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Dad’s not ready for a baby...

The same how a woman can terminate a child that she helped create

Some ppl don't want to have kids ??‍♂️

But I'm not talking about women. I didn't say anything about women. Why are you justifying what ONE person does based on what ANOTHER person does?

Either you believe in something and stand on it, or you don't, ya know? Like either you feel like it's sucker shit to walk out on a kid you made or you don't. It's not 'Well it's fuck shit and I'm not with it. But if WOMEN can do it, then it is NOT fuck shit and I AM with it!'. I dunno. I'm prolly not making sense here.
I got no proof but I'm gonna assume since the laws and rules were made by men, men realized there would be a shit load of dads "opting out". I mean they do it now...

but this is the point tho

how different would shit be tho if a woman went into a situation knowing full well she wouldn't have recourse she has today

how careful would that woman be with her twat.........and how many other women would be encouraged to make sure a man has some type of legal connection in place before just deciding to have kids with a complete stranger

the risk factor becomes different when you realize that you are truly on your own

I made the point before of saying well maybe women should only be able to get child support from kids that were made in wedlock and most mofos had an issue with that too

if a dude won't marry you (or you don't see him as marriage material), why take the risk of even busting it open for cuzzo

if we grant women that type of power over what to do with a child now vs considering equal rights for the father, why shouldn't we place more responsibility on the women to make better decisions
Dudes like this act like they don't have 100% control over not gettin a chick pregnant

You can make that same argument about abortion, yet some women act like anyone who is against abortion is anti-woman's rights.

Any dude out there fucking without considering the possibility of getting a chick pregnant is reckless and stupid. Any dude that makes a child and chooses not to take care of the child is a deadbeat. All that's true, but that doesn't change the point being made in the OP. Right now, you have people fighting for abortion and treating it like they are fighting for abolition, when they are essentially just trying to do the same thing these dudes are.
But I'm not talking about women. I didn't say anything about women. Why are you justifying what ONE person does based on what ANOTHER person does?

Either you believe in something and stand on it, or you don't, ya know? Like either you feel like it's sucker shit to walk out on a kid you made or you don't. It's not 'Well it's fuck shit and I'm not with it. But if WOMEN can do it, then it is NOT fuck shit and I AM with it!'. I dunno. I'm prolly not making sense here.

you dead right with the underlined and I completely agree............................it's some bitch nigga shit to walk out on a child you made

but................why aren't we giving women that same energy tho when these same saintly mothers play the game on false pretenses with additional safety nets and shit

the problem is that we aren't really treating women like equal partners in this game

it's wrong for a dude to want to participate in a 1 night stand (or even a bf/gf scenario) and expect the woman to play fair by believing she just wants to fuck and that's it

yet if you a high value guy in some kind of way, she busting it open for you only because obviously you have something she wants (money, looks, or even just social status)

in the end we just talmbout making shit level so that women don't get to choose whether to hold a dude in a situation he didn't initially agree to
You can make that same argument about abortion, yet some women act like anyone who is against abortion is anti-woman's rights.

Any dude out there fucking without considering the possibility of getting a chick pregnant is reckless and stupid. Any dude that makes a child and chooses not to take care of the child is a deadbeat. All that's true, but that doesn't change the point being made in the OP. Right now, you have people fighting for abortion and treating it like they are fighting for abolition, when they are essentially just trying to do the same thing these dudes are.

I get it but we know this is arbitrary. I look at this like prostitution. If a woman gives consent to sell her body then truly what's the issue? It's only the negative side effects that make a legit argument on why it should be illegal.

Same way with child support. It's not rooted in any real logic that makes sense especially when you have abortion. Its only in a few countries around the world. Its primarily an artificial construct to put in place to ensure that fathers are involved in the upbring of children.
I get it but we know this is arbitrary. I look at this like prostitution. If a woman gives consent to sell her body then truly what's the issue? It's only the negative side effects that make a legit argument on why it should be illegal.

Same way with child support. It's not rooted in any real logic that makes sense especially when you have abortion. Its only in a few countries around the world. Its primarily an artificial construct to put in place to ensure that fathers are involved in the upbring of children.

I disagree wholeheartedly. The logic behind child support is that it takes two people to make a child so two people should be responsible for the welfare of that child. The courts can't require that people love kids, but they can require that money be paid to take care of kids. So requiring child support is completely logical and makes sense.

What is illogical is demonizing men who skip out on their responsibilities and praising women who skip out on their responsibilities when the only difference between the two is the earliest point in the child's development where that decision can be made.
It ain't hard to keep that same energy

No matter how fucked up you think the energy may be
We already came form that kind of history where if the man left the woman she was on her own. 1800/1900s rings a bell.
We already came form that kind of history where if the man left the woman she was on her own. 1800/1900s rings a bell.

That's not really true, especially in the 1800s. Back then, a woman just went back to her family. For better or worse, during those times women were basically treated like grown children. If they didn't have a husband to take care of them, that burden still fell largely to her family.
That's not really true, especially in the 1800s. Back then, a woman just went back to her family. For better or worse, during those times women were basically treated like grown children. If they didn't have a husband to take care of them, that burden still fell largely to her family.
Nah I'm pretty sure single unwed mothers were just slightly above garbage back in the day. And if her family didnt help her she was fucked.
Nah I'm pretty sure single unwed mothers were just slightly above garbage back in the day. And if her family didnt help her she was fucked.

That's probably true, but family's did commonly help out especially in more conservative areas like the southeast U.S. Hell in the 1800s, I think if a man ran out on his wife and child, the woman's father could probably kill him and get away with it.
That's probably true, but family's did commonly help out especially in more conservative areas like the southeast U.S. Hell in the 1800s, I think if a man ran out on his wife and child, the woman's father could probably kill him and get away with it.
I must have learned different history... where unwed mothers were sent away, shunned, forced to get illegal(deadly) abortions, made to care for the child they kept by themselves etc. Havent heard too many of your stories. So weird...
I must have learned different history... where unwed mothers were sent away, shunned, forced to get illegal(deadly) abortions, made to care for the child they kept by themselves etc. Havent heard too many of your stories. So weird...

I don't know what to tell you. I'm not saying the things you mentioned didn't happen. I'm just saying that in some areas, there were other ways. If what you're saying was some kind of universal truth, some of us wouldn't exist.
I mean, if a dude Doesnt want kids but still wants to dip in anything, just get a vasectomy. Really that simple. I dont understand people's logic sometimes. Also, why be with someone you know wants a kid but you dont?
I don't know what to tell you. I'm not saying the things you mentioned didn't happen. I'm just saying that in some areas, there were other ways. If what you're saying was some kind of universal truth, some of us wouldn't exist.
Divorce was also frowned upon, prolly saved a lot baby there....
yo where the ladies at on this one? I haven't been around long enough to know just by name but their opinion weighs a bit more on this than a bunch of guys. Double for the lady with kids. triple for the lady with a baby daddy on child support. and quadruple for the woman dealing with a dead beat.

Ya'll cool with guys being able to opt out of your kids life before its even born? I feel like I know the answer but I want to hear it from them.
Oddly, yes. I’m cool with it.
I’m only speaking for myself.
Divorce was also frowned upon, prolly saved a lot baby there....

True. I think a lot of problems with modern shit is we are getting rid of archaic thinking, but we're not really promoting corrective thinking. Like with divorce, we aren't forcing it which is good but we aren't really teaching people to be more responsible about marriage, which is bad.
I must have learned different history... where unwed mothers were sent away, shunned, forced to get illegal(deadly) abortions, made to care for the child they kept by themselves etc. Havent heard too many of your stories. So weird...

too bad............seems like they should've had the discipline to not bust it open while unmarried........I mean just like the dudes who could've chose not to smash right?

why not the same energy for them chicks living that smut life in the 1800s/1900s.............and they really didn't have an excuse back then cuz them dumbass broads knew they didn't have birth control ?

but let's hold women in 2020 to the same standards:sayword:
I mean, if a dude Doesnt want kids but still wants to dip in anything, just get a vasectomy. Really that simple. I dont understand people's logic sometimes. Also, why be with someone you know wants a kid but you dont?

how easy is it to get a vasectomy tho?

and @ the underlined............that's the point of this thread right?

mofos ain't honest/upfront and then only 1 side gets to make choices without additional scrutiny