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Dani Leigh gets dragged for promoting colorism

for the final time:
colorism doesn’t go both ways. it goes only one way and it’s in the favor of light skinned people. (thats the literal definition of colorism)

youre not being denied opportunities including lifesaving healthcare because you’re light skinned. a darkskinned person is. there is literally a medical textbook that states dark skinned people tolerate higher levels of pain so they don’t need as much medication.

theres a reason most Black ppl gunned down by police are closer to taye diggs than to dani leigh.

theres whole stuides on dark skin ppl being viewed as less intelligent and labeled incompetent on the job front

darkskin is demonized across cultures.

so when a fair skin person makes a song called yellowbone there are social, economic and historical implications that must be considered.

when a dark skin person makes a song speaking on their beauty or shade, its nothing more than one reclaiming their power and agency.

just like when Black ppl screamed “Im Black and Im proud” during the civil rights movement.

that was a way for Black ppl to fight back against the dominant power structure where whiteness is the standard.

the same can be said about other communities where lighter skin is the standard.

i mean have we forgotten about the paper bag test/thoery

have we forgotten about how chattel slavery brought about shade stratification

what about the fact darkskin ppl die at higher rates than their lightskin counterparts???

my biggest issue with a lot of ppl is that when a marginalized group speaks in depth on how something affects them, its always labeled as “fake outrage” or downplayed, especially from those not aprt of said group. this can be seen thru the lens of homophobia, transphobia, racism, classism, misogyny, etc

instead of ppl taking the time out to listen and see where folks are coming from or working to educate themselves to unlearn harm, they just put the focus solely on how they feel no matter how limited and offbase it is.

@Dwayne is a fair skin man in here telling darkskin ppl how to feel about colorism. not once did this young man take the time out to understand where ppl were coming from.

thats my issue
i dont expect perfection from these artist but why are all the dumbasses on the payroll and not ppl that think or have at the bare minimum...

Dominicans are black and their ancestry is from Africa. They were colonized by Spaniards and we were colonized by England.

Colorism is real in DR and other Afro Carribean islands just like here in America.

If you go to DR there so many dark skinned Dominicans who look like us. They will ask you if you're Dominican. But the only ones to cross over in mainstream America are light skinned and that should surprise none of us.

Now my girlfriend is Dominican and she is light skinned but identifies herself as black. She don't care if you light or dark skinned. If you cool and treat her with respect she'll rock with you.

If you were to see her you would think she a light skinned black person. But what's crazy and interesting is that I've met her family. Parents grandparents etc.

Her parents look like my parents how they dressed back in the day and her grandma RIP looks like my grandma and great grandma. Why? Because they African. Only difference is the speak Spanish.
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