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DISSCUSION - Why Do Men Like What They Can't Have and Not What They Can?

SO! ....~ (In my Budden voice.)

At the end of it all... This is what I gots

  • Wild Lions = (Men), are egotisical brats who roam the earth snatching all the new "Shiny Things" = (Women), from one another until they get bored with it and find a NEW Shiny Thing.
  • They do not want the other Wild Lion to give it to them, they want to SNATCH IT! ~ it makes a difference.
  • And if that Shiny Thing is married then she can't tell her dude SH*T about what they do and she best make herself available at all times. ZeroF*cksGiven. Wild Lion has to be first and foremost or at least be made to feel as such.
  • "Shiny Things" must not be too easy, but can't be impossible or the game isn't fun anymore :-(

  • Wild Things like a woman slightly off limits to test their abilities on getting the Shiny Things to bust it open. But they will also mess with free willing Shiny Things, they just won't like them as much.

Is that about right?
View attachment 12366
Some women feel the exact same way

It's not so much of a male lion thing as much as it's a certain lion (male or female) thing
Have any females chimed in?

Is there a stigma
SO! ....~ (In my Budden voice.)

At the end of it all... This is what I gots

  • Wild Lions = (Men), are egotisical brats who roam the earth snatching all the new "Shiny Things" = (Women), from one another until they get bored with it and find a NEW Shiny Thing.
  • They do not want the other Wild Lion to give them the Shiny Thing, they must SNATCH IT! ~ it makes a difference.
  • And if that Shiny Thing is married then she can't tell her dude SH*T about what they do and she best make herself available at all times. ZeroF*cksGiven. New Wild Lion has to be first and foremost or at least be made to feel as such.
  • "Shiny Things" must not be too easy, but can't be impossible or the game isn't fun anymore

  • Wild Lions like Shiny Things slightly off limits to test their abilities on getting them to bust it open. But they will also mess with free willing Shiny Things, they just won't like them as much.

Is that about right?
View attachment 12366
That's the gist of it......not all of it grasshopper
Think about it...how many niggas done pulled a married chick...then bragged to their friends about it?

I mean yeah he did it to smash, but lot of it has to do wit it being a "badge of honor/notch under your belt" type deal.

My 2 cents
yea cuz women love trying to get things you tel them they can't have...

spoilt asses
Think about it...how many niggas done pulled a married chick...then bragged to their friends about it?

I mean yeah he did it to smash, but lot of it has to do wit it being a "badge of honor/notch under your belt" type deal.

My 2 cents

Bragging period is elementary. But hey, to each his own. ;-)
yea cuz women love trying to get things you tel them they can't have...

spoilt asses

I am in NO way Spoilt Sir!

Think about it...how many niggas done pulled a married chick...then bragged to their friends about it?

I mean yeah he did it to smash, but lot of it has to do wit it being a "badge of honor/notch under your belt" type deal.

My 2 cents
Again it is a personality thing. I always did my dirt and kept it to myself. That is why I don't understand this age of everybody wanting to share everything and tell everything. You telling your boy how you smashed a mans wife and he laughing because he smashing yours.
Have any females chimed in?

Is there a stigma

That's the gist of it......not all of it grasshopper

Not sure the ladies will chime in here. I know the females on others platforms loathe me when I speak about stuff like this.

I have inquired privately as to why I receive so much backlash from the ladies and I have gotten everything from;

"You make it hard for wholesome good Christian women to get ahead with men" to "Your husband is giving my husband Ideas that he shouldn't be having and WE think it's best that they not hang out together".

Whilst the dude standing at the door with his head hanging down like he got caught stealing bubbalicious at the corner store. HAHAHA.

In my experience, females do not take too kindly to talks such as this.
Not sure the ladies will chime in here. I know the females on others platforms loathe me when I speak about stuff like this.

I have inquired privately as to why I receive so much backlash from the ladies and I have gotten everything from;

"You make it hard for wholesome good Christian women to get ahead with men" to "Your husband is giving my husband Ideas that he shouldn't be having and WE think it's best that they not hang out together".

Whilst the dude standing at the door with his head hanging down like he got caught stealing bubbalicious at the corner store. HAHAHA.

In my experience, females do not take too kindly to talks such as this.
But do you think that is because they want to be like you? Because let's be honest you can't be the only person in the world like this. Maybe people are just uncomfortable with other people knowing they share the lifestyle or would if they could get passed the stigmatism asscociated with it.
But do you think that is because they want to be like you? Because let's be honest you can't be the only person in the world like this. Maybe people are just uncomfortable with other people knowing they share the lifestyle or would if they could get passed the stigmatism asscociated with it.

I believe that for the most part, people are embarrassed and to them image is everything.

The way people view you is a HUGE deal to alot of people. H3ll it was a huge deal to me until I learned otherwise, but that confidence and self love was LEARNED it wasn't innate. So there were a lot of trials and errors in learning to love myself and all the freaky unorthodox ways I think and the things I do and with loving it all, came acceptance and with that went the F*CKS! lol

Many find it repulsive, hoe'ish (especially for a woman).
Others who may desire it, will act like they don't so as to not recieve the negative outlook from others.

Once people let go of the desire to be "ACCEPTED" by others, they will learn to ACCEPT themselves and all that encompasses.
I guess I am like most men and would be uncomfortable with my wife sleeping with anyone else.Selfish and that being said I want her to be uncomfortable with me sleeping with anyone else. I know the old way of thinking. But it works for us.
I guess I am like most men and would be uncomfortable with my wife sleeping with anyone else.Selfish and that being said I want her to be uncomfortable with me sleeping with anyone else. I know the old way of thinking. But it works for us.
Nothing wrong with this

I believe that for the most part, people are embarrassed and to them image is everything.

The way people view you is a HUGE deal to alot of people. H3ll it was a huge deal to me until I learned otherwise, but that confidence and self love was LEARNED it wasn't innate. So there were a lot of trials and errors in learning to love myself and all the freaky unorthodox ways I think and the things I do and with loving it all, came acceptance and with that went the F*CKS! lol

Many find it repulsive, hoe'ish (especially for a woman).
Others who may desire it, will act like they don't so as to not recieve the negative outlook from others.

Once people let go of the desire to be "ACCEPTED" by others, they will learn to ACCEPT themselves and all that encompasses.
Nothing wrong with this either
"Your husband is giving my husband Ideas that he shouldn't be having and WE think it's best that they not hang out together".

This is funny.
Like I am really going home and saying Mrs Dread, look at them you see what they have that could be us. They funny thing would be if she was like you know what it could be.or maybe that wouldn't be that funny.
Like I am really going home and saying Mrs Dread, look at them you see what they have that could be us. They funny thing would be if she was like you know what it could be.or maybe that wouldn't be that funny.
You would be surprised how something like this would come up.
So all of you that like to test your s/o like you said n the other thread go home and see if they pass this test.
I guess I am like most men and would be uncomfortable with my wife sleeping with anyone else.Selfish and that being said I want her to be uncomfortable with me sleeping with anyone else. I know the old way of thinking. But it works for us.

Nothing wrong with that at all.

The issue isn't that we all live differently. The issue is that we expect otherwise and we judge one another because of it.

(Generally speaking, not pointing fingers)