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Dad’s not ready for a baby...

how easy is it to get a vasectomy tho?

and @ the underlined............that's the point of this thread right?

mofos ain't honest/upfront and then only 1 side gets to make choices without additional scrutiny

The process is simple enough and from what I read, is like a 30min procedure. To be fair, our society is made to put men first. If you compare men to women, who generally gets the better deal? So this is one of the few things that puts a women in a better position. Let them have it.
Oddly, yes. I’m cool with it.
I’m only speaking for myself.

Not the answer I expected but I can respect it. All this back and forth at the end of the day can be resolved by one simple approach.

If this was to ever become a thing, they should let only women vote on it since they would be the ones affected by the outcome more than anyone else. Since most men agree, her body her choice, I can't see how letting them make this decision could be frowned upon.
So, once again, the moral to this topic:


Not the answer I expected but I can respect it. All this back and forth at the end of the day can be resolved by one simple approach.

If this was to ever become a thing, they should let only women vote on it since they would be the ones affected by the outcome more than anyone else. Since most men agree, her body her choice, I can't see how letting them make this decision could be frowned upon.

but doesn't the underlined contradict the entire point of this thread?

we don't make decisions for women because it's their body

but you think it's fair that only women should be able to vote over men's parental rights..............make that make sense bruh
but doesn't the underlined contradict the entire point of this thread?

we don't make decisions for women because it's their body

but you think it's fair that only women should be able to vote over men's parental rights..............make that make sense bruh

The people that stand to lose the most from this is women. While I believe that men should have the right to revoke parental and financial liability prior to a child's birth since we don't have the right to force an abortion, I also believe its plenty of women that would be screwed over by this decision as well. I don't feel like writing up a full bill of how a law like this would work but I can't see how, while it would be fair, this wouldn't cause alot of men to bow out of responsibility after something like this is enacted. The goal of a law like this is not to give men more rights then we deserve but to cement a woman's right to choose what she wishes to do with her body.

A woman can have an abortion up until the end of her first trimester. She has less than 12 weeks to make a decision and less if she finds out late. That's also enough time for a man to know if he wants to take responsibility or bounce and pretend it didn't happen. If a woman has to choose between being a single mother or having an abortion, that decision won't be an easy one to make. In this picture, men hold all the power while a woman has to make a life altering choice that affects two people. If we're going to allow men to knock a chick up and absolve himself of responsibility then the least we can do is give women the power to decide if they want to allow a situation like that to happen.

As someone said earlier, this would be an easier conversation if women didn't have to carry a child for nine months but this ain't that. As it currently stands, its easier to just not nut in a woman you don't want kids with than to go this route. This is closer to a divorce without even getting married.
a buncha sterile, duck water shooting, inadequate sperm count sounding motherfuckas in dis bitch

but, i'm out
The people that stand to lose the most from this is women. While I believe that men should have the right to revoke parental and financial liability prior to a child's birth since we don't have the right to force an abortion, I also believe its plenty of women that would be screwed over by this decision as well. I don't feel like writing up a full bill of how a law like this would work but I can't see how, while it would be fair, this wouldn't cause alot of men to bow out of responsibility after something like this is enacted. The goal of a law like this is not to give men more rights then we deserve but to cement a woman's right to choose what she wishes to do with her body.

A woman can have an abortion up until the end of her first trimester. She has less than 12 weeks to make a decision and less if she finds out late. That's also enough time for a man to know if he wants to take responsibility or bounce and pretend it didn't happen. If a woman has to choose between being a single mother or having an abortion, that decision won't be an easy one to make. In this picture, men hold all the power while a woman has to make a life altering choice that affects two people. If we're going to allow men to knock a chick up and absolve himself of responsibility then the least we can do is give women the power to decide if they want to allow a situation like that to happen.

As someone said earlier, this would be an easier conversation if women didn't have to carry a child for nine months but this ain't that. As it currently stands, its easier to just not nut in a woman you don't want kids with than to go this route. This is closer to a divorce without even getting married.

but the point of this thread IS that the underlined is debatable..................who says women have the most to lose? it's not really a zero sum game

it just seems like you think men gaining rights that actually makes shit equal in responsibility, somehow means women lose something...............but women would still have more options than men

a man could legitimately take all the precautions to not make a kid, but you think only he should be accountable for having casual sex..............yet if the woman does the same thing, you see her as a "victim" instead of an equally responsible adult who should still be allowed to have additional ways out of an undesirable situation

if the burden is on the woman, then why don't we hold her just as accountable (if not moreso), for opening her legs as we hold the dude for busting inside shorty

by your own logic it just seems it makes sense for women to just better choose/vet the men they let splash in them instead of being reckless knowing the potential burden of having/raising a child................

if you tell women upfront that they are responsible by themselves instead of being able to lock a dude down, I guarantee women would be smarter and would move differently out here

bottom line is if a woman can be allowed to back out of the deal, then the man should be able to as well
I haven't read all the damn posts but no one is ever ready for their first child lol...untill the child is actually born and loads of folks still ain't really ready than whether they wanted the baby or not smh.