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Dad’s not ready for a baby...

If you're not ready to raise a child you're not ready to have unprotected sex. If you have sex you inherently agree you are ready because babies are a natural sequence to sex.
Imo opinion there shouldnt be any “opting out” from either party. Having unprotected sex is concious decision with well the well known concequences of disease and pregnancy.

you know the risk you take everytime you habe unprotected sex. So to be surprised by a pregancy...say it was an accident...im not ready and all the other bs people use to try to absolve themselves of taking responsibility of their actions is disingenuous and selfish
Oh so that's what goin on? Peolle fucking all willy nilly not assuming a child could happen after any sexual intercourse... interesting...

No I'm sayin' your suggestion that you should be ready or prepared to have children if you have unprotected sex is crazy.

How so? If she keeps it but he opts out?

Coz there'd be less incentive to have children if the dude you want them with will definitely not be around. I'm not sayin' women wouldn't have the kids anyway but dome definitely wouldn't.
Lol we all agree a woman shouldn't be forced into havin' a baby but men should??? That's wild
If shes ready for a kid he can damn well grow tf up and help ffs. How is that so hard to understand? Unless he was raped and a child became of it, wtf shouldnt he help? Stay out of he kids life if you're not ready, but you can help raise a child your created, ready or not. Next time maybe you'll wear a rubber.
No I'm sayin' your suggestion that you should be ready or prepared to have children if you have unprotected sex is crazy.

Coz there'd be less incentive to have children if the dude you want them with will definitely not be around. I'm not sayin' women wouldn't have the kids anyway but dome definitely wouldn't.
It wouldnt work. There is an epidemic of young women having babies to get from their child what they didnt get from parents. In a perfect world everything is perfect.
If shes ready for a kid he can damn well grow tf up and help ffs. How is that so hard to understand? Unless he was raped and a child became of it, wtf should he help? Stay out of he kids life if you're not ready, but you can help raise a child your created, ready or not. Next time maybe you'll wear a rubber.

Get our of your feelings and listen to what you're sayin'.

If a woman is ready for a kid and a man isn't, tough he just has to deal with it
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It wouldnt work. There is an epidemic of young women having babies to get from their child what they didnt get from parents. In a perfect world everything is perfect.

Erm I would suggest most single mothers aren't in that position but yeah there are definitely some people who have children for that reason

So what
Imo opinion there shouldnt be any “opting out” from either party. Having unprotected sex is concious decision with well the well known concequences of disease and pregnancy.

you know the risk you take everytime you habe unprotected sex. So to be surprised by a pregancy...say it was an accident...im not ready and all the other bs people use to try to absolve themselves of taking responsibility of their actions is disingenuous and selfish
We live in the 21st century yo lol

Having an unwanted pregnancy in this day and age is like choosing to not own a vehicle or cell phone

You COULD live like this.....but why?
Disagree. You can use every protection created by man and still have a baby.

Life finds a way- Dr. Ian Malcom
I see your angle

but the chances of having a child using birth control and condoms is very low bro.

having a child while taking all precautions is an exception and not the rule

and vice versa if the woman is not on any type of bc and there is no condom involved
Because he inherently assuming he was ready to raise a child when he came in a woman...cuz that's what sex leads too
I see your angle

but the chances of having a child using birth control and condoms is very low bro.

having a child while taking all precautions is an the exception and not the rule

and vice versa if the woman is not on anybtype of bc and there is no condom involved
But it happens....all the time

Outside of extreme recklessness, a man SHOULD be able to opt out of a pregnancy. Just like a woman can.

It's a no brainer
Because he inherently assuming he was ready to raise a child when he came in a woman...cuz that's what sex leads too
Are you also saying we should inherently assume a woman is ready to have a child if she isn't on birth control and doesnt require her man to wear a condom?

Are you pro-life?
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But it happens....all the time

Outside of extreme recklessness, a man SHOULD be able to opt out of a pregnancy. Just like a woman can.

It's a no brainer
Im not disagreeing with that at all.

with things how they are currently...if a woman can absolve herself of responsibility of a child thru abortion whether the man wants the child or not

the man should be able to absolve himself of the responsibility fiscally and legally with no concequence

however as I stated previously...imo neither party should be able to “opt out”

you make a concious decision to assume all the risks of unprotected sex...which includes pregnancy.