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Democrats Block Reparation Cali Bill

I could be mistaken but didnt they show someone on there actively trying to stop people from seconding it? Seems like fuckery across the board. I want some more information on who exactly shit the bed on this and why

Did you find what you were looking for?? Someone actively trying to stop people from seconding motioning the bill?

What did your research conclude?
AP did you find more information on who exactly shitted the bed?
Tell us what findings did yall come up with
They don't exist because until recently Blacks as a collective have been politically complacent. We have to apply constant pressure to make sure that those in office actually serve our needs. Too many of us believe that the system simply doesn't work for us.

I feel like that's what black people are currently doing with the exception of a few here on this board, going by some of the posts I read on yesterday and in the past

Blacks being politically complacent means what?
Does it mean Voting the same way and not asking for a black agenda? Or demanding something specifically for black people? I don't understand your question.

Blacks have voted for the democratic party for over 60 years

What does putting pressure on candidates mean to you? Walk me through the steps that you would like black folks to go by?

My putting pressure to me and many other black people is simply telling candidates if you want our vote you will have to supply a black agenda or put something down that you will give to black people, but you said that a candidate running for President will not do that but one who is running for Congress will which has not happened yet. Black votes have put in Congressmen. They've been putting in Congressmen since the 1800s

5Th again, told you that these folks are paid and won't change so if you can walk us through your way that you want black folks to go by when getting these candidates to help black folks
There apparently was a disagreement over who is considered black

The caucus wanted all black people

The representative Bradford wanted it to be for descendants of slaves

All black people weren't in slaves in the US during those times
Bradford is correct with the language.
No shots at those who are not native black but those were the ones who were affected in those days.
All black people weren't in slaves in the US during those times
Bradford is correct with the language.
No shots at those who are not native black but those were the ones who were affected in those days.

I'm highlighting what was discussed in the video b

I recommend you watch it for yourself. Very informative.
Just watched the Higher Learning video with the woman who explained what happened with this bill

This looks like the actions of some people who are trying to stay in the good graces of the governor because it was believed had it passed, he would've vetoed the bill.

This doesn't have shit to do with Kamala

Let's kill this narrative becuase you. Rain and Monk want to use this as some type of hope or shamming tactic because the backlash is those folks are upset, and not just in California and many are now turning on the whole entire Democrat party

It sounds like the 3 of yall are scared that's why yall keep saying that.
Breh. You're not changing nobody's mind, the 3 of yall not moving no needle. I kinda of wish yall stop saying that...Those black folks are upset and many are upset around the country with the process.
This may very well affect her election and you, the rain dude and Monk are going to have to breath and deal with it
Simple as that

The people wanna send a message to that party and they can and will.
It's silly. It doesn't make any sense. Kamala wasn't involved. Yea yea yea but you, rain, Monk have to sit and watch
Let's kill this narrative becuase you. Rain and Monk want to use this as some type of hope or shamming tactic because the backlash is those folks are upset, and not just in California and many are now turning on the whole entire Democrat party

It sounds like the 3 of yall are scared that's why yall keep saying that.
Breh. You're not changing nobody's mind, the 3 of yall not moving no needle. I kinda of wish yall stop saying that...Those black folks are upset and many are upset around the country with the process.
This may very well affect her election and you, the rain dude and Monk are going to have to breath and deal with it
Simple as that

The people wanna send a message to that party and they can and will.
It's silly. It doesn't make any sense. Kamala wasn't involved. Yea yea yea but you, rain, Monk have to sit and watch

I'm highlighting what was discussed in the video b

I recommend you watch it for yourself. Very informative.
That's what it says it the article linked in the tweet.

Also. You can't pull a bill if you are not the authoritarian of it.
Bradford was the authoritarian of the bill so the democrats tried to do something illegal. Tried to do so.
Tried to sabotage the bill and do shady shit.

Only the authoritarian can pull the bill. That's law

So with all of that, trying to stop the bill 48, 24 hrs before it hit the floor, doing illegal shit, to sabotage the bill, those black folks and others are upset and they are on some fuck the whole entire party and fuck Kamala

They already didn't like her ass and this may have been the nail in the coffin to push them to pull back

Remember she doesn't have a good rep with the black folks in Cali.
And all I said was those people have every right to punish all democrats.
Whether you, rain or Ap agree with it or not.

You may not think it's smart but those black people in Cali are intelligent and they choose to move that way and punish all democrats.

That's what I been saying since page one. You call it not smart, I call it very smart, and those black people in Cali and all over the country who saw this situation unfold think it's smart to not support Kamala on election day

Thanks for the recap. It's already clear we disagree. I don't dispute that. I dispute you twisting my views and claiming that I'm saying that people shouldn't have protested for George Floyd.

At the end, of the day, I explained why attempting to punish all Dems isn't smart and you just ignored. You've never actually provided any kind of reasoning for why punishing Kamala for something she has little to no control over is smart. All you really did was try to draw analogies between politics and other scenarios that don't really fit.
Thanks for the recap. It's already clear we disagree. I don't dispute that. I dispute you twisting my views and claiming that I'm saying that people shouldn't have protested for George Floyd.

At the end, of the day, I explained why attempting to punish all Dems isn't smart and you just ignored. You've never actually provided any kind of reasoning for why punishing Kamala for something she has little to no control over is smart.


I never twisted your views. I said if you think such and such is silly, not smart, doesn't make sense, thats kool. You have that thought, it doesn't make sense to YOU and only YOU, I kept telling you, Rain and Monk, then I kept saying those black folks are very smart and intelligent and they can choose how they wanna move regardless on what you 3 posters say about it.

That's all I said, kept saying. Yall call their actions, silly, don't make sense, even went far as to say they don't understand Civics 101 lol. Like really. Yall insulting folks now because they don't wanna support your candidate lol. Smh.

You cannot say I don't know Civics 101 because Knock never created the movement, I just supported what they were doing.

I provide reasoning. It just wasn't what you wanted to intake and that's fine.

Those black folks have their reasoning

I never twisted your views. I said if you think such and such is silly, not smart, doesn't make sense, thats kool. You have that thought, it doesn't make sense to YOU and only YOU, I kept telling you, Rain and Monk, then I kept saying those black folks are very smart and intelligent and they can choose how they wanna move regardless on what you 3 posters say about it.

That's all I said, kept saying. Yall call their actions, silly, don't make sense, even went far as to say they don't understand Civics 101 lol. Like really. Yall insulting folks now because they don't wanna support your candidate lol. Smh.

You cannot say I don't know Civics 101 because Knock never created the movement, I just supported what they were doing.

I provide reasoning. It just wasn't what you wanted to intake and that's fine.

Those black folks have their reasoning
Day two and you're still missing the point

Why is Kamala being tied to the actions of THESE people
If it doesn't make sense and it's silly to YOU. That's fine and dandy. It's only YOU that it fit.

The shaming phrases won't stop people from doing what they wanna do.
Like the inori poster said and I called it out. Say the shit doesn't make sense to YOU or imo. Folks wanna say those phrases as to shit on something, to shame it, as if they above it, or shit on the entire opposing view and those who are on the other view. Use the goofy ass tactic to make the other view seem inferior or weak minded...no no no. If something doesn't make any sense, or is silly. It's silly to YOU not to everybody else as how you making it seem to be or want it seem to be.

Yall like to do that shit alot on here when shit goes against yall stance.

I'm cutting all that goofy shit out when you step into my face trying to talk that goofy shit..

Na say the shit doesn't make sense to YO ass and move around so we all know that you either need more clarity on it or if you just flat out right trolling the topic or view point or deflecting because you don't like what you are reading and can't give a strong counter . It goes against your stance etc

Time out for all that 3rd grader ass shit..
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Day two and you're still missing the point

Why is Kamala being tied to the actions of THESE people

I told you 3 or 4 times in this thread, honestly I don't know what else to tell you bro. You stopped reading one of my post so why now you want me to explain what why??

Go reread the post you stopped on and maybe you may get some understanding and find your answer

If Not. I don't know what else to tell you. You just will have to have a wonderful day.

Act obtuse with someone else bro.
I told you 3 or 4 times in this thread, honestly I don't know what else to tell you bro. You stopped reading one of my post so why now you want me to explain what why??

Go reread the post you stopped on and maybe you may get some understanding and find your answer

If Not. I don't know what else to tell you. You just will have to have a wonderful day.

Act obtuse with someone else bro.

I never twisted your views. I said if you think such and such is silly, not smart, doesn't make sense, thats kool. You have that thought, it doesn't make sense to YOU and only YOU, I kept telling you, Rain and Monk, then I kept saying those black folks are very smart and intelligent and they can choose how they wanna move regardless on what you 3 posters say about it.

That's all I said, kept saying. Yall call their actions, silly, don't make sense, even went far as to say they don't understand Civics 101 lol. Like really. Yall insulting folks now because they don't wanna support your candidate lol. Smh.

You cannot say I don't know Civics 101 because Knock never created the movement, I just supported what they were doing.

I provide reasoning. It just wasn't what you wanted to intake and that's fine.

Those black folks have their reasoning

Again, you keep saying those people are smart and what they are doing is smart. A course of action isn't smart just because you agree with it. It has to have some utility for achieving your goals.

If reparations is what those people want in Cali. How does hurting Kamala help them get what they want? Kamala has no control over what the CA state senate does. And black people refusing to vote for her won't mean shit. Cali is a deep blue state and black people only make up about 5% of the population and less than half of those people vote in any given election anyway. If you think it's such a smart action, you actually have to explain how it's going to help them. You reasoning was "If I supported Dems on the state level and I didn't get what I want, then I shouldn't support Dems on any level." It's already been explained to you by multiple people why that doesn't work for politics, and you don't really seem to care.

As I've pointed out like 3 times now, the actual people putting in the work to get the bill pushed don't even agree with that line of thinking. They aren't telling anyone not to vote for Kamala. They said they are regrouping and continuing the fight.
Again, you keep saying those people are smart and what they are doing is smart. A course of action isn't smart just because you agree with it. It has to have some utility for achieving your goals.

If reparations is what those people want in Cali. How does hurting Kamala help them get what they want? Kamala has no control over what the CA state senate does. And black people refusing to vote for her won't mean shit. Cali is a deep blue state and black people only make up about 5% of the population and less than half of those people vote in any given election anyway. If you think it's such a smart action, you actually have to explain how it's going to help them. You reasoning was "If I supported Dems on the state level and I didn't get what I want, then I shouldn't support Dems on any level." It's already been explained to you by multiple people why that doesn't work for politics, and you don't really seem to care.

As I've pointed out like 3 times now, the actual people putting in the work to get the bill pushed don't even agree with that line of thinking. They aren't telling anyone not to vote for Kamala. They said they are regrouping and continuing the fight.

Are those black people in Cali, people around the country silly, dumb, unintelligent for not supporting Kamala because of this botch situation?
In your opinion
Yes or No.

Just a simple answer is needed bro

Yes or no
Again, you keep saying those people are smart and what they are doing is smart. A course of action isn't smart just because you agree with it. It has to have some utility for achieving your goals.

If reparations is what those people want in Cali. How does hurting Kamala help them get what they want? Kamala has no control over what the CA state senate does. And black people refusing to vote for her won't mean shit. Cali is a deep blue state and black people only make up about 5% of the population and less than half of those people vote in any given election anyway. If you think it's such a smart action, you actually have to explain how it's going to help them. You reasoning was "If I supported Dems on the state level and I didn't get what I want, then I shouldn't support Dems on any level." It's already been explained to you by multiple people why that doesn't work for politics, and you don't really seem to care.

As I've pointed out like 3 times now, the actual people putting in the work to get the bill pushed don't even agree with that line of thinking. They aren't telling anyone not to vote for Kamala. They said they are regrouping and continuing the fight.

This is YOUR opinion, black people in Cali and the black people around the country who do not want to support Kamala because of this situation have that right

Yes or No?

Whether if it makes sense to YOU, Rain, AP those folks have their right to move how they wanna move?

Yes or no

Why are you, AP asking ME why those people wanna move how they wanna move? I don't know why those black folks in Cali and around the country wanna not support Kamala.

I can only guess to why, and I provided posts on to why.

Why do you even care on how they move?

Just vote for Kamala and move around. Lol

How about you 3 niggas try to understand why would all those black folks don't wanna support Kamala come election day. My answers or reasoning ain't good enough

Dive into the comment section on those YouTube channels and ask the people

Why do yall care anyway?? That's what I wanna know

Support your candidate and move around