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Democrats Block Reparation Cali Bill

Here we go again, pointing fingers at everybody else except them raggly democrats you ppl think can do no wrong.

You know, for a bunch of wise/genius posters like you people who know so got damn much about politics. I can only wonder if you put your money where your big mouths are and actually lobbied some of these politicians. All I hear from you kind of people is just to vote. If you haven't bothered to lobby any one of them, please don't respond to my shyt.

Me, the Californians and other black folks around this country will move how we move. Deal?

You support who you want to support and those folks who choose not to support Kamala because of this situation let them do so and be happy about.
They don't owe you, me, ap, rain, or anybody on this board a reason to why they don't wanna support her... Right?

You asked me 4 to 5 times to give you a reason to why they are NOT supporting Kamala, I explained the best way I could at guessing to why they don't wanna support her.

Those reasons wasn't good for you, you still can't swallow it, tough titty bro, you keep trying to explain to ME, the difference between local, state, and federal positions, bro, as to make me feel idk wrong for going about me cosigning what those black folks in Cali and around the country are deciding to do come election time.

You are the one who can't seem to accept what's happening in reality and that's the problem. This is you bro, those people can do whatever they want , I haven't criticized them, they have a right to NOT support Kamala....After that statement you come with the following statement by saying "well I think it's silly that they wanna NOT vote for Kamala when she had nothing to do with this and the difference between local, state and the federal side of things is this.

LIKE NIGGA didn't you just say those black folks can NOT vote for Kamala and you're all good with it? IF you are all good with it, let the shit go and stop trying to find shit to bash. You trying so hard and it's having you look like you're hurt, scared, very concerned or just plain out trolling the topic or their decision. Nigga you know what you're doing and I do too, that's why I keep replying the same way and it's killing yo ass, cuz now you're saying i"m ignoring you.

I said, your way is YOUR way, that's all good, those people wanna NOT support her kool.

Nigga you either hurt, scared or upset that the people don't wanna fuck with Kamala lol. Bro let it go

I couldn't care less how you feel Monk, to be honest bro. Just like I stated for the 5 or 6th time, you feel how YOU feel about the situation, that's fine and dandy, others feel differently.

Now you wanna attack Knock about how I'm weird, when all I did was cosign what the people in Cali and around the country are doing because of this fuck up Bro grow up and stop whinning.

As I stated, Vote for your candidate and let them people live.

If their reason for NOT supporting Kamala because the sky is blue today and the sun is out, Let them people move how they wanna move... you may not agree with it, and again, that's fine.

This nigga bout to have a nervous breakdown cuz them folks don't wanna vote for Kamala. Nigga breath.

Wanna know why they don't wanna vote for her, nigga i told you why many times, and you still asking and trying to poke while bashing.


I ain't going to lie. The whole "why are you discussing this topic in a thread about this topic on a forum meant for discussion?" schtick is hilarious to me.

Like I legit can't decide if he's trolling or on some "Hey guys, I got an interesting thing to talk about. Hey guys, why are you talking about this thing I brought up to talk about?" shit. lol
Here we go again, pointing fingers at everybody else except them raggly democrats you ppl think can do no wrong.

You know, for a bunch of wise/genius posters like you people who know so got damn much about politics. I can only wonder if you put your money where your big mouths are and actually lobbied some of these politicians. All I hear from you kind of people is just to vote. If you haven't bothered to lobby any one of them, please don't respond to my shyt.


So no lobbying or funds spent on politicians, just a bunch a jibberish from you ppl.
I will say I don’t understand the point of slander this party, slander that party, slander this group, slander that one, slander this candidate etc when meanwhile nothing being done on your side to get involved to even assist with problem solving. It all comes off as sons of Trump type behavior. Ppl be imitating that dudes ethics with or without even knowing it.

Edit: I read that shit wrong. So basically the Caucus Members are requesting 12 Mil, but that's not actually the reparations. That's just to set up the department that would manage the reparations and then create a fund that would prepare the community for the eventual release of the reparations. 12 Mil seems like a lot for that. I guess the prevailing idea now is that those Caucus Members are trying to skim some of that money off the top for themselves?

There's another aspect of this that makes me wonder how it's going to work. In the report submitted to support the reparations effort, they didn't limit the reasons for why reparations are warranted to just slavery. They included all the discrimination that followed afterwards too. That makes sense, however, if the reparations aren't just for slavery, but for race based discrimination too, that's going to complicate the decision for who it should go to. It couldn't just be limited to FBAs/ADOSs because those are the only black people that had to deal with discrimination. It would also open the door for other POCs demanding the reparations be expanded to them too since they also experienced race based discrimination.
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