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Dani Leigh gets dragged for promoting colorism

I am sure this was probably already asked..and before I say it.

I understand colorism, I understand the issue some people have with it and DaniLeigh approach.
(It does not matter but I am from west Indian descent)

My question.

Had DaniLeigh been a "darker skin" Dominican (still not black..just darker skin) and the same situation went down, but da baby's BM was light skin.

The ones that oppose. Would you still have a problem with what she did and would you still see it as colorism?

And....you guys really have an issue w Latinos using the n-word?

I am only asking cause didnt know this was starting to be a thing when I hear it in hip-hop n just around way... Latinos using the word with their peoples....

Like I know some have brought up Cardi..but for me I will take it further back.

Fat Joe used it alot...I never heard any backlash from it.

Nore too (he might be 1/2 blk idk)
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What makes u a judge?
I see the dream, ross, and some other accomplished musicians in the room but because disanthrope and random twitter niggaz said the other girl is more talented, that makes it so?
That makes it a concensus then right?

So yes, if all of us are saying she's better she's better
That was kinda my point. India Arie has a nice "Brown Skin" song too. As long as they not degrading other skin tones in the song I couldn't care less. That being said, @Race Jones provided more info and seeing that this is only a snippet and no full song released. This seem like a beef with DaBaby child's mother.
Yea that’s what I heard too.
I am sure this was probably already asked..and before I say it.

I understand colorism, I understand the issue some people have with it and DaniLeigh approach.
(It does not matter but I am from west Indian descent)

My question.

Had DaniLeigh been a "darker skin" Dominican (still not black..just darker skin) and the same situation went down, but da baby's BM was light skin.

The ones that oppose. Would you still have a problem with what she did and would you still see it as colorism?

And....you guys really have an issue w Latinos using the n-word?

I am only asking cause didnt know this was starting to be a thing when I hear it in hip-hop n just around way... Latinos using the word with their peoples....

Like I know some have brought up Cardi..but for me I will take it further back.

Fat Joe used it alot...I never heard any backlash from it.

Nore too (he might be 1/2 blk idk)

no such thing as reverse colorism

so stop.
@Race Jones : "Yall niggas dont read"

Random Poster: "Hey Race, I'm interested in what ur saying.. care to share some sources I can read up on to get a better perspective on what ur talking about?"

Race: "Fuck you nigga... go look it up yourself. How dare you ask me to back up the shit im saying with evidence"

Honestly yall gotta stop being on 10+ with every fuckin response. Every interaction on here isnt a contest. Some of us are actually open to hear different perspectives even if we might disagree or dont have all the information.

I'm crying.
400,000 died from colds in a calendar year, the CIA is turning newspapers across the country into X Files with leaked documents and we barely just kicked a racist hotel owner out of the White House after almost voting him back... yet this is what ppl choose to be pissed off about. Niggas must be bored today.

Huh? @Lab Baby
colorism is a system sir
If this were Haiti, you'd have a point. If this were Jamaica, you'd have a point. But in the United States, colorism is a manifestation of ignorance and self hatred, but it is not a system.

Why? Because no one benefits from it. And before anyone says it, being "picked" as a girlfriend based on complexion is not a benefit. Nor is a record or movie deal where you're likely to be trapped in a terrible contract that you may never be compensated for.
@Race Jones : "Yall niggas dont read"

Random Poster: "Hey Race, I'm interested in what ur saying.. care to share some sources I can read up on to get a better perspective on what ur talking about?"

Race: "Fuck you nigga... go look it up yourself. How dare you ask me to back up the shit im saying with evidence"

Honestly yall gotta stop being on 10+ with every fuckin response. Every interaction on here isnt a contest. Some of us are actually open to hear different perspectives even if we might disagree or dont have all the information.
The modern feminist is not interested in progressive sustainable dialogue. They are intelligent but their interactions are ignorant. They are educated but you'll never learn anything from them but subversive behavior. And for all of their eloquence, the only time they bother to employ their fine articulation is to systematically destroy a man's livelihood, whether he deserves it or not.
  • Ether
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If this were Haiti, you'd have a point. If this were Jamaica, you'd have a point. But in the United States, colorism is a manifestation of ignorance and self hatred, but it is not a system.

Why? Because no one benefits from it. And before anyone says it, being "picked" as a girlfriend based on complexion is not a benefit. Nor is a record or movie deal where you're likely to be trapped in a terrible contract that you may never be compensated for.

wrong again.

colorism is a system and its not region locked.

what you said makes 0 sense
Girl I just asked a question. It's called a convo, no need to be extra. It aint that serious with me.

boy your question implied colorism flows in both directions and it does not.

ignorant ppl never take things seriously so i can see why spouting and thinking bullshit is comfortable for you

just spare us having to read it.
boy your question implied colorism flows in both directions and it does not.

ignorant ppl never take things seriously so i can see why spouting and thinking bullshit is comfortable for you

just spare us having to read it.

My question was just a question. I wasn't implying anything. Just to understand different people's point of view.

You don't know me, so to call me ignorant speaks more of you than me. I am not here prejudging anything or anyone.

Seems like you are though. So cool, do you.
There's literal studies done on how Black folks of lighter complexion's are viewed more favorably than darker skinned Black people. To say there's nobody benefits from being light skinned ignores literally hundreds of years of history that shows otherwise no matter where you look at Black people on this planet. People have literally avoided death by having light enough skin tones to pass for white. It's just factually wrong to say that it has no bearing on how a person is viewed
I am sure this was probably already asked..and before I say it.

I understand colorism, I understand the issue some people have with it and DaniLeigh approach.
(It does not matter but I am from west Indian descent)

My question.

Had DaniLeigh been a "darker skin" Dominican (still not black..just darker skin) and the same situation went down, but da baby's BM was light skin.

The ones that oppose. Would you still have a problem with what she did and would you still see it as colorism?

And....you guys really have an issue w Latinos using the n-word?

I am only asking cause didnt know this was starting to be a thing when I hear it in hip-hop n just around way... Latinos using the word with their peoples....

Like I know some have brought up Cardi..but for me I will take it further back.

Fat Joe used it alot...I never heard any backlash from it.

Nore too (he might be 1/2 blk idk)

Nore is a Black Puerto Rican. He's half Puerto Rican but both his parents are Black. Latino on it's own isn't a race so there's no way to answer the broad term of "Do you have a problems with latinos using the word."
Nore is a Black Puerto Rican. He's half Puerto Rican but both his parents are Black. Latino on it's own isn't a race so there's no way to answer the broad term of "Do you have a problems with latinos using the word."

I may not have worded the questions correctly..but its simple..and I asked because I am reading online people don't like her using the n-word., there have been tv shows where the topic has come up...katz not feeling someone whose Mexican, Dominican, Puerto Rican, etc using the N-word..

So I was wondering who here has a problem with it.