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do videos of Black folks dying on camera help or harm?

cant remember where it was said but somebody said fuck the bullshit... we gotta start buying politicians like every other group does if we want to truly see some change. What does that look like? How do we organize and accomplish that?

if we have to buy politicians then that system is rigged and needs to be toppled. i need ppl in positions of power whose moral compass trumps their ability to be bought and sold.

i understand the idea but i just see that becoming a hot ass mess
can we also keep an eye out for all enemies......foreign and domestic.
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Because the troll made this thread that’s why.

you cant state your opinion and blaming it on me. lol its weak. you also fold during a lot of debates so im not surprised.

you are blurting out intersectionality every six seconds like a broken parrot, so its clear to me you really dont have any ideas of your own nor have you researched the ideas of the men you subscribe to.
This is true but again it's the only way. Without the vids they don't believe in police brutality at all. At least with the vids they're forced to deny what they can see is true.

they dont look at it as police brutality

its just cops doing their job and tbh they would be right in their thinking
Muhammed Ali was once told that Elijah Muhammad taught him that whites were the enemy. He wisely responded that no one could teach that whites were the enemy more than white people themselves by acting like enemies toward black people. They enslaved, raped, murdered, insulted, degraded, and discriminated against us since we got here.

Similarly, no one can convince us to abandon our love for our own people like our own people. We tell our women to respect themselves and we get called misogynistic for not approving of their whorish behavior. We tell our men to being strong and walk upright and we get called phobic for not approving of their effeminate faggot behavior. We tell our children to learn and we're called bitter and boring for not approving of their ignorance. We tell our people to do for self and we get called hotep, toxic, and for the first time I've seen on this forum, "conscious clownball".

This is how the revolution dies: distraction and disillusion perpetuated by black agents of white supremacy. You don't have to front line every fight or argument but shut the hell up when those that are, are doing so on your behalf.

These are the 85%, easily led in the wrong direction and hardly led in the right direction. Fuck their foolishness though. Keep pushing.

Yeahhhhh no.
using the F word so casually is the reason why your message always falls flat and why folks dont take yall seriously.

good luck with leading the masses tho.
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if nothing happens for too long.....everyone will feel strong enough to go after anyone black.

they moving in groups to execute or whatever......we fighting about not agreeing on acknowledgement of sexuality or a post.

focus damn it.

regardless of if im here or there, i still have family and love for alot of people thats still in the US.
White people KNOW the shit is fucked up. They just play dumb about it. Look how they act whenever law enforcement starts fucking with them.

So if they know it’s ducked and won’t change and we know we not going to get treated fairly why watch another 50 videos? I don’t think not seeing the video is going to keep people sleep.