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Dad’s not ready for a baby...

Like this men need to control their nut shit is kinda sexist. Imagine tellin' woman she need to stay in a man's life forever coz they fucked once. Like say women don't kno' there's no condom.

But it’s your DNA walking around tho. Why other people gotta take care of it
Exactly and as an adult male you should know this. Being that we don’t carry the baby you can’t rip it out her womb. And why should the state pay for a kid you didn’t want when you didn’t do what was needed to avoid it. Nobody robbed you of the nut?

You wouldn't apply that rationale to women so you shouldn't apply to men unless you can explain why it's different
But it’s your DNA walking around tho. Why other people gotta take care of it

Bro men don't create children. It's a two player game. If one of the players can decide not to play, the other should be allowed the same right.

All this about why should other people pay for it that's a completely different discussion.

The question should really be why are so many women so willin' to have children for men they kno' want no part in it
We've somehow managed to turn checkers into chess...again.

If I lay down, bust a nut in a woman, then that nut fertilizes an egg, than that means that she's pregnant. She didn't get herself pregnant. It took MY dna and it took HER dna. We both made a joint decision to have sex, knowing that the sex could result in a child. The end.

I ain't never seen a nigga rob a bank, then get caught and argue at his trial, 'I mean, yeah I did that shit, your honor. You can clearly see me in the fucking video. But I made it clear before I walked into that bank that I was NOT ready to go to jail for this, should I get caught. And so now that I'm caught, I should be absolved of all responsibility.'

Fuck outta here.

I don't understand how niggas really want a women to be the only one's financially responsible for a child you BOTH made.

If both women and men could somehow deposit their DNA into a petrie dish, combine them shits and then grow babies in a lab, the laws would be different. Either parent would likely be able to terminate at any point, up to a certain age. But because that is NOT how it is, and because babies DO grow inside women's bodies, that ain't the reality. And that's because, of the following choices:

1. Allow men to tell women when to kill a fetus that BOTH of them helped make but is actually inside HER body

2. Force one parent to bear the financial load alone for providing for a child that BOTH of you made

3. Force both parents to be financially responsible for the child that they BOTH made, even if one of them doesn't want to be

...only one of them is viable and DOESN'T bring up all sorts other huge issues and is even possibly do-able. 3.

Like Marlo said, 'Niggas want it to be ONE way, but it's the OTHER way.'

It sucks that men have no recourse for a child that they might not want, should the woman they are having sex with gets pregnant. No one is saying that it doesn't suck. No one is saying that it's a GOOD solution. But there are no easy solutions, that don't inherently result in the only person involved who has no blame in the situation to be the most affected.

The way it is now is honestly the best out of a bunch of pretty bad options.
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We've somehow managed to turn checkers into chess...again.

If I lay down, bust a nut in a woman, then that nut fertilizes an egg, than that means that she's pregnant. She didn't get herself pregnant. It took MY dna and it took HER dna. We both made a joint decision to have sex, knowing that the sex could result in a child. The end.

I ain't never seen a nigga rob a bank, then get caught and argue at his trial, 'I mean, yeah I did that shit, your honor. You can clearly see me in the fucking video. But I made it clear before I walked into that bank that I was NOT ready to go to jail for this, should I get caught. And so now that I'm caught, I should be absolved of all responsibility.'

Fuck outta here.

I don't understand how niggas really want a women to be the only one's financially responsible for a child you BOTH made.

If both women and men could somehow deposit their DNA into a petrie dish, combine them shits and then grow babies in a lab, the laws would be different. Either parent would likely be able to terminate that this at any point, up to a certain age. But because that is NOT how it is, and because babies DO grow inside women's bodies, that ain't the reality. And that's because, of the following choices:

1. Allow men to tell women when to kill a fetus that BOTH of them helped make but is actually inside HER body

2. Force one parent to bear the financial load alone for providing for a child that BOTH of you made

3. Force both parents to be financially responsible for the child that they BOTH made, even if one of them doesn't want to be

...only one of them is viable and DOESN'T bring up all sorts other huge issues and is even possibly do-able. 3.

Like Marlo said, 'Niggas want it to be ONE way, but it's the OTHER way.'

It sucks that men have no remorse for a child that they might not want, should the woman they are having sex with gets pregnant. No one is saying that it doesn't suck. No one is saying that it's a GOOD solution. But there are no easy solutions, that don't inherently result in the only person involved who has no blame in the situation to be the most affected.

The way it is now is honestly the best out of a bunch of pretty bad options.
Damn my nigga...
We've somehow managed to turn checkers into chess...again.

If I lay down, bust a nut in a woman, then that nut fertilizes an egg, than that means that she's pregnant. She didn't get herself pregnant. It took MY dna and it took HER dna. We both made a joint decision to have sex, knowing that the sex could result in a child. The end.

I ain't never seen a nigga rob a bank, then get caught and argue at his trial, 'I mean, yeah I did that shit, your honor. You can clearly see me in the fucking video. But I made it clear before I walked into that bank that I was NOT ready to go to jail for this, should I get caught. And so now that I'm caught, I should be absolved of all responsibility.'

Fuck outta here.

I don't understand how niggas really want a women to be the only one's financially responsible for a child you BOTH made.

If both women and men could somehow deposit their DNA into a petrie dish, combine them shits and then grow babies in a lab, the laws would be different. Either parent would likely be able to terminate that this at any point, up to a certain age. But because that is NOT how it is, and because babies DO grow inside women's bodies, that ain't the reality. And that's because, of the following choices:

1. Allow men to tell women when to kill a fetus that BOTH of them helped make but is actually inside HER body

2. Force one parent to bear the financial load alone for providing for a child that BOTH of you made

3. Force both parents to be financially responsible for the child that they BOTH made, even if one of them doesn't want to be

...only one of them is viable and DOESN'T bring up all sorts other huge issues and is even possibly do-able. 3.

Like Marlo said, 'Niggas want it to be ONE way, but it's the OTHER way.'

It sucks that men have no remorse for a child that they might not want, should the woman they are having sex with gets pregnant. No one is saying that it doesn't suck. No one is saying that it's a GOOD solution. But there are no easy solutions, that don't inherently result in the only person involved who has no blame in the situation to be the most affected.

The way it is now is honestly the best out of a bunch of pretty bad options.

Option two seems the most viable to me. At the point of the male abortion, the woman is still pregnant and can terminate. So she'd be makin' the decision to bare the financial burden alone
I'm with Dave on this one. Her body her choice but niggas should have a legal option to opt out before the child is born.

Too many chicks be plotting on that child support knowing damn well they ain't in any better position to raise the kid themselves. Yea its alot of dead beat niggas out there not doing shit for they kids but we know just as many hoodrats that got 6+ kids by 4+ dudes just waiting on they stamps to come in.
Those of us who argue that women should be allowed the right to abort will tell you that fetuses aren't babies. They're blobs of cells until further down the pregnancy.

If a man has a male abortion he's not leavin' a baby. He's leavin' a blob of cells.
Imo opinion there shouldnt be any “opting out” from either party. Having unprotected sex is concious decision with well the well known concequences of disease and pregnancy.

you know the risk you take everytime you habe unprotected sex. So to be surprised by a pregancy...say it was an accident...im not ready and all the other bs people use to try to absolve themselves of taking responsibility of their actions is disingenuous and selfish

Option two seems the most viable to me. At the point of the male abortion, the woman is still pregnant and can terminate. So she'd be makin' the decision to bare the financial burden alone

No, she'd be making a counter-decision based on your decision of the decision that YOU made when YOU bust a nut in her, knowing it could result in YOU having a baby.