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Dad’s not ready for a baby...

Let's get specific.

@Chicity Let's say you was single and had a casual thing going with a woman from work or wherever the fuck. You made it clear that you don't want anymore kids. Y'all fuck around and get pregnant. She tells you 'Chi, I'ma keep it a buck. You had let me know a while ago you ain't want no more kids. I ain't even trippin'. I don't want nothing from you, if that's how you want it. I'll call a lawyer and have the papers drawn up so you can forget your rights.'

What would your reply be?

'Cool, can we still fuck?'

Super pause
At which point it becomes a social issue. Because if there's enough mothers with dire Financial instability, the government will step in to help, as it should. And if the options are all taxpayers paying for your stupid decision or you paying for your own stupid decision. Your shit out of luck champ. I'm just saying society as a whole disagrees with you, so either find a society/country/government that aligns with your no child support stance, or don't do the one thing that could get you on the hook for child support.

21st century has already taken their position on the issue.

Prochoice doesn't matter if the child is already here, and the choice is not the males to make, in any capacity. The mother does 99% of the heavy lifting until the child stops breastfeeding. And so the choice becomes hers, with her input mattering 99% more. Don't like it, then don't get her pregnant. You fucked up? Well, deal with it. Because if over 90% of Americans didn't already agree with the current system, it would have been changed or changing.

See the pro abortion vs no abortion people? Fighting for decades because a substantial amount of supporters on both sides. See anybody advocating for cannibalism ? No! Because 99% of Americans do not, will not, and will never support that.
A whole lotta nothing

Men SHOULD have the power of choice after a child is born
A whole lotta nothing

Men SHOULD have the power of choice after a child is born

You have a choice, you just don't like the consequences that come with it. So now the options must be wrong and somebody has to fix it in your favor. Nah. You could always choose to live homeless, fucked up and ashy. Can't collect money from you then. That's a choice, but again, one you won't accept because you don't like the consequences.
Can a woman half way opt out an abortion?


We already had this understanding correct?
I'm high af now so that first message looks like hdhfjdksj djdjnfhf hsjdjjff jdjdjjf ☹

Again I'm high af and shit ain't ringing a bell ahha

Here's a big fat Candian, Sorreeyyyy
But i definitely dont think you're knocking a gf up, not helping pay for the kid and her being okay with you still dippin your stick.
I'm high af now so that first message looks like hdhfjdksj djdjnfhf hsjdjjff jdjdjjf ☹

Again I'm high af and shit ain't ringing a bell ahha

Here's a big fat Candian, Sorreeyyyy

You get high too much to have this low a tolerance lol
You have a choice, you just don't like the consequences that come with it. So now the options must be wrong and somebody has to fix it in your favor. Nah. You could always choose to live homeless, fucked up and ashy. Can't collect money from you then. That's a choice, but again, one you won't accept because you don't like the consequences.
And a woman has a CHOICE to terminate if she wanted to. If she choices not to AND knows her baby daddy didn't want kids then she gotta accept the consequences having to support that baby financing on her own

Consequences work both ways my friend
And a woman has a CHOICE to terminate if she wanted to. If she choices not to AND knows her baby daddy didn't want kids then she gotta accept the consequences having to support that baby financing on her own

Consequences work both ways my friend

She didn't get pregnant by herself.

She now has to do 2x the parenting that's her consequence.

You now have to foot half the bill for 18yrs that's your consequence.

Your both mentally drained at the choice you made. That's y'all shared consequence.

Or don't get her pregnant.
She didn't get pregnant by herself.

She now has to do 2x the parenting that's her consequence.

You now have to foot half the bill for 18yrs that's your consequence.

Your both mentally drained at the choice you made. That's y'all shared consequence.

Or don't get her pregnant.
Cool story bruh
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I don't think it's right that there could be some kid with my name and some woman I don't kno' tellin' him/her and everyone I'm a bad person for not raisin' them when I was clear I didn't want the kid in the first place so it's not just about the child support even if it were it's a big enough issue.

You're sayin' the man should be responsible but I don't understand why you don't apply that rationale to women?

Risk you take when you nut in somebody tho. It’s not like deadbeats are worried about reputation. It’s literally saying I don’t want to be responsible because the other party can opt out for a certain time frame.