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Dad’s not ready for a baby...

But then who takes care of the kid. It’s known two parents generally better than one. So the state is going to cover the other parents half? That’s what I’m trying figure out because who gonna draw that law up without covering all bases.

Bruh jesus christ stay on topic.

Welfare is a separate conversation. And yes, I believe the state should provide for underprivileged children, however they come to be.

And bruh what do you mean who takes care of the kid?

I don't get what you aren't understandin'.

If I have a legal abortion, the woman can then CHOOSE to have the baby ALONE or she can abort.

If she CHOOSES to have the baby alone, that's on her.
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That's the thing tho they already covered the bases, if the state has to step in, then all eligible tax payers become financial donors. And rather than fight the public on that the state has decided that the other person responsible should pony up and pay that check.

They keep saying they don't have a choice in the kid being born........

They do [don't get her pregnant]

And that there should be an alternative.......

There is [don't get her pregnant]

Without offering any solution to the fact that if allowed their way it becomes a social issue that every person has to pay for.

Every person already pays for welfare.

If you think male abortions will lead to a buncha fatherless kids that's on the women.
But this isn’t just about the sex this is about what came later. Like if y’all both went raw and got burned or you spread something to her or she give you something you deal with it.

Men don’t carry babies you have to deal with what you put in somebody else. Because nobody else does. Yes she has an option to abort if her area allows it or she can fall down some steps. No she won’t be judged as harshly as the father. Unless she had like six abortions. The alternative y’all want is an opt out clause. Which is light compared to an abortion.

What are you even talkin' about
She didn't get pregnant by herself.

She now has to do 2x the parenting that's her consequence.

You now have to foot half the bill for 18yrs that's your consequence.

Your both mentally drained at the choice you made. That's y'all shared consequence.

Or don't get her pregnant.

Only one is held accountable? Well the person who actually raising the kid isn’t being accountable?

I like how in both of these posts you guys believe women are held equally accountable

besides birth control that isn't available for men...........women also have the ability to use female condoms

they can also get an abortion

they can also give the baby up for adoption

but when men would like an equitable choice in regards to parental rights...........we are just expected to let the women dictate what role we are allowed to be as fathers

there are mofos who pay CS yet laws don't even enforce father's parental rights

and if a woman has the choice of just giving a kid up for adoption, why aren't fathers legally able to walk away as well

man you even got scumbag women out here letting dudes raise kids that aren't really their own flesh/blood.........just cuz the game is that cold and these "responsibility" preaching moralists cosign the shit

everything concerning the woman's side is a choice, point being is she has options.............. from having sex, getting pregnant, having the child, and even raising the child
I like how in both of these posts you guys believe women are held equally accountable

besides birth control that isn't available for men...........women also have the ability to use female condoms

they can also get an abortion

they can also give the baby up for adoption

but when men would like an equitable choice in regards to parental rights...........we are just expected to let the women dictate what role we are allowed to be as fathers

there are mofos who pay CS yet laws don't even enforce father's parental rights

and if a woman has the choice of just giving a kid up for adoption, why aren't fathers legally able to walk away as well

man you even got scumbag women out here letting dudes raise kids that aren't really their own flesh/blood.........just cuz the game is that cold and these "responsibility" preaching moralists cosign the shit

everything concerning the woman's side is a choice, point being is she has options.............. from having sex, getting pregnant, having the child, and even raising the child
I got no proof but I'm gonna assume since the laws and rules were made by men, men realized there would be a shit load of dads "opting out". I mean they do it now...
I got no proof but I'm gonna assume since the laws and rules were made by men, men realized there would be a shit load of dads "opting out". I mean they do it now...

This would only be a problem if women were willin' to have children with men* who didn't wanna be parents
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I'm a huge massive gigantic proponent of people taking responsibility for every thought, action and word they do, say or think.
What are you even talkin' about

Bruh you’re asking over and over why can’t men just sign their rights away without stigma attached? And it seems like it about just not wanting to be called names. But it’s a double standard we have to deal with. I’m sorry but no matter how you break it down I can’t roll with it. And I don’t know why it needs to be explained
I like how in both of these posts you guys believe women are held equally accountable

besides birth control that isn't available for men...........women also have the ability to use female condoms

they can also get an abortion

they can also give the baby up for adoption

but when men would like an equitable choice in regards to parental rights...........we are just expected to let the women dictate what role we are allowed to be as fathers

there are mofos who pay CS yet laws don't even enforce father's parental rights

and if a woman has the choice of just giving a kid up for adoption, why aren't fathers legally able to walk away as well

man you even got scumbag women out here letting dudes raise kids that aren't really their own flesh/blood.........just cuz the game is that cold and these "responsibility" preaching moralists cosign the shit

everything concerning the woman's side is a choice, point being is she has options.............. from having sex, getting pregnant, having the child, and even raising the child

And you literally also had a choice but for whatever reason y’all complaining that men can just leave when it happens all the time
I like how in both of these posts you guys believe women are held equally accountable

besides birth control that isn't available for men...........women also have the ability to use female condoms

they can also get an abortion

they can also give the baby up for adoption

but when men would like an equitable choice in regards to parental rights...........we are just expected to let the women dictate what role we are allowed to be as fathers

there are mofos who pay CS yet laws don't even enforce father's parental rights

and if a woman has the choice of just giving a kid up for adoption, why aren't fathers legally able to walk away as well

man you even got scumbag women out here letting dudes raise kids that aren't really their own flesh/blood.........just cuz the game is that cold and these "responsibility" preaching moralists cosign the shit

everything concerning the woman's side is a choice, point being is she has options.............. from having sex, getting pregnant, having the child, and even raising the child


Birth control is the prevention of pregnancy, especially with use of contraception. Contraception is to prevent impregnation. The pill and condoms and IUDs are all contraceptives therefore they are all forms of birth control. Meaning for you, YES YOU, a male condom is a form of birth control you can use. So is a vasectomy.

And yea a woman's right to a child overrule yours seeing as physiology can be permanently altered because of a pregnancy (that you had a part in), they also have to carry the baby for 9 months (you don't) and share a body with the child. They also run the risk of dying during childbirth ( you don't) they also have to be the child's primary source of food and a walking immune system for the kid . (you don't breastfeed).

The mother, for a whole host of reasons, is so important that midwives and wet nurses were created/established to care for the mother and infant, during and after the pregnancy, and to breastfeed the child if the mother cannot.

It's so easy to not get a bitch pregnant that the government gives you rewards for not doing it. It's called NOT GARNISHING YOUR FUCKING WAGES.
Every person already pays for welfare.

If you think male abortions will lead to a buncha fatherless kids that's on the women.

Not every person on welfare has kids, and not every person collecting child support is on welfare. And you think the taxes you pay now are comparable to what you would pay if you had to foot the bill for every deadbeat? You aren't willing to pay for your own bastard? But you'd vote that child support is something every working adult now pays for?
Bruh you’re asking over and over why can’t men just sign their rights away without stigma attached? And it seems like it about just not wanting to be called names. But it’s a double standard we have to deal with. I’m sorry but no matter how you break it down I can’t roll with it. And I don’t know why it needs to be explained

I'm askin' you to explain why you feel women should be able to decide whether they want to be parents but men can't

Birth control is the prevention of pregnancy, especially with use of contraception. Contraception is to prevent impregnation. The pill and condoms and IUDs are all contraceptives therefore they are all forms of birth control. Meaning for you, YES YOU, a male condom is a form of birth control you can use. So is a vasectomy.

And yea a woman's right to a child overrule yours seeing as physiology can be permanently altered because of a pregnancy (that you had a part in), they also have to carry the baby for 9 months (you don't) and share a body with the child. They also run the risk of dying during childbirth ( you don't) they also have to be the child's primary source of food and a walking immune system for the kid . (you don't breastfeed).

The mother, for a whole host of reasons, is so important that midwives and wet nurses were created/established to care for the mother and infant, during and after the pregnancy, and to breastfeed the child if the mother cannot.

It's so easy to not get a bitch pregnant that the government gives you rewards for not doing it. It's called NOT GARNISHING YOUR FUCKING WAGES.

no one's even questioning how important the mother's role/or what her physical risks are with having a baby tho

you typed all that unnecessary hyperbole while still ignoring that women still get extra options...........at the end of the day, women get to back out of their parental responsibility

notice you didn't mention anything about adoption

I notice you also didn't mention abortion either

nobody saying that women have it easier........the problem is they have more safeguards

what's the male equivalent of adoption? how many versions of BC are available to men besides condom use?
So this is about not wanting to pay for the kid you didn’t want and also not wanting to be called a deadbeat for it? Because this whole line of questioning is lacking common sense. It’s literally saying because she ain’t get an abortion that you shouldn’t have to deal with the results. The answer is women carry babies men don’t she has a choice while it’s in her womb when it comes out now both parties are responsible. I don’t see how that’s a problem