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Dad’s not ready for a baby...

Chappelle was right:

Men should be able to opt out of that shit.

"If you can kill this muhfucker, then I can at least abandon him. My money, my choice."


Unless a dude intentionally sell dreams and trapping chicks, there SHOULD be an opt out clause for guys, same as it is for women

And please don't quote hollering double standards and IIWII. I get that. Doesn't mean the standards SHOULDN'T be changed
Either way Dave joke ain’t have no truth in it that’s gonna wake up people. It’s many ways not to have a kid you don’t want and that’s it

Sure is!!

Unless a dude intentionally sell dreams and trapping chicks, there SHOULD be an opt out clause for guys, same as it is for women

And please don't quote hollering double standards and IIWII. I get that. Doesn't mean the standards SHOULDN'T be changed

What’s the option to opt out? Just not having to pay child support? Because their is no law saying you gotta raise a kid
What type of law is gonna force a chick to have an abortion because you don’t want it? Or not pay child support? So the state has to take care of your kid because you can control your nut? If niggas really think like this it explains why our community fucked up
What type of law is gonna force a chick to have an abortion because you don’t want it? Or not pay child support? So the state has to take care of your kid because you can control your nut?
Basically why there is a "double standard". There is no other feasible or logical way to "deal" with this conundrum.
What’s the option to opt out? Just not having to pay child support? Because their is no law saying you gotta raise a kid
Paying child support is that law that says you have to 'raise' your child

What type of law is gonna force a chick to have an abortion because you don’t want it? Or not pay child support? So the state has to take care of your kid because you can control your nut? If niggas really think like this it explains why our community fucked up
What's the old saying, it takes two to tangle?

Both parties are responsible for bringing creating a child. Therefore, if a woman has the power of pro choice, a man SHOULD have the power of pro payment.

We could walk thru every what if scenario you could imagine if you like
What type of law is gonna force a chick to have an abortion because you don’t want it? Or not pay child support? So the state has to take care of your kid because you can control your nut? If niggas really think like this it explains why our community fucked up

It's quite simple to me.

Either both mothers and fathers sign a lil paper that says they finna look after the kid

Or allow the man to legally disown the kid.

And this thing about controllin' a nut. Children don't appear after one night stands. Takes nine months and several hospital visits before a kids comes out it's not some accident
The law was created by men, assuming, they knew damn well if the law was men could opt out if not ready, far too many men would "opt out". Its a ridiculous argument.
The law was created by men, assuming, they knew damn well if the law was men could opt out if not ready, far too many men would "opt out". Its a ridiculous argument.

And then there would be far fewer single mums. It's a win win for me