Black folks
I answer that a while ago - very directly.

I said that I'm legit a curious person. I like to try to understand the world and other people. So when something makes no sense to me, my natural inclination is to want to get more information and try to understand.

That's all, B. That's it. You niggas making this into chess...it's just checkers.
And I answered the question already. Maybe you’re not getting the answer you want. But there is literally nothing more to it man. I promise you.
anyways, folks should be able to mourn and rally around victims of the state without video

yes, Black folks included
anyways, folks should be able to mourn and rally around victims of the state without video

yes, Black folks included

We already know law enforcement gets the benefit of doubt and are presumed to be justified in their actions off the rip... AND have been known to lie... so how can we really and truly rally around the victims WITHOUT video evidence to confront their lies with?
And I answered the question already. Maybe you’re not getting the answer you want. But there is literally nothing more to it man. I promise you.

Fam, I said 'Nevermind' MAAAAAAD long ago. Like 2 pages ago. Lol.

I'm back in this shit because you continued to engage me about it. Cool. You think you answered the question. Fine. Be blessed.

I'm not that invested.
anyways, folks should be able to mourn and rally around victims of the state without video

yes, Black folks included
At the end of the day, you don't have to watch. You don't have to press play. You can change the channel, stay off certain sites, stop following Shaun and Tariq on SM. Its perfectly understandable that this is disturbing to you and others. But these situations need to exposed as much as possible as transparently as possible and not just he said she said. SOME people (especially white folks) wont believe unless they see it with their own eyes, and even then some will deny it.