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do videos of Black folks dying on camera help or harm?

I dont usually watch them but they're the only way white people can see what police are like
but they dont really care what police or other white people are like because its not them.

you have to be a special kind of evil to be ok with another human or race being oppressed while you on your way to starbucks.
but they dont really care what police or other white people are like because its not them.

you have to be a special kind of evil to be ok with another human or race being oppressed while you on your way to starbucks.

This is true but again it's the only way. Without the vids they don't believe in police brutality at all. At least with the vids they're forced to deny what they can see is true.
The same reason they staunchly undermine the conscious community. Its all about keeping their heads in the sands. Niggas want the fight against racism out of sight and out of mind, bottom line
Muhammed Ali was once told that Elijah Muhammad taught him that whites were the enemy. He wisely responded that no one could teach that whites were the enemy more than white people themselves by acting like enemies toward black people. They enslaved, raped, murdered, insulted, degraded, and discriminated against us since we got here.

Similarly, no one can convince us to abandon our love for our own people like our own people. We tell our women to respect themselves and we get called misogynistic for not approving of their whorish behavior. We tell our men to being strong and walk upright and we get called phobic for not approving of their effeminate faggot behavior. We tell our children to learn and we're called bitter and boring for not approving of their ignorance. We tell our people to do for self and we get called hotep, toxic, and for the first time I've seen on this forum, "conscious clownball".

This is how the revolution dies: distraction and disillusion perpetuated by black agents of white supremacy. You don't have to front line every fight or argument but shut the hell up when those that are, are doing so on your behalf.

These are the 85%, easily led in the wrong direction and hardly led in the right direction. Fuck their foolishness though. Keep pushing.
I think the videos need to continue to be shown. Without it you lose the severity if the situation because words aren't as effective. People need to see it, so it becomes harder and harder to be in denial about what's happening.

Ray Rice is a good example of how much more impact a video has than a story about what happened. The outrage came after everyone saw it.
Oh I get it.

This is the weak asking for protection for their sensitive sensibilities. Ladies and children and such.

The rest of us that are emboldened don't need shelter from the sight of gore.

This ain't a tough guy competition. You won't find too many people who will willingly subject themselves to images of violence let alone people literally being murdered in front of them. What kinda ass backwards thinking do you have to say that not wanting to see people being murdered is sensitive?
White people KNOW the shit is fucked up. They just play dumb about it. Look how they act whenever law enforcement starts fucking with them.
"So the ones in the West will never move east and feel they could be at home
Get tricked by the BEAST but where them gon' flee when the MONSTER is fully grown?"

"Harriett done left the night befo'.
It's time we go.
Ain't no place for black folk here.
Promise Land callin' me man."
it take a certain type of mindframe to move to another country.

its not as easy as people think.

if your logistics aint right......you gonna live a nightmare.

its a process but it can be done.
i also think we need to get our emotions in check.

so many people profit off our pain.
I feel what you saying,but unfortunately, not everyone can be saved like that, no matter how good theyre program is, just like rehab for drugs and alcohol ppl relapse all the time...so what do you when say you rehab a rapist..and then a week later theyre back cause they done it again? Try again?

we never had a system that was truly rehabilitative so we cant say what will happen or what wouldnt happen. also rehabilitative doesn't mean someone rapes and is out a week later lol