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do videos of Black folks dying on camera help or harm?

the system of american policing is inherently violent. so the phrase police brutality is kinda redundant when you think about it

It's your laws and prison systems that are so wack.

The police have shown they don't treat everyone the same so police brutality isn't a redundant phrase

It really is tho. The whole point of recording these interactions with the police and white folks in general is that these muhfuckas lie all the time and use the law to their advantage against us.

@Duwop being exonerated offa some fuck shit cuz the fuckery was on camera falls in line with:

racist white folks assaulting minorities then lying about it
racist white folks KILLING minorities then lying about it

just cuz his interaction didn't end in death doesn't meant it's not relevant to this conversation
I don't even know anymore honestly. The young brotha whose life was taken occured over 2 months ago. The video being put out lead a lot of black celebrities to take notice as well as the general public. More pressue is currently being added to it to where that racist Dept can't hide it under the rug anymore.

Of course this is a double edges sword because we know how the media especially socia media in 2020 is a wild fire for clicks, advertisements, and exposure by any means necessary. It's beyond painful seeing our people constantly murdered with extreme prejudice. Young black children who are born in this era are raised on this and have to constantly be exposed to ththe reality that besides us, our lives mean nothing to anyone else. That ways on a psyche and can be exhausting knowing regular activities as simple as utilizing cardio for exercise, walking from a store, getting fucking pulled over, can get you killed just because the killers are more paranoid than you smh.

If these murderers were guaranteed to be locked away for decades it would at least get some type of justice but, we can't even get that with visual evidence.
White supremacists give cops the benefit of the doubt all the time. Without video evidence it’s a wrap. Even in this thread when it’s not clear who shot who first that’s all the daylight they need to give race soldiers the benefit of the doubt.
just saying, there is no “AH HA” moment that produces policy reform or total disbandment of law enforcement with these videos.

this idea of making our plight palpable to the masses and intelligentsia through videos is dangerous at the end of the day, plus images of Black victims postmortem doesn't change the historical origins of Americas policing institution.

individual “justice” for a few families via these videos doesnt outweigh the harm they cause to the public at large.

Black death is now nothing more than a spectacle.

and soon enough youll consume so much of this horseshit that you will no longer feel outrage only immense apathy.

again, i care too much about us to watch us die on camera day in and day out.

thats just me tho
We been there done that 2 years ago. Back to the videos tho we not the only people in the world who don’t want to see it time after time. Y’all take that to mean something completely different. Looking for confrontation
Oh you smashed Race? Lol. No wonder...
You done spent 27 pages defending him tho. Y’all forever linked. Idol worship
Look.. the reason yall hate tariq is same reason you cower behind the LGBT and intersectionality is the same reason you're now saying stop recording videos



Yall are shook to death of white supremacy and just want to cover your eyes and ears

Yall are not gonna fight back, whether in real life, online, financially or otherwise

Yalls stances are the same as discouraging other slaves from running away. Yall would stay on the Plantation where its "safe"

Ya'll are afraid... and thats ok, but just say so
Look.. the reason yall hate tariq is same reason you cower behind the LGBT and intersectionality is the same reason you're now saying stops recording videos



Yall are shook to death of white supremacy and just want to cover your eyes and ears

Yall are not gonna fight back, whether in real life, online, financially or otherwise

Yalls stances are the same as discouraging other slaves from running away. Yall would stay on the Plantation where its "safe"

Ya'll are afraid... and thats ok, but just say so

That’s not the reason at all bro. Not watching videos does not mean you can disengage from white supremacy it’s impossible to disengage. Y’all say all the time images in tv can mess with people like showing black men as thugs or gay. So showing a black person every month getting killed by police does what? We get angry maybe 1 out of the 50 cops goes to jail and then a month later all over again and somebody paid off in a settlement. We can agree nobody is happy with that. So we should keep it as a reminder? How we know it not used as a scare tactic on us? I’m sure that has crossed your mind.

Skip all the ABW shit you can’t tell me you truly can’t understand our viewpoint. Do you have to watch every video to know the police are wrong? Again nobody is against awareness. But you making up others peoples viewpoints due to anger.
So slaves are afraid of seeing other slaves die. And that’s supposed to be a reasonable rebuttal to this. Are we just taking what we can get one cop conviction in every 100.
Look.. the reason yall hate tariq is same reason you cower behind the LGBT and intersectionality is the same reason you're now saying stop recording videos



Yall are shook to death of white supremacy and just want to cover your eyes and ears

Yall are not gonna fight back, whether in real life, online, financially or otherwise

Yalls stances are the same as discouraging other slaves from running away. Yall would stay on the Plantation where its "safe"

Ya'll are afraid... and thats ok, but just say so

Also would you stop at recording or would you intervene? If you just gonna record and upload it to Facebook. Most people wouldn’t intervene for obvious reasons. But I don’t how watching cops kill us over and over again with no real consequence is supposed to help black people.
You don't have to watch the videos but discouraging them from being recorded is wrong
So slaves are afraid of seeing other slaves die. And that’s supposed to be a reasonable rebuttal to this. Are we just taking what we can get one cop conviction in every 100.
Seeee! That's what im talking about. You proved my point

Runaway slaves knew full well the risk they were taking, they knew full well they can die and they were OK with that because

the price of freedom is death

Shouting down us modern "runaway slaves" because you don't want us to die is not the vibe
You don't have to watch the videos but discouraging them from being recorded is wrong

Seeee! That's what im talking about. You proved my point

Runaway slaves knew full well the risk they were taking, they knew full well they can die and they were OK with that because

the price of freedom is death

Shouting down us modern "runaway slaves" because you don't want us to die is not the vibe

Linking watching a video of us dying to somehow an act of freedom is a strong reach. Y’all act like this video is going to tell us what we don’t already know. They whipped slaves in front of other slaves to scare them. You think that same logic ain’t applying to videos. Nobody shouting you down because we don’t want to see it not every disagreement is a shot at your stance and you take that way often. I gotta watch a video to know about police brutality? I gotta see the blood in the sidewalk to not be scared.

And no I don’t think watching the videos is going to kill you or that it’s like oppression porn. But I’m not going to act like it has no psychological impact.
I wouldn't outright discourage people from recording these encounters with police or sharing them to gain initial awareness. There does become a point though when it's just being shared for clicks and shock value and it's not abnormal for a person to get to a point to where they personally can't take the sight of anymore dead bodies and murders being shown to them. I prefer to not watch the videos and scroll past them when I see them, but it does get hard to keep scrolling when every single post has the image/videos and the shit just weighs on you