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Dad’s not ready for a baby...

No I'm sayin' your suggestion that you should be ready or prepared to have children if you have unprotected sex is crazy.

Coz there'd be less incentive to have children if the dude you want them with will definitely not be around. I'm not sayin' women wouldn't have the kids anyway but dome definitely wouldn't.

Thing is the us a lot of times dude won’t be around it has not stopped out of wedlock pregnancies
But it happens....all the time

Outside of extreme recklessness, a man SHOULD be able to opt out of a pregnancy. Just like a woman can.

It's a no brainer

But again this is just about finances dudes shouldn’t have to pay for kids they didn’t want but that’s the only obligation is finances. Seems like it’s getting off easy
You wouldn't apply that rationale to women so you shouldn't apply to men unless you can explain why it's different

Idk what you want me to say bro men have the advantage in everything except this. And even then if your only obligation is some money nobody is gonna view you as some reluctant victim. Yes it’s different for women
Bro men don't create children. It's a two player game. If one of the players can decide not to play, the other should be allowed the same right.

All this about why should other people pay for it that's a completely different discussion.

The question should really be why are so many women so willin' to have children for men they kno' want no part in it

Probably because abortions ain’t just some easy shit to just do. Being that she carrying the kid she gonna be responsible until it’s out of her body. She can also leave lol it happens. A dude can also leave. So is this about just not wanting to pay child support? Feel like a man shouldn’t pay because she has the option to get abortion? It takes two to make a kid and two people are gonna be responsible but that first 9 months it’s mostly on her and that’s not fair to the dad. But it is what is.
Those of us who argue that women should be allowed the right to abort will tell you that fetuses aren't babies. They're blobs of cells until further down the pregnancy.

If a man has a male abortion he's not leavin' a baby. He's leavin' a blob of cells.

Until it’s born and here
Probably because abortions ain’t just some easy shit to just do. Being that she carrying the kid she gonna be responsible until it’s out of her body. She can also leave lol it happens. A dude can also leave. So is this about just not wanting to pay child support? Feel like a man shouldn’t pay because she has the option to get abortion? It takes two to make a kid and two people are gonna be responsible but that first 9 months it’s mostly on her and that’s not fair to the dad. But it is what is.

I don't think it's right that there could be some kid with my name and some woman I don't kno' tellin' him/her and everyone I'm a bad person for not raisin' them when I was clear I didn't want the kid in the first place so it's not just about the child support even if it were it's a big enough issue.

You're sayin' the man should be responsible but I don't understand why you don't apply that rationale to women?
But again this is just about finances dudes shouldn’t have to pay for kids they didn’t want but that’s the only obligation is finances. Seems like it’s getting off easy
Bruh, a female isnt financially obliged to raise her offspring either. She can place him/her up for adoption or simply abandon

Y'all gotta stop acting like the deadbeat playing field aint even after the child is born
But really for all of you opposed to child support whats the alternative, a tax like FICA or some shit applied to everyones paycheck to fund a federal child support. Because there's no way in hell a majority of Americans will vote that all children with deadbeat parents shouldn't get some monetary supplement to help them along. Think about every working man and woman paying for a child they didn't want, (This part here should sound familiar to all you) much less had any hand in creating. NOPE, THE FUCK YOU THOUGHT, that's why the motherfucker who impregnated her should be the one to foot the bill, because in some form or fashion somebody is being forced to pay for this abandoned child, and it may as well be one of the fuckers who made the bastard.

rules to the game are simple don't get her pregnant don't have these problems. Y'all gotta live with the stupid shit you do. Don't think raw dogging is stupid, there's over 6 million motherfuckers on child support right now who could tell you otherwise.
human beings work off incentives

it doesn't make sense to encourage women to bring unwanted children in the world by providing multiple options as an escape route for women..........best believe more of them will ensure they won't get pregnant by "accident" if you held them just as accountable

their body their choice right?

it's funny because you would think feminists would be insulted at the current setup

both parties equally have sex...........but only one is really expected to be held accountable

deadbeat dads automatically catch heat like the moms weren't just as responsible :wtff:
But really for all of you opposed to child support whats the alternative, a tax like FICA or some shit applied to everyones paycheck to fund a federal child support. Because there's no way in hell a majority of Americans will vote that all children with deadbeat parents shouldn't get some monetary supplement to help them along. Think about every working man and woman paying for a child they didn't want, (This part here should sound familiar to all you) much less had any hand in creating. NOPE, THE FUCK YOU THOUGHT, that's why the motherfucker who impregnated her should be the one to foot the bill, because in some form or fashion somebody is being forced to pay for this abandoned child, and it may as well be one of the fuckers who made the bastard.

rules to the game are simple don't get her pregnant don't have these problems. Y'all gotta live with the stupid shit you do. Don't think raw dogging is stupid, there's over 6 million motherfuckers on child support right now who could tell you otherwise.
Or.....and this is crazy, the mother can choose to terminate as she isnt financial able to support a child with no help from its father.

Its the 21st fucking century my guy.


i dont think there is a single woman on this planet who just enjoys having children so the govt can take care of them b

I'm not saying folks are going out of their way to have kids cause of the child support/food stamps. I'm saying they being just as fucking irresponsible as the dudes that nutted raw.
1. I feel both parents should be held responsible for the birth and raising of a child.
2. Child support, while much needed, only forces financial responsibility on the otherwise absentee parent. placing further responsibility on the other
3. There are too many simple ways around paying child support that most guys that get placed on it know how to avoid.
4. in the rare case a woman doesn't want to have a child but the man does, she can drop all parental rights as soon as its born the same as an adoption.

at the end of the day, folks shouldn't be getting pregnant that don't want kids but what quality of life are we really leaving the child with when we force their parents to have them? If she gets to choose, so should he. otherwise, women should be held more accountable for their decision if men aren't given a choice. scales ain't balance in the current setup.
Why can't the mother pay for it?

She knew what her finances were and that the father wanted no parts of the child.....
When a guy puts his dick in hes inherently assuming he can handle a child. If people really fucking thought about it, theyd take better precautions. But since people wanna be reckless the gov will hold them acctable.
Let's get specific.

@Chicity Let's say you was single and had a casual thing going with a woman from work or wherever the fuck. You made it clear that you don't want anymore kids. Y'all fuck around and get pregnant. She tells you 'Chi, I'ma keep it a buck. You had let me know a while ago you ain't want no more kids. I ain't even trippin'. I don't want nothing from you, if that's how you want it. I'll call a lawyer and have the papers drawn up so you can forget your rights.'

What would your reply be?

Or.....and this is crazy, the mother can choose to terminate as she isnt financial able to support a child with no help from its father.

Its the 21st fucking century my guy.


At which point it becomes a social issue. Because if there's enough mothers with dire Financial instability, the government will step in to help, as it should. And if the options are all taxpayers paying for your stupid decision or you paying for your own stupid decision. Your shit out of luck champ. I'm just saying society as a whole disagrees with you, so either find a society/country/government that aligns with your no child support stance, or don't do the one thing that could get you on the hook for child support.

21st century has already taken their position on the issue.

Prochoice doesn't matter if the child is already here, and the choice is not the males to make, in any capacity. The mother does 99% of the heavy lifting until the child stops breastfeeding. And so the choice becomes hers, with her input mattering 99% more. Don't like it, then don't get her pregnant. You fucked up? Well, deal with it. Because if over 90% of Americans didn't already agree with the current system, it would have been changed or changing.

See the pro abortion vs no abortion people? Fighting for decades because a substantial amount of supporters on both sides. See anybody advocating for cannibalism ? No! Because 99% of Americans do not, will not, and will never support that.